blob: 86e6c321096bf7e7ff1fa9d13d14d217d9ba3bab [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2019 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
description: |
Properties defining the interface for the Nordic QSPI peripheral.
The reg property describes two register blocks: one for the memory
corresponding to the QSPI peripheral registers, and another for
the memory mapped XIP area:
qspi: qspi@2b000 {
compatible = "nordic,nrf-qspi";
reg = <0x2b000 0x1000>, <0x10000000 0x10000000>;
reg-names = "qspi", "qspi_mm";
Above, the register block with base address 0x2b000 and name
"qspi" are the QSPI peripheral registers. The register block with
base address 0x10000000 and name "qspi_mm" is the XIP area.
compatible: "nordic,nrf-qspi"
include: [flash-controller.yaml, pinctrl-device.yaml]
bus: qspi
required: true
const: 1
required: true
const: 0
required: true
type: int
deprecated: true
required: false
description: |
IMPORTANT: This option will only be used if the new pin control driver
is not enabled.
The SCK pin to use.
For pins P0.0 through P0.31, use the pin number. For example,
to use P0.16 for SCK, set:
sck-pin = <16>;
For pins P1.0 through P1.31, add 32 to the pin number. For
example, to use P1.2 for SCK, set:
sck-pin = <34>; /* 32 + 2 */
type: array
required: false
description: |
IMPORTANT: This option will only be used if the new pin control driver
is not enabled.
Pin numbers associated with IO0 through IO3 signals.
io-pins = <io0-pin io1-pin>; // two pins
io-pins = <io0-pin io1-pin io2-pin io3-pin>; // four pins
Either two or four pins must be configured using this property
as shown above. The pin numbering scheme is the same as the
sck-pin property's.
type: array
required: false
description: |
IMPORTANT: This option will only be used if the new pin control driver
is not enabled.
Chip select signal pin number. Exactly one pin should be
given. The pin numbering scheme is the same as the
sck-pin property's.