| # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20.0) |
| |
| find_package(Zephyr REQUIRED HINTS $ENV{ZEPHYR_BASE}) |
| project(zephyr_yaml_test) |
| target_sources(app PRIVATE ${ZEPHYR_BASE}/misc/empty_file.c) |
| |
| |
| macro(message) |
| if(DEFINED expect_failure) |
| if("${ARGV1}" STREQUAL "${expect_failure}") |
| # This is an expected error. |
| get_property(error_count GLOBAL PROPERTY EXPECTED_ERROR) |
| math(EXPR error_count "${error_count} + 1") |
| set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EXPECTED_ERROR ${error_count}) |
| return() |
| else() |
| _message("Unexpected error occurred") |
| endif() |
| endif() |
| endif() |
| _message(${ARGN}) |
| endmacro() |
| |
| macro(test_assert) |
| cmake_parse_arguments(TA_ARG "" "COMMENT" "TEST" ${ARGN}) |
| if(${TA_ARG_TEST}) |
| message("${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}(): Passed") |
| else() |
| message(FATAL_ERROR |
| "${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}(): Failed\n" |
| "Test: ${TA_ARG_TEST}\n" |
| ) |
| endif() |
| endmacro() |
| |
| function(test_reading_string) |
| set(expected "Simple string") |
| yaml_get(actual NAME yaml-test KEY cmake test key-string) |
| |
| test_assert(TEST ${expected} STREQUAL ${actual} |
| COMMENT "yaml key value does not match expectation." |
| ) |
| endfunction() |
| |
| function(test_reading_list_strings) |
| set(expected 4) |
| yaml_length(actual NAME yaml-test KEY cmake test key-list-string) |
| test_assert(TEST ${expected} EQUAL ${actual} |
| COMMENT "yaml list length does not match expectation." |
| ) |
| |
| set(expected "a" "list" "of" "strings") |
| yaml_get(actual NAME yaml-test KEY cmake test key-list-string) |
| |
| foreach(a e IN ZIP_LISTS actual expected) |
| test_assert(TEST "${e}" STREQUAL "${a}" |
| COMMENT "list values mismatch." |
| ) |
| endforeach() |
| endfunction() |
| |
| function(test_reading_int) |
| set(expected 42) |
| yaml_get(actual NAME yaml-test KEY cmake test key-int) |
| |
| test_assert(TEST ${expected} EQUAL ${actual} |
| COMMENT "yaml key value does not match expectation." |
| ) |
| endfunction() |
| |
| function(test_reading_list_int) |
| set(expected 3) |
| yaml_length(actual NAME yaml-test KEY cmake test key-list-int) |
| test_assert(TEST ${expected} EQUAL ${actual} |
| COMMENT "yaml list length does not match expectation." |
| ) |
| |
| set(expected 4 10 2) |
| yaml_get(actual NAME yaml-test KEY cmake test key-list-int) |
| |
| foreach(a e IN ZIP_LISTS actual expected) |
| test_assert(TEST "${e}" STREQUAL "${a}" |
| COMMENT "list values mismatch." |
| ) |
| endforeach() |
| endfunction() |
| |
| function(test_reading_int) |
| set(expected 42) |
| yaml_get(actual NAME yaml-test KEY cmake test key-int) |
| |
| test_assert(TEST ${expected} EQUAL ${actual} |
| COMMENT "yaml key value does not match expectation." |
| ) |
| endfunction() |
| |
| function(test_reading_not_found) |
| set(expected cmake-missing-NOTFOUND) |
| yaml_get(actual NAME yaml-test KEY cmake missing test key) |
| |
| test_assert(TEST ${expected} STREQUAL ${actual} |
| COMMENT "Expected -NOTFOUND, but something was found." |
| ) |
| endfunction() |
| |
| function(test_reading_not_found_array) |
| set(expected cmake-missing-NOTFOUND) |
| yaml_length(actual NAME yaml-test KEY cmake missing test array list) |
| |
| test_assert(TEST ${expected} STREQUAL ${actual} |
| COMMENT "Expected -NOTFOUND, but something was found." |
| ) |
| endfunction() |
| |
| function(test_reading_not_array) |
| set(expected -1) |
| yaml_length(actual NAME yaml-test KEY cmake test key-int) |
| |
| test_assert(TEST ${expected} STREQUAL ${actual} |
| COMMENT "Not array expected, so length should be -1." |
| ) |
| endfunction() |
| |
| function(test_save_new_file) |
| yaml_save(NAME yaml-test FILE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_test_save.yaml) |
| |
| # Read-back the yaml and verify the value. |
| yaml_load(FILE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_test_save.yaml |
| ) |
| set(expected "Simple string") |
| yaml_get(actual NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_readback KEY cmake test key-string) |
| |
| test_assert(TEST ${expected} STREQUAL ${actual} |
| COMMENT "yaml key value does not match expectation." |
| ) |
| |
| set(expected 42) |
| yaml_get(actual NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_readback KEY cmake test key-int) |
| |
| test_assert(TEST ${expected} EQUAL ${actual} |
| COMMENT "yaml key value does not match expectation." |
| ) |
| endfunction() |
| |
| function(test_setting_string) |
| yaml_create(FILE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_test_create.yaml |
| ) |
| |
| set(new_value "A new string") |
| yaml_set(actual NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_yaml-create |
| KEY cmake test set key-string VALUE ${new_value} |
| ) |
| |
| yaml_save(NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_yaml-create) |
| |
| # Read-back the yaml and verify the value. |
| yaml_load(FILE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_test_create.yaml |
| ) |
| |
| yaml_get(readback NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_readback KEY cmake test set key-string) |
| |
| test_assert(TEST ${new_value} STREQUAL ${readback} |
| COMMENT "new yaml value does not match readback value." |
| ) |
| endfunction() |
| |
| function(test_setting_list_strings) |
| yaml_create(FILE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_test_create.yaml |
| ) |
| |
| set(new_value "A" "new" "list" "of" "strings") |
| yaml_set(actual NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_yaml-create |
| KEY cmake test set key-list-string LIST ${new_value} |
| ) |
| |
| yaml_save(NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_yaml-create) |
| |
| # Read-back the yaml and verify the value. |
| yaml_load(FILE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_test_create.yaml |
| ) |
| |
| yaml_length(readback NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_readback KEY cmake test set key-list-string) |
| |
| test_assert(TEST 5 EQUAL ${readback} |
| COMMENT "readback yaml list length does not match original." |
| ) |
| |
| yaml_get(readback NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_readback KEY cmake test set key-list-string) |
| |
| foreach(a e IN ZIP_LISTS readback new_value) |
| test_assert(TEST "${e}" STREQUAL "${a}" |
| COMMENT "list values mismatch." |
| ) |
| endforeach() |
| endfunction() |
| |
| function(test_setting_int) |
| yaml_create(FILE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_test_create.yaml |
| ) |
| |
| set(new_value 42) |
| yaml_set(actual NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_yaml-create |
| KEY cmake test set key-int VALUE ${new_value} |
| ) |
| |
| yaml_save(NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_yaml-create) |
| |
| # Read-back the yaml and verify the value. |
| yaml_load(FILE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_test_create.yaml |
| ) |
| |
| yaml_get(readback NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_readback KEY cmake test set key-int) |
| |
| test_assert(TEST ${new_value} STREQUAL ${readback} |
| COMMENT "new yaml value does not match readback value." |
| ) |
| endfunction() |
| |
| function(test_setting_list_int) |
| yaml_create(FILE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_test_create.yaml |
| ) |
| |
| set(new_value 42 41 40 2 10) |
| yaml_set(actual NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_yaml-create |
| KEY cmake test set key-list-int LIST ${new_value} |
| ) |
| |
| yaml_save(NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_yaml-create) |
| |
| # Read-back the yaml and verify the value. |
| yaml_load(FILE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_test_create.yaml |
| ) |
| |
| yaml_length(readback NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_readback KEY cmake test set key-list-int) |
| |
| test_assert(TEST 5 EQUAL ${readback} |
| COMMENT "readback yaml list length does not match original." |
| ) |
| |
| yaml_get(readback NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_readback KEY cmake test set key-list-int) |
| |
| foreach(a e IN ZIP_LISTS readback new_value) |
| test_assert(TEST "${e}" STREQUAL "${a}" |
| COMMENT "list values mismatch." |
| ) |
| endforeach() |
| endfunction() |
| |
| function(test_setting_empty_value) |
| yaml_create(FILE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_test_create.yaml |
| ) |
| |
| set(new_value) |
| yaml_set(actual NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_yaml-create |
| KEY cmake test set key-int VALUE ${new_value} |
| ) |
| |
| yaml_save(NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_yaml-create) |
| |
| # Read-back the yaml and verify the value. |
| yaml_load(FILE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_test_create.yaml |
| ) |
| |
| yaml_get(readback NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_readback KEY cmake test set key-int) |
| |
| if(DEFINED readback) |
| message(FATAL_ERROR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}(): Failed\n" |
| "Empty value expected, but got: ${readback}" |
| ) |
| else() |
| message("${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}(): Passed") |
| endif() |
| endfunction() |
| |
| function(test_setting_empty_list) |
| yaml_create(FILE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_test_create.yaml |
| ) |
| |
| set(new_value) |
| yaml_set(NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_yaml-create |
| KEY cmake test set key-list-int LIST ${new_value} |
| ) |
| |
| yaml_save(NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_yaml-create) |
| |
| # Read-back the yaml and verify the value. |
| yaml_load(FILE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_test_create.yaml |
| ) |
| |
| yaml_length(readback NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_readback KEY cmake test set key-list-int) |
| |
| test_assert(TEST 0 EQUAL ${readback} |
| COMMENT "readback yaml list length does not match original." |
| ) |
| |
| yaml_get(readback NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_readback KEY cmake test set key-list-int) |
| |
| foreach(a e IN ZIP_LISTS readback new_value) |
| test_assert(TEST "${e}" STREQUAL "${a}" |
| COMMENT "list values mismatch." |
| ) |
| endforeach() |
| endfunction() |
| |
| function(test_set_remove_int) |
| yaml_create(FILE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_test_create.yaml |
| ) |
| |
| set(new_value 42) |
| yaml_set(NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_yaml-create |
| KEY cmake test set key-int VALUE ${new_value} |
| ) |
| |
| yaml_save(NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_yaml-create) |
| |
| # Read-back the yaml and verify the value. |
| yaml_load(FILE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_test_create.yaml |
| ) |
| |
| yaml_get(readback NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_readback KEY cmake test set key-int) |
| |
| test_assert(TEST ${new_value} STREQUAL ${readback} |
| COMMENT "new yaml value does not match readback value." |
| ) |
| |
| # Remove the setting and write the file again. |
| yaml_remove(NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_readback KEY cmake test set key-int) |
| yaml_save(NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_readback) |
| |
| # Read-back again and verify the value has been removed. |
| yaml_load(FILE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_test_create.yaml |
| NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_readback_removed |
| ) |
| |
| yaml_get(readback NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_readback_removed KEY cmake test set key-int) |
| |
| set(expected cmake-test-set-key-int-NOTFOUND) |
| |
| test_assert(TEST ${expected} STREQUAL ${readback} |
| COMMENT "Expected -NOTFOUND, but something was found." |
| ) |
| endfunction() |
| |
| function(test_fail_missing_filename) |
| yaml_create(NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_yaml-create) |
| |
| set(new_value 42) |
| yaml_set(actual NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_yaml-create |
| KEY cmake test set key-int VALUE ${new_value} |
| ) |
| |
| set(expect_failure "yaml_save(...) missing a required argument: FILE") |
| yaml_save(NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}_yaml-create) |
| |
| get_property(errors GLOBAL PROPERTY EXPECTED_ERROR) |
| test_assert(TEST 1 EQUAL ${errors} |
| COMMENT "No error occurred when error was expected.\nExpected error: ${expect_failure}" |
| ) |
| endfunction() |
| |
| yaml_load(FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/test.yaml NAME yaml-test) |
| test_reading_string() |
| test_reading_int() |
| test_reading_list_strings() |
| test_reading_list_int() |
| test_reading_not_found() |
| test_reading_not_found_array() |
| test_reading_not_array() |
| |
| test_save_new_file() |
| |
| test_setting_int() |
| test_setting_string() |
| test_setting_list_strings() |
| test_setting_list_int() |
| |
| test_setting_empty_value() |
| test_setting_empty_list() |
| |
| test_set_remove_int() |
| |
| test_fail_missing_filename() |
| |
| target_sources(app PRIVATE src/main.c) |