blob: 8475ad90350c859080cbfca4566215ab2d1f2f14 [file] [log] [blame]
set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY CSTD gnu99)
# List the warnings that are not supported for C++ compilations
# Setting compiler properties for MWDT compilers. #
# This section covers flags related to optimization #
set_compiler_property(PROPERTY no_optimization -O0)
set_compiler_property(PROPERTY optimization_debug -O0)
set_compiler_property(PROPERTY optimization_speed -O2)
set_compiler_property(PROPERTY optimization_size -Os)
# This section covers flags related to warning levels #
# options for warnings
# base options
set_compiler_property(PROPERTY warning_base
check_set_compiler_property(APPEND PROPERTY warning_base -Wno-pointer-sign)
# Prohibit void pointer arithmetic. Illegal in C99
check_set_compiler_property(APPEND PROPERTY warning_base -Wpointer-arith)
# level 1 warning options
set_compiler_property(PROPERTY warning_dw_1
check_set_compiler_property(APPEND PROPERTY warning_dw_1
# level 2 warning options
set_compiler_property(PROPERTY warning_dw_2
check_set_compiler_property(APPEND PROPERTY warning_dw_2
# level 3 warning options
set_compiler_property(PROPERTY warning_dw_3
check_set_compiler_property(APPEND PROPERTY warning_dw_3
# extended warning options
check_set_compiler_property(PROPERTY warning_extended
# comparison of unsigned expression < 0 is always false
check_set_compiler_property(PROPERTY warning_error_implicit_int -Werror=implicit-int)
set_compiler_property(PROPERTY warning_error_misra_sane -Werror=vla)
# This section covers flags related to C or C++ standards / standard libs #
set_compiler_property(PROPERTY cstd -std=)
set_compiler_property(PROPERTY nostdinc -Hno_default_include -Hnoarcexlib)
set_compiler_property(APPEND PROPERTY nostdinc_include ${NOSTDINC})
# C++ std options
set_property(TARGET compiler-cpp PROPERTY dialect_cpp98 "-std=c++98")
set_property(TARGET compiler-cpp PROPERTY dialect_cpp11 "-std=c++11")
set_property(TARGET compiler-cpp PROPERTY dialect_cpp14 "-std=c++14")
set_property(TARGET compiler-cpp PROPERTY dialect_cpp17 "-std=c++17")
#no support of C++2a, C++20, C++2b
set_property(TARGET compiler-cpp PROPERTY dialect_cpp2a "")
set_property(TARGET compiler-cpp PROPERTY dialect_cpp20 "")
set_property(TARGET compiler-cpp PROPERTY dialect_cpp2b "")
# Flag for disabling strict aliasing rule in C and C++
set_compiler_property(PROPERTY no_strict_aliasing -fno-strict-aliasing)
# Disable exceptions flag in C++
set_property(TARGET compiler-cpp PROPERTY no_exceptions "-fno-exceptions")
# Disable rtti in C++
set_property(TARGET compiler-cpp PROPERTY no_rtti "-fno-rtti")
# This section covers all remaining C / C++ flags #
# mwdt flag for a freestanding application
# do not link in supplied run-time startup files
set_compiler_property(PROPERTY freestanding -Hnocrt)
# Flag to enable debugging
set_compiler_property(PROPERTY debug -g)
# compile common globals like normal definitions
set_compiler_property(PROPERTY no_common -fno-common)
# mwdt's coverage mechanism is different with gnu
# at present, zephyr only support gnu coverage
set_compiler_property(PROPERTY coverage "")
# mwdt compiler flags for imacros. The specific header must be appended by user.
set_compiler_property(PROPERTY imacros -imacros)
# Security canaries.
#no support of -mstack-protector-guard=global"
set_compiler_property(PROPERTY security_canaries -fstack-protector-all)
#no support of _FORTIFY_SOURCE"
set_compiler_property(PROPERTY security_fortify "")
# Required C++ flags when using mwdt
set_property(TARGET compiler-cpp PROPERTY required "-Hcplus" "-Hoff=Stackcheck_alloca")
# Compiler flag for turning off thread-safe initialization of local statics
set_property(TARGET compiler-cpp PROPERTY no_threadsafe_statics "-fno-threadsafe-statics")
#Compiler flags for disabling position independent code / executable
set_compiler_property(PROPERTY no_position_independent
# This section covers asm flags #
# Required ASM flags when using mwdt
set_property(TARGET asm PROPERTY required "-Hasmcpp")