blob: 1461f46e0062034682cb91c7ec13ab7b9bb2d89e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020, Nordic Semiconductor ASA
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <zephyr/ztest.h>
#include <zephyr/drivers/timer/nrf_rtc_timer.h>
#include <hal/nrf_rtc.h>
#include <hal/nrf_timer.h>
#include <zephyr/irq.h>
struct test_data {
uint64_t target_time;
uint32_t window;
uint32_t delay;
int err;
static int timeout_handler_cnt;
nrf_timer_event_clear(NRF_TIMER0, NRF_TIMER_EVENT_COMPARE0);
return 0;
static void init_zli_timer0(void)
nrf_timer_mode_set(NRF_TIMER0, NRF_TIMER_MODE_TIMER);
nrf_timer_bit_width_set(NRF_TIMER0, NRF_TIMER_BIT_WIDTH_32);
nrf_timer_prescaler_set(NRF_TIMER0, NRF_TIMER_FREQ_1MHz);
nrf_timer_cc_set(NRF_TIMER0, 0, 100);
nrf_timer_int_enable(NRF_TIMER0, NRF_TIMER_INT_COMPARE0_MASK);
static void start_zli_timer0(void)
nrf_timer_task_trigger(NRF_TIMER0, NRF_TIMER_TASK_START);
static void stop_zli_timer0(void)
nrf_timer_task_trigger(NRF_TIMER0, NRF_TIMER_TASK_STOP);
static void inject_overflow(void)
/* Bump overflow counter by 100. */
uint32_t overflow_count = 100;
while (overflow_count--) {
nrf_rtc_task_trigger(NRF_RTC1, NRF_RTC_TASK_TRIGGER_OVERFLOW);
/* Wait for RTC counter to reach overflow from 0xFFFFF0 and
* get handled.
static void timeout_handler(int32_t id, uint64_t expire_time, void *user_data)
struct test_data *data = user_data;
uint64_t now = z_nrf_rtc_timer_read();
uint64_t diff = (now - expire_time);
zassert_true(diff <= data->delay,
"Handler called in wrong time (%llu), set time: %llu, "
"got time: %llu",
now, data->target_time, expire_time);
if ((expire_time >= data->target_time) &&
(expire_time <= (data->target_time + data->window))) {
data->err = 0;
static void test_timeout(int32_t chan, k_timeout_t t, bool ext_window)
int64_t ticks = z_nrf_rtc_timer_get_ticks(t);
struct test_data test_data = {
.target_time = ticks,
.window = ext_window ? 100 : (Z_TICK_ABS(t.ticks) ? 0 : 32),
.delay = ext_window ? 100 : 2,
.err = -EINVAL
z_nrf_rtc_timer_set(chan, (uint64_t)ticks, timeout_handler, &test_data);
/* wait additional arbitrary time. */
zassert_equal(test_data.err, 0, "Unexpected err: %d", test_data.err);
ZTEST(nrf_rtc_timer, test_basic)
int32_t chan = z_nrf_rtc_timer_chan_alloc();
zassert_true(chan >= 0, "Failed to allocate RTC channel (%d).", chan);
k_timeout_t t0 =
Z_TIMEOUT_TICKS(Z_TICK_ABS(sys_clock_tick_get() + K_MSEC(1).ticks));
test_timeout(chan, t0, false);
k_timeout_t t1 = K_MSEC(4);
test_timeout(chan, t1, false);
k_timeout_t t2 = K_MSEC(100);
test_timeout(chan, t2, false);
/* value in the past should expire immediately (2 ticks from now)*/
k_timeout_t t3 =
Z_TIMEOUT_TICKS(Z_TICK_ABS(sys_clock_tick_get() - K_MSEC(1).ticks));
test_timeout(chan, t3, true);
ZTEST(nrf_rtc_timer, test_z_nrf_rtc_timer_compare_evt_address_get)
uint32_t evt_addr;
evt_addr = z_nrf_rtc_timer_compare_evt_address_get(0);
zassert_equal(evt_addr, (uint32_t)&NRF_RTC1->EVENTS_COMPARE[0],
"Unexpected event addr:%x", evt_addr);
ZTEST(nrf_rtc_timer, test_int_disable_enabled)
uint64_t now = z_nrf_rtc_timer_read();
uint64_t t = 1000;
struct test_data data = {
.target_time = now + t,
.window = 1000,
.delay = 2000,
.err = -EINVAL
bool key;
int32_t chan;
chan = z_nrf_rtc_timer_chan_alloc();
zassert_true(chan >= 0, "Failed to allocate RTC channel.");
z_nrf_rtc_timer_set(chan, data.target_time, timeout_handler, &data);
zassert_equal(data.err, -EINVAL, "Unexpected err: %d", data.err);
key = z_nrf_rtc_timer_compare_int_lock(chan);
k_sleep(Z_TIMEOUT_TICKS(t + 100));
/* No event yet. */
zassert_equal(data.err, -EINVAL, "Unexpected err: %d", data.err);
z_nrf_rtc_timer_compare_int_unlock(chan, key);
zassert_equal(data.err, 0, "Unexpected err: %d", data.err);
ZTEST(nrf_rtc_timer, test_get_ticks)
k_timeout_t t = K_MSEC(1);
uint64_t exp_ticks = z_nrf_rtc_timer_read() + t.ticks;
int ticks;
/* Relative 1ms from now timeout converted to RTC */
ticks = z_nrf_rtc_timer_get_ticks(t);
zassert_true((ticks >= exp_ticks) && (ticks <= (exp_ticks + 1)),
"Unexpected result %d (expected: %d)", ticks, exp_ticks);
/* Absolute timeout 1ms in the past */
t = Z_TIMEOUT_TICKS(Z_TICK_ABS(sys_clock_tick_get() - K_MSEC(1).ticks));
exp_ticks = z_nrf_rtc_timer_read() - K_MSEC(1).ticks;
ticks = z_nrf_rtc_timer_get_ticks(t);
zassert_true((ticks >= exp_ticks - 1) && (ticks <= exp_ticks),
"Unexpected result %d (expected: %d)", ticks, exp_ticks);
/* Absolute timeout 10ms in the future */
t = Z_TIMEOUT_TICKS(Z_TICK_ABS(sys_clock_tick_get() + K_MSEC(10).ticks));
exp_ticks = z_nrf_rtc_timer_read() + K_MSEC(10).ticks;
ticks = z_nrf_rtc_timer_get_ticks(t);
zassert_true((ticks >= exp_ticks - 1) && (ticks <= exp_ticks),
"Unexpected result %d (expected: %d)", ticks, exp_ticks);
/* too far in the future */
t = Z_TIMEOUT_TICKS(sys_clock_tick_get() + 0x01000001);
ticks = z_nrf_rtc_timer_get_ticks(t);
zassert_equal(ticks, -EINVAL, "Unexpected ticks: %d", ticks);
static void sched_handler(int32_t id, uint64_t expire_time, void *user_data)
int64_t now = sys_clock_tick_get();
int rtc_ticks_now =
uint64_t *evt_uptime_us = user_data;
*evt_uptime_us =
k_ticks_to_us_floor64(now - (rtc_ticks_now - expire_time));
ZTEST(nrf_rtc_timer, test_absolute_scheduling)
k_timeout_t t;
int64_t now_us = k_ticks_to_us_floor64(sys_clock_tick_get());
uint64_t target_us = now_us + 5678;
uint64_t evt_uptime_us;
uint64_t rtc_ticks;
int32_t chan;
chan = z_nrf_rtc_timer_chan_alloc();
zassert_true(chan >= 0, "Failed to allocate RTC channel.");
/* schedule event in 5678us from now */
t = Z_TIMEOUT_TICKS(Z_TICK_ABS(K_USEC(target_us).ticks));
rtc_ticks = (uint64_t)z_nrf_rtc_timer_get_ticks(t);
z_nrf_rtc_timer_set(chan, rtc_ticks, sched_handler, &evt_uptime_us);
PRINT("RTC event scheduled at %dus for %dus,"
"event occured at %dus (uptime)\n",
(uint32_t)now_us, (uint32_t)target_us, (uint32_t)evt_uptime_us);
/* schedule event now. */
now_us = k_ticks_to_us_floor64(sys_clock_tick_get());
t = Z_TIMEOUT_TICKS(Z_TICK_ABS(K_USEC(now_us).ticks));
rtc_ticks = (uint64_t)z_nrf_rtc_timer_get_ticks(t);
z_nrf_rtc_timer_set(chan, rtc_ticks, sched_handler, &evt_uptime_us);
PRINT("RTC event scheduled now, at %dus,"
"event occured at %dus (uptime)\n",
(uint32_t)now_us, (uint32_t)evt_uptime_us);
ZTEST(nrf_rtc_timer, test_alloc_free)
int32_t inv_ch;
for (int i = 0; i < CONFIG_NRF_RTC_TIMER_USER_CHAN_COUNT; i++) {
chan[i] = z_nrf_rtc_timer_chan_alloc();
zassert_true(chan[i] >= 0, "Failed to allocate RTC channel.");
inv_ch = z_nrf_rtc_timer_chan_alloc();
zassert_equal(inv_ch, -ENOMEM, "Unexpected return value %d", inv_ch);
for (int i = 0; i < CONFIG_NRF_RTC_TIMER_USER_CHAN_COUNT; i++) {
ZTEST(nrf_rtc_timer, test_stress)
int x = 0;
uint32_t start = k_uptime_get_32();
uint32_t test_time = 5000;
int32_t chan = z_nrf_rtc_timer_chan_alloc();
zassert_true(chan >= 0, "Failed to allocate RTC channel.");
do {
k_timeout_t t = K_USEC(40 + x);
test_timeout(chan, t, true);
/* On every iteration modify timeout to randomize it a bit
* against fixed zli interrupt pattern.
x += 30;
if (x > 200) {
x = 0;
} while ((k_uptime_get_32() - start) < test_time);
ZTEST(nrf_rtc_timer, test_resetting_cc)
uint32_t start = k_uptime_get_32();
uint32_t test_time = 1000;
int32_t chan = z_nrf_rtc_timer_chan_alloc();
int i = 0;
int cnt = 0;
zassert_true(chan >= 0, "Failed to allocate RTC channel.");
timeout_handler_cnt = 0;
do {
uint64_t now = z_nrf_rtc_timer_read();
struct test_data test_data = {
.target_time = now + 5,
.window = 0,
.delay = 0,
.err = -EINVAL
/* Set timer but expect that it will never expire because
* it will be later on reset.
z_nrf_rtc_timer_set(chan, now + 2, timeout_handler, &test_data);
/* Arbitrary variable delay to reset CC before expiring first
* request but very close.
i = (i + 1) % 20;
z_nrf_rtc_timer_set(chan, now + 5, timeout_handler, &test_data);
k_busy_wait((5 + 1)*31);
} while ((k_uptime_get_32() - start) < test_time);
zassert_equal(timeout_handler_cnt, cnt,
"Unexpected timeout count %d (exp: %d)",
timeout_handler_cnt, cnt);
static void overflow_sched_handler(int32_t id, uint64_t expire_time,
void *user_data)
uint64_t now = z_nrf_rtc_timer_read();
uint64_t *evt_uptime = user_data;
*evt_uptime = now - expire_time;
/* This test is to be executed as the last, due to interference in overflow
* counter, resulting in nRF RTC timer ticks and kernel ticks desynchronization.
ZTEST(nrf_rtc_timer, test_overflow)
PRINT("RTC ticks before overflow injection: %u\r\n",
PRINT("RTC ticks after overflow injection: %u\r\n",
uint64_t now;
uint64_t target_time;
uint64_t evt_uptime;
int32_t chan;
chan = z_nrf_rtc_timer_chan_alloc();
zassert_true(chan >= 0, "Failed to allocate RTC channel.");
/* Schedule event in 5 ticks from now. */
evt_uptime = UINT64_MAX;
now = z_nrf_rtc_timer_read();
target_time = now + 5;
z_nrf_rtc_timer_set(chan, target_time, overflow_sched_handler,
k_busy_wait(k_ticks_to_us_floor64(5 + 1));
PRINT("RTC event scheduled at %llu ticks for %llu ticks,"
"event occurred at %llu ticks (uptime)\n",
now, target_time, evt_uptime);
zassert_not_equal(UINT64_MAX, evt_uptime,
"Expired timer shall overwrite evt_uptime");
/* Schedule event now. */
evt_uptime = UINT64_MAX;
now = z_nrf_rtc_timer_read();
target_time = now;
z_nrf_rtc_timer_set(chan, target_time, overflow_sched_handler,
zassert_not_equal(UINT64_MAX, evt_uptime,
"Expired timer shall overwrite evt_uptime");
PRINT("RTC event scheduled at %llu ticks for %llu ticks,"
"event occurred at %llu ticks (uptime)\n",
now, target_time, evt_uptime);
/* Schedule event far in the past. */
evt_uptime = UINT64_MAX;
now = z_nrf_rtc_timer_read();
target_time = now - 2 * NRF_RTC_TIMER_MAX_SCHEDULE_SPAN;
z_nrf_rtc_timer_set(chan, target_time, overflow_sched_handler,
zassert_not_equal(UINT64_MAX, evt_uptime,
"Expired timer shall overwrite evt_uptime");
PRINT("RTC event scheduled at %llu ticks for %llu ticks,"
"event occurred at %llu ticks (uptime)\n",
now, target_time, evt_uptime);
static void *rtc_timer_setup(void)
return NULL;
ZTEST_SUITE(nrf_rtc_timer, NULL, rtc_timer_setup, NULL, NULL, NULL);