blob: 5ee490e88e10cb3ec051d86786d1be8fc31413be [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019 Intel Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Internal heap APIs
/* Theese validation checks are non-trivially expensive, so enable
* only when debugging the heap code. They shouldn't be routine
* assertions.
#define CHECK(x) __ASSERT(x, "")
#define CHECK(x) /**/
/* Chunks are identified by their offset in 8 byte units from the
* first address in the buffer (a zero-valued chunkid_t is used as a
* null; that chunk would always point into the metadata at the start
* of the heap and cannot be allocated). They are prefixed by a
* variable size header that depends on the size of the heap. Heaps
* with fewer than 2^15 units (256kb) of storage use shorts to store
* the fields, otherwise the units are 32 bit integers for a 16Gb heap
* space (larger spaces really aren't in scope for this code, but
* could be handled similarly I suppose). Because of that design
* there's a certain amount of boilerplate API needed to expose the
* field accessors since we can't use natural syntax.
* The fields are:
* SIZE_AND_USED: the total size (including header) of the chunk in
* 8-byte units. The bottom bit stores a "used" flag.
* LEFT_SIZE: The size of the left (next lower chunk in memory)
* neighbor chunk.
* FREE_PREV: Chunk ID of the previous node in a free list.
* FREE_NEXT: Chunk ID of the next node in a free list.
* The free lists are circular lists, one for each power-of-two size
* category. The free list pointers exist only for free chunks,
* obviously. This memory is part of the user's buffer when
* allocated.
typedef size_t chunkid_t;
#define CHUNK_UNIT 8U
typedef struct { char bytes[CHUNK_UNIT]; } chunk_unit_t;
struct z_heap_bucket {
chunkid_t next;
struct z_heap {
uint64_t chunk0_hdr_area; /* matches the largest header */
uint32_t len;
uint32_t avail_buckets;
struct z_heap_bucket buckets[0];
static inline bool big_heap_chunks(size_t chunks)
return sizeof(void *) > 4U || chunks > 0x7fffU;
static inline bool big_heap_bytes(size_t bytes)
return big_heap_chunks(bytes / CHUNK_UNIT);
static inline bool big_heap(struct z_heap *h)
return big_heap_chunks(h->len);
static inline chunk_unit_t *chunk_buf(struct z_heap *h)
/* the struct z_heap matches with the first chunk */
return (chunk_unit_t *)h;
static inline size_t chunk_field(struct z_heap *h, chunkid_t c,
enum chunk_fields f)
chunk_unit_t *buf = chunk_buf(h);
void *cmem = &buf[c];
if (big_heap(h)) {
return ((uint32_t *)cmem)[f];
} else {
return ((uint16_t *)cmem)[f];
static inline void chunk_set(struct z_heap *h, chunkid_t c,
enum chunk_fields f, chunkid_t val)
CHECK(c <= h->len);
chunk_unit_t *buf = chunk_buf(h);
void *cmem = &buf[c];
if (big_heap(h)) {
CHECK(val == (uint32_t)val);
((uint32_t *)cmem)[f] = val;
} else {
CHECK(val == (uint16_t)val);
((uint16_t *)cmem)[f] = val;
static inline bool chunk_used(struct z_heap *h, chunkid_t c)
return chunk_field(h, c, SIZE_AND_USED) & 1U;
static inline size_t chunk_size(struct z_heap *h, chunkid_t c)
return chunk_field(h, c, SIZE_AND_USED) >> 1;
static inline void set_chunk_used(struct z_heap *h, chunkid_t c, bool used)
chunk_unit_t *buf = chunk_buf(h);
void *cmem = &buf[c];
if (big_heap(h)) {
if (used) {
((uint32_t *)cmem)[SIZE_AND_USED] |= 1U;
} else {
((uint32_t *)cmem)[SIZE_AND_USED] &= ~1U;
} else {
if (used) {
((uint16_t *)cmem)[SIZE_AND_USED] |= 1U;
} else {
((uint16_t *)cmem)[SIZE_AND_USED] &= ~1U;
* Note: no need to preserve the used bit here as the chunk is never in use
* when its size is modified, and potential set_chunk_used() is always
* invoked after set_chunk_size().
static inline void set_chunk_size(struct z_heap *h, chunkid_t c, size_t size)
chunk_set(h, c, SIZE_AND_USED, size << 1);
static inline chunkid_t prev_free_chunk(struct z_heap *h, chunkid_t c)
return chunk_field(h, c, FREE_PREV);
static inline chunkid_t next_free_chunk(struct z_heap *h, chunkid_t c)
return chunk_field(h, c, FREE_NEXT);
static inline void set_prev_free_chunk(struct z_heap *h, chunkid_t c,
chunkid_t prev)
chunk_set(h, c, FREE_PREV, prev);
static inline void set_next_free_chunk(struct z_heap *h, chunkid_t c,
chunkid_t next)
chunk_set(h, c, FREE_NEXT, next);
static inline chunkid_t left_chunk(struct z_heap *h, chunkid_t c)
return c - chunk_field(h, c, LEFT_SIZE);
static inline chunkid_t right_chunk(struct z_heap *h, chunkid_t c)
return c + chunk_size(h, c);
static inline void set_left_chunk_size(struct z_heap *h, chunkid_t c,
size_t size)
chunk_set(h, c, LEFT_SIZE, size);
static inline bool solo_free_header(struct z_heap *h, chunkid_t c)
return big_heap(h) && chunk_size(h, c) == 1U;
static inline size_t chunk_header_bytes(struct z_heap *h)
return big_heap(h) ? 8 : 4;
static inline size_t heap_footer_bytes(size_t size)
return big_heap_bytes(size) ? 8 : 4;
static inline size_t chunksz(size_t bytes)
return (bytes + CHUNK_UNIT - 1U) / CHUNK_UNIT;
static inline size_t bytes_to_chunksz(struct z_heap *h, size_t bytes)
return chunksz(chunk_header_bytes(h) + bytes);
static inline int min_chunk_size(struct z_heap *h)
return bytes_to_chunksz(h, 1);
static inline int bucket_idx(struct z_heap *h, size_t sz)
size_t usable_sz = sz - min_chunk_size(h) + 1;
return 31 - __builtin_clz(usable_sz);
/* For debugging */
void heap_dump(struct z_heap *h);