blob: 54ba4d5f0ebfd5c4002ee2fbd17d1252a8ac0653 [file] [log] [blame]
.. zephyr:code-sample:: tmp112
:name: TMP112 Temperature Sensor
:relevant-api: sensor_interface
Get temperature data from a TMP112 sensor (polling & trigger mode).
A sample showing how to use the :dtcompatible:`ti,tmp112` sensor.
A board with this sensor built in to its :ref:`devicetree <dt-guide>`, or a
devicetree overlay with such a node added.
Building and Running
To build and flash the sample for the :zephyr:board:`frdm_k64f`:
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/sensor/tmp112
:board: frdm_k64f
:goals: build flash