| .. _west-build-flash-debug: |
| |
| Building, Flashing and Debugging |
| ################################ |
| |
| Zephyr provides several :ref:`west extension commands <west-extensions>` for |
| building, flashing, and interacting with Zephyr programs running on a board: |
| ``build``, ``flash``, ``debug``, ``debugserver`` and ``attach``. |
| |
| For information on adding board support for the flashing and debugging |
| commands, see :ref:`flash-and-debug-support` in the board porting guide. |
| |
| .. Add a per-page contents at the top of the page. This page is nested |
| deeply enough that it doesn't have any subheadings in the main nav. |
| |
| .. only:: html |
| |
| .. contents:: |
| :local: |
| |
| .. _west-building: |
| |
| Building: ``west build`` |
| ************************ |
| |
| .. tip:: Run ``west build -h`` for a quick overview. |
| |
| The ``build`` command helps you build Zephyr applications from source. You can |
| use :ref:`west config <west-config-cmd>` to configure its behavior. |
| |
| Its default behavior tries to "do what you mean": |
| |
| - If there is a Zephyr build directory named :file:`build` in your current |
| working directory, it is incrementally re-compiled. The same is true if you |
| run ``west build`` from a Zephyr build directory. |
| |
| - Otherwise, if you run ``west build`` from a Zephyr application's source |
| directory and no build directory is found, a new one is created and the |
| application is compiled in it. |
| |
| Basics |
| ====== |
| |
| The easiest way to use ``west build`` is to go to an application's root |
| directory (i.e. the folder containing the application's :file:`CMakeLists.txt`) |
| and then run:: |
| |
| west build -b <BOARD> |
| |
| Where ``<BOARD>`` is the name of the board you want to build for. This is |
| exactly the same name you would supply to CMake if you were to invoke it with: |
| ``cmake -DBOARD=<BOARD>``. |
| |
| .. tip:: |
| |
| You can use the :ref:`west boards <west-boards>` command to list all |
| supported boards. |
| |
| A build directory named :file:`build` will be created, and the application will |
| be compiled there after ``west build`` runs CMake to create a build system in |
| that directory. If ``west build`` finds an existing build directory, the |
| application is incrementally re-compiled there without re-running CMake. You |
| can force CMake to run again with ``--cmake``. |
| |
| You don't need to use the ``--board`` option if you've already got an existing |
| build directory; ``west build`` can figure out the board from the CMake cache. |
| For new builds, the ``--board`` option, :envvar:`BOARD` environment variable, |
| or ``build.board`` configuration option are checked (in that order). |
| |
| Examples |
| ======== |
| |
| Here are some ``west build`` usage examples, grouped by area. |
| |
| Forcing CMake to Run Again |
| -------------------------- |
| |
| To force a CMake re-run, use the ``--cmake`` (or ``-c``) option:: |
| |
| west build -c |
| |
| Setting a Default Board |
| ----------------------- |
| |
| To configure ``west build`` to build for the ``reel_board`` by default:: |
| |
| west config build.board reel_board |
| |
| (You can use any other board supported by Zephyr here; it doesn't have to be |
| ``reel_board``.) |
| |
| .. _west-building-dirs: |
| |
| Setting Source and Build Directories |
| ------------------------------------ |
| |
| To set the application source directory explicitly, give its path as a |
| positional argument:: |
| |
| west build -b <BOARD> path/to/source/directory |
| |
| To set the build directory explicitly, use ``--build-dir`` (or ``-d``):: |
| |
| west build -b <BOARD> --build-dir path/to/build/directory |
| |
| To change the default build directory from :file:`build`, use the |
| ``build.dir-fmt`` configuration option. This lets you name build |
| directories using format strings, like this:: |
| |
| west config build.dir-fmt "build/{board}/{app}" |
| |
| With the above, running ``west build -b reel_board samples/hello_world`` will |
| use build directory :file:`build/reel_board/hello_world`. See |
| :ref:`west-building-config` for more details on this option. |
| |
| Setting the Build System Target |
| ------------------------------- |
| |
| To specify the build system target to run, use ``--target`` (or ``-t``). |
| |
| For example, on host platforms with QEMU, you can use the ``run`` target to |
| build and run the :ref:`hello_world` sample for the emulated :ref:`qemu_x86 |
| <qemu_x86>` board in one command:: |
| |
| west build -b qemu_x86 -t run samples/hello_world |
| |
| As another example, to use ``-t`` to list all build system targets:: |
| |
| west build -t help |
| |
| As a final example, to use ``-t`` to run the ``pristine`` target, which deletes |
| all the files in the build directory:: |
| |
| west build -t pristine |
| |
| .. _west-building-pristine: |
| |
| Pristine Builds |
| --------------- |
| |
| A *pristine* build directory is essentially a new build directory. All |
| byproducts from previous builds have been removed. |
| |
| To force ``west build`` make the build directory pristine before re-running |
| CMake to generate a build system, use the ``--pristine=always`` (or |
| ``-p=always``) option. |
| |
| Giving ``--pristine`` or ``-p`` without a value has the same effect as giving |
| it the value ``always``. For example, these commands are equivalent:: |
| |
| west build -p -b reel_board samples/hello_world |
| west build -p=always -b reel_board samples/hello_world |
| |
| By default, ``west build`` applies a heuristic to detect if the build directory |
| needs to be made pristine. This is the same as using ``--pristine=auto``. |
| |
| .. tip:: |
| |
| You can run ``west config build.pristine always`` to always do a pristine |
| build, or ``west config build.pristine never`` to disable the heuristic. |
| See the ``west build`` :ref:`west-building-config` for details. |
| |
| .. _west-building-verbose: |
| |
| Verbose Builds |
| -------------- |
| |
| To print the CMake and compiler commands run by ``west build``, use the global |
| west verbosity option, ``-v``:: |
| |
| west -v build -b reel_board samples/hello_world |
| |
| .. _west-building-generator: |
| .. _west-building-cmake-args: |
| |
| One-Time CMake Arguments |
| ------------------------ |
| |
| To pass additional arguments to the CMake invocation performed by ``west |
| build``, pass them after a ``--`` at the end of the command line. |
| |
| .. important:: |
| |
| Passing additional CMake arguments like this forces ``west build`` to re-run |
| CMake, even if a build system has already been generated. |
| |
| After using ``--`` once to generate the build directory, use ``west build -d |
| <build-dir>`` on subsequent runs to do incremental builds. |
| |
| For example, to use the Unix Makefiles CMake generator instead of Ninja (which |
| ``west build`` uses by default), run:: |
| |
| west build -b reel_board -- -G'Unix Makefiles' |
| |
| To use Unix Makefiles and set `CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE`_ to ``ON``:: |
| |
| west build -b reel_board -- -G'Unix Makefiles' -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON |
| |
| Notice how the ``--`` only appears once, even though multiple CMake arguments |
| are given. All command-line arguments to ``west build`` after a ``--`` are |
| passed to CMake. |
| |
| .. _west-building-dtc-overlay-file: |
| |
| To set :ref:`DTC_OVERLAY_FILE <important-build-vars>` to |
| :file:`enable-modem.overlay`, using that file as a |
| :ref:`devicetree overlay <dt-guide>`:: |
| |
| west build -b reel_board -- -DDTC_OVERLAY_FILE=enable-modem.overlay |
| |
| To merge the :file:`file.conf` Kconfig fragment into your build's |
| :file:`.config`:: |
| |
| west build -- -DOVERLAY_CONFIG=file.conf |
| |
| .. _west-building-cmake-config: |
| |
| Permanent CMake Arguments |
| ------------------------- |
| |
| The previous section describes how to add CMake arguments for a single ``west |
| build`` command. If you want to save CMake arguments for ``west build`` to use |
| every time it generates a new build system instead, you should use the |
| ``build.cmake-args`` configuration option. Whenever ``west build`` runs CMake |
| to generate a build system, it splits this option's value according to shell |
| rules and includes the results in the ``cmake`` command line. |
| |
| Remember that, by default, ``west build`` **tries to avoid generating a new |
| build system if one is present** in your build directory. Therefore, you need |
| to either delete any existing build directories or do a :ref:`pristine build |
| <west-building-pristine>` after setting ``build.cmake-args`` to make sure it |
| will take effect. |
| |
| For example, to always enable :makevar:`CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS`, you can |
| run:: |
| |
| west config build.cmake-args -- -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON |
| |
| (The extra ``--`` is used to force the rest of the command to be treated as a |
| positional argument. Without it, :ref:`west config <west-config-cmd>` would |
| treat the ``-DVAR=VAL`` syntax as a use of its ``-D`` option.) |
| |
| To enable :makevar:`CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE`, so CMake always produces a verbose |
| build system:: |
| |
| west config build.cmake-args -- -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON |
| |
| To save more than one argument in ``build.cmake-args``, use a single string |
| whose value can be split into distinct arguments (``west build`` uses the |
| Python function `shlex.split()`_ internally to split the value). |
| |
| .. _shlex.split(): https://docs.python.org/3/library/shlex.html#shlex.split |
| |
| For example, to enable both :makevar:`CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS` and |
| |
| |
| If you want to save your CMake arguments in a separate file instead, you can |
| combine CMake's ``-C <initial-cache>`` option with ``build.cmake-args``. For |
| instance, another way to set the options used in the previous example is to |
| create a file named :file:`~/my-cache.cmake` with the following contents: |
| |
| .. code-block:: cmake |
| |
| |
| Then run:: |
| |
| west config build.cmake-args "-C ~/my-cache.cmake" |
| |
| See the `cmake(1) manual page`_ and the `set() command`_ documentation for |
| more details. |
| |
| .. _cmake(1) manual page: |
| https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/manual/cmake.1.html |
| |
| .. _set() command: |
| https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/command/set.html |
| |
| Build tool arguments |
| -------------------- |
| |
| Use ``-o`` to pass options to the underlying build tool. |
| |
| This works with both ``ninja`` (:ref:`the default <west-building-generator>`) |
| and ``make`` based build systems. |
| |
| For example, to pass ``-dexplain`` to ``ninja``:: |
| |
| west build -o=-dexplain |
| |
| As another example, to pass ``--keep-going`` to ``make``:: |
| |
| west build -o=--keep-going |
| |
| Note that using ``-o=--foo`` instead of ``-o --foo`` is required to prevent |
| ``--foo`` from being treated as a ``west build`` option. |
| |
| Build parallelism |
| ----------------- |
| |
| By default, ``ninja`` uses all of your cores to build, while ``make`` uses only |
| one. You can control this explicitly with the ``-j`` option supported by both |
| tools. |
| |
| For example, to build with 4 cores:: |
| |
| west build -o=-j4 |
| |
| The ``-o`` option is described further in the previous section. |
| |
| .. _west-building-config: |
| |
| Configuration Options |
| ===================== |
| |
| You can :ref:`configure <west-config-cmd>` ``west build`` using these options. |
| |
| .. NOTE: docs authors: keep this table sorted alphabetically |
| |
| .. list-table:: |
| :widths: 10 30 |
| :header-rows: 1 |
| |
| * - Option |
| - Description |
| * - ``build.board`` |
| - String. If given, this the board used by :ref:`west build |
| <west-building>` when ``--board`` is not given and :envvar:`BOARD` |
| is unset in the environment. |
| * - ``build.board_warn`` |
| - Boolean, default ``true``. If ``false``, disables warnings when |
| ``west build`` can't figure out the target board. |
| * - ``build.cmake-args`` |
| - String. If present, the value will be split according to shell rules and |
| passed to CMake whenever a new build system is generated. See |
| :ref:`west-building-cmake-config`. |
| * - ``build.dir-fmt`` |
| - String, default ``build``. The build folder format string, used by |
| west whenever it needs to create or locate a build folder. The currently |
| available arguments are: |
| |
| - ``board``: The board name |
| - ``source_dir``: The relative path from the current working directory |
| to the source directory. If the current working directory is inside |
| the source directory this will be set to an empty string. |
| - ``app``: The name of the source directory. |
| * - ``build.generator`` |
| - String, default ``Ninja``. The `CMake Generator`_ to use to create a |
| build system. (To set a generator for a single build, see the |
| :ref:`above example <west-building-generator>`) |
| * - ``build.guess-dir`` |
| - String, instructs west whether to try to guess what build folder to use |
| when ``build.dir-fmt`` is in use and not enough information is available |
| to resolve the build folder name. Can take these values: |
| |
| - ``never`` (default): Never try to guess, bail out instead and |
| require the user to provide a build folder with ``-d``. |
| - ``runners``: Try to guess the folder when using any of the 'runner' |
| commands. These are typically all commands that invoke an external |
| tool, such as ``flash`` and ``debug``. |
| * - ``build.pristine`` |
| - String. Controls the way in which ``west build`` may clean the build |
| folder before building. Can take the following values: |
| |
| - ``never`` (default): Never automatically make the build folder |
| pristine. |
| - ``auto``: ``west build`` will automatically make the build folder |
| pristine before building, if a build system is present and the build |
| would fail otherwise (e.g. the user has specified a different board |
| or application from the one previously used to make the build |
| directory). |
| - ``always``: Always make the build folder pristine before building, if |
| a build system is present. |
| |
| .. _west-flashing: |
| |
| Flashing: ``west flash`` |
| ************************ |
| |
| .. tip:: Run ``west flash -h`` for additional help. |
| |
| Basics |
| ====== |
| |
| From a Zephyr build directory, re-build the binary and flash it to |
| your board:: |
| |
| west flash |
| |
| Without options, the behavior is the same as ``ninja flash`` (or |
| ``make flash``, etc.). |
| |
| To specify the build directory, use ``--build-dir`` (or ``-d``):: |
| |
| west flash --build-dir path/to/build/directory |
| |
| If you don't specify the build directory, ``west flash`` searches for one in |
| :file:`build`, then the current working directory. If you set the |
| ``build.dir-fmt`` configuration option (see :ref:`west-building-dirs`), ``west |
| flash`` searches there instead of :file:`build`. |
| |
| Choosing a Runner |
| ================= |
| |
| If your board's Zephyr integration supports flashing with multiple |
| programs, you can specify which one to use using the ``--runner`` (or |
| ``-r``) option. For example, if West flashes your board with |
| ``nrfjprog`` by default, but it also supports JLink, you can override |
| the default with:: |
| |
| west flash --runner jlink |
| |
| You can override the default flash runner at build time by using the |
| ``BOARD_FLASH_RUNNER`` CMake variable, and the debug runner with |
| |
| For example:: |
| |
| # Set the default runner to "jlink", overriding the board's |
| # usual default. |
| west build [...] -- -DBOARD_FLASH_RUNNER=jlink |
| |
| See :ref:`west-building-cmake-args` and :ref:`west-building-cmake-config` for |
| more information on setting CMake arguments. |
| |
| See :ref:`west-runner` below for more information on the ``runner`` |
| library used by West. The list of runners which support flashing can |
| be obtained with ``west flash -H``; if run from a build directory or |
| with ``--build-dir``, this will print additional information on |
| available runners for your board. |
| |
| Configuration Overrides |
| ======================= |
| |
| The CMake cache contains default values West uses while flashing, such |
| as where the board directory is on the file system, the path to the |
| zephyr binaries to flash in several formats, and more. You can |
| override any of this configuration at runtime with additional options. |
| |
| For example, to override the HEX file containing the Zephyr image to |
| flash (assuming your runner expects a HEX file), but keep other |
| flash configuration at default values:: |
| |
| west flash --hex-file path/to/some/other.hex |
| |
| The ``west flash -h`` output includes a complete list of overrides |
| supported by all runners. |
| |
| Runner-Specific Overrides |
| ========================= |
| |
| Each runner may support additional options related to flashing. For |
| example, some runners support an ``--erase`` flag, which mass-erases |
| the flash storage on your board before flashing the Zephyr image. |
| |
| To view all of the available options for the runners your board |
| supports, as well as their usage information, use ``--context`` (or |
| ``-H``):: |
| |
| west flash --context |
| |
| .. important:: |
| |
| Note the capital H in the short option name. This re-runs the build |
| in order to ensure the information displayed is up to date! |
| |
| When running West outside of a build directory, ``west flash -H`` just |
| prints a list of runners. You can use ``west flash -H -r |
| <runner-name>`` to print usage information for options supported by |
| that runner. |
| |
| For example, to print usage information about the ``jlink`` runner:: |
| |
| west flash -H -r jlink |
| |
| .. _west-debugging: |
| |
| Debugging: ``west debug``, ``west debugserver`` |
| *********************************************** |
| |
| .. tip:: |
| |
| Run ``west debug -h`` or ``west debugserver -h`` for additional help. |
| |
| Basics |
| ====== |
| |
| From a Zephyr build directory, to attach a debugger to your board and |
| open up a debug console (e.g. a GDB session):: |
| |
| west debug |
| |
| To attach a debugger to your board and open up a local network port |
| you can connect a debugger to (e.g. an IDE debugger):: |
| |
| west debugserver |
| |
| Without options, the behavior is the same as ``ninja debug`` and |
| ``ninja debugserver`` (or ``make debug``, etc.). |
| |
| To specify the build directory, use ``--build-dir`` (or ``-d``):: |
| |
| west debug --build-dir path/to/build/directory |
| west debugserver --build-dir path/to/build/directory |
| |
| If you don't specify the build directory, these commands search for one in |
| :file:`build`, then the current working directory. If you set the |
| ``build.dir-fmt`` configuration option (see :ref:`west-building-dirs`), ``west |
| debug`` searches there instead of :file:`build`. |
| |
| Choosing a Runner |
| ================= |
| |
| If your board's Zephyr integration supports debugging with multiple |
| programs, you can specify which one to use using the ``--runner`` (or |
| ``-r``) option. For example, if West debugs your board with |
| ``pyocd-gdbserver`` by default, but it also supports JLink, you can |
| override the default with:: |
| |
| west debug --runner jlink |
| west debugserver --runner jlink |
| |
| See :ref:`west-runner` below for more information on the ``runner`` |
| library used by West. The list of runners which support debugging can |
| be obtained with ``west debug -H``; if run from a build directory or |
| with ``--build-dir``, this will print additional information on |
| available runners for your board. |
| |
| Configuration Overrides |
| ======================= |
| |
| The CMake cache contains default values West uses for debugging, such |
| as where the board directory is on the file system, the path to the |
| zephyr binaries containing symbol tables, and more. You can override |
| any of this configuration at runtime with additional options. |
| |
| For example, to override the ELF file containing the Zephyr binary and |
| symbol tables (assuming your runner expects an ELF file), but keep |
| other debug configuration at default values:: |
| |
| west debug --elf-file path/to/some/other.elf |
| west debugserver --elf-file path/to/some/other.elf |
| |
| The ``west debug -h`` output includes a complete list of overrides |
| supported by all runners. |
| |
| Runner-Specific Overrides |
| ========================= |
| |
| Each runner may support additional options related to debugging. For |
| example, some runners support flags which allow you to set the network |
| ports used by debug servers. |
| |
| To view all of the available options for the runners your board |
| supports, as well as their usage information, use ``--context`` (or |
| ``-H``):: |
| |
| west debug --context |
| |
| (The command ``west debugserver --context`` will print the same output.) |
| |
| .. important:: |
| |
| Note the capital H in the short option name. This re-runs the build |
| in order to ensure the information displayed is up to date! |
| |
| When running West outside of a build directory, ``west debug -H`` just |
| prints a list of runners. You can use ``west debug -H -r |
| <runner-name>`` to print usage information for options supported by |
| that runner. |
| |
| For example, to print usage information about the ``jlink`` runner:: |
| |
| west debug -H -r jlink |
| |
| .. _west-runner: |
| |
| Flash and debug runners |
| *********************** |
| |
| The flash and debug commands use Python wrappers around various |
| :ref:`flash-debug-host-tools`. These wrappers are all defined in a Python |
| library at :zephyr_file:`scripts/west_commands/runners`. Each wrapper is |
| called a *runner*. Runners can flash and/or debug Zephyr programs. |
| |
| The central abstraction within this library is ``ZephyrBinaryRunner``, an |
| abstract class which represents runners. The set of available runners is |
| determined by the imported subclasses of ``ZephyrBinaryRunner``. |
| ``ZephyrBinaryRunner`` is available in the ``runners.core`` module; individual |
| runner implementations are in other submodules, such as ``runners.nrfjprog``, |
| ``runners.openocd``, etc. |
| |
| Hacking |
| ******* |
| |
| This section documents the ``runners.core`` module used by the |
| flash and debug commands. This is the core abstraction used to implement |
| support for these features. |
| |
| .. warning:: |
| |
| These APIs are provided for reference, but they are more "shared code" used |
| to implement multiple extension commands than a stable API. |
| |
| Developers can add support for new ways to flash and debug Zephyr programs by |
| implementing additional runners. To get this support into upstream Zephyr, the |
| runner should be added into a new or existing ``runners`` module, and imported |
| from :file:`runners/__init__.py`. |
| |
| .. note:: |
| |
| The test cases in :zephyr_file:`scripts/west_commands/tests` add unit test |
| coverage for the runners package and individual runner classes. |
| |
| Please try to add tests when adding new runners. Note that if your |
| changes break existing test cases, CI testing on upstream pull |
| requests will fail. |
| |
| .. automodule:: runners.core |
| :members: |
| |
| Doing it By Hand |
| **************** |
| |
| If you prefer not to use West to flash or debug your board, simply |
| inspect the build directory for the binaries output by the build |
| system. These will be named something like ``zephyr/zephyr.elf``, |
| ``zephyr/zephyr.hex``, etc., depending on your board's build system |
| integration. These binaries may be flashed to a board using |
| alternative tools of your choice, or used for debugging as needed, |
| e.g. as a source of symbol tables. |
| |
| By default, these West commands rebuild binaries before flashing and |
| debugging. This can of course also be accomplished using the usual |
| targets provided by Zephyr's build system (in fact, that's how these |
| commands do it). |
| |
| .. rubric:: Footnotes |
| |
| .. _cmake(1): |
| https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/manual/cmake.1.html |
| |
| https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/variable/CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE.html |
| |
| .. _CMake Generator: |
| https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/manual/cmake-generators.7.html |