blob: f4f58e0f3717509aee97380f42c1c88da1794dd9 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _basic:
Basic Writing Style Guidelines
These guidelines apply to every type of document, in-code comment,
commit message or note. You can find more details of the concepts listed here in the
* Limit line length to 100 characters. This is due to the limitations
of the review system.
* Remove trailing white space from your documents.
* Short sentences and paragraphs. Keep sentence length down to about
20 words.
* Include only one main idea in a sentence.
* Limit the number of clauses you use to no more than two.
* Limit the number of sentences per paragraph to about six.
* Use strong verbs.
* Use action verbs.
* Avoid weak verbs like be, have, make, and do.
* Use short direct commands and avoid niceties such as the word
* Use the present tense wherever possible and avoid past and future
tense verbs.
* Use Active voice. Write, "Someone does something"; don't write,
"Something is done by someone" or "Something is done."
* Use "we" for recommendations. Write "We recommend..." as opposed to
"It is recommended...."
* Use "you" rather than "the user" in your instructions.
* Use short common English words whenever possible.
* Limit noun phrases to three terms.
* Use parallelism in headings, sentences, and lists.
* Put conditional phrases first in cautions and warnings. For example:
"If you do X, then Y will occur."
* Limit headings to three levels. Avoid heading levels beyond H3. If
you have fourth, fifth, or sixth level headings, rewrite the
information in these sections as tables or create a new section for
* To reduce ambiguity, use articles such as 'a', 'an', and 'the'
whenever possible.
* Do abbreviate codenames by using a substitution. For example:
\|codename\| is defined in the
:file:`forto-collab/doc/substitutions.rst` to be replaced by "Zephyr
Operating System".
* Place figures and tables immediately after related text.
* Place code immediately after the words "for example:" in a new line.
* Use the appropriate cross-reference format to refer to figures, code
and tables specifically: Use "Figure X," instead of "The figure above
or below" whenever possible.
* Avoid inserting any table or figure without having at least one
direct cross-reference to it in the body text.