blob: 5f4122822a7a79185286e33244b34c078e80bcd5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <ztest.h>
#include <sys/rb.h>
#define TREE_SIZE 512
/* zephyr can't do floating-point arithmetic,
* so manual: dlog_N = 2log(TREE_SIZE) = 18
const static uint32_t dlog_N = 18;
/* rbnode structure is embeddedable in user structure */
struct container_node {
struct rbnode node;
int value;
static struct rbnode nodes[TREE_SIZE];
static struct rbtree tree;
/* Our "lessthan" is just the location of the struct */
bool node_lessthan(struct rbnode *a, struct rbnode *b)
return a < b;
* @brief Test whether rbtree node struct is embedded
* in any user struct
* @details Initialize a user defined structure contains
* rbtree node.And into a rbtree and enumerate
* the rbtree nodes.
* verify that the value enumerated is equal to the
* value initialized.If the verification pass,the user
* defined structure works.
* verify "for each" style APIs work.
* @ingroup lib_rbtree_tests
void test_rbtree_container(void)
int count = 0;
struct rbtree test_tree_l;
struct container_node *c_foreach_node;
struct rbnode *foreach_node;
struct container_node tree_node[10];
test_tree_l.lessthan_fn = node_lessthan;
test_tree_l.root = NULL;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(tree_node); i++) {
tree_node[i].value = i;
rb_insert(&test_tree_l, &tree_node[i].node);
RB_FOR_EACH(&test_tree_l, foreach_node) {
zassert_true(CONTAINER_OF(foreach_node, struct container_node,
node)->value == count, "RB_FOR_EACH failed");
count = 0;
RB_FOR_EACH_CONTAINER(&test_tree_l, c_foreach_node, node) {
zassert_true(c_foreach_node->value == count,
/* initialize and insert a tree */
void init_tree(struct rbtree *tree, int size)
tree->lessthan_fn = node_lessthan;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
rb_insert(tree, &nodes[i]);
int search_height_recurse(struct rbnode *node, struct rbnode
*final_node, uint32_t current_height)
if (node == NULL) {
return -1;
if (node == final_node) {
return current_height;
struct rbnode *ch = z_rb_child(node,
!tree.lessthan_fn(final_node, node));
return search_height_recurse(ch, final_node, current_height);
void verify_rbtree_perf(struct rbnode *root, struct rbnode *test)
uint32_t node_height = 0;
node_height = search_height_recurse(root, test, node_height);
zassert_true(node_height <= dlog_N, NULL);
* @brief Test some operations of rbtree are running in
* logarithmic time
* @details
* Defining a rbtree and then searching height of maximum(minimum)
* node(searched,inserted or removed),and finally record those heights.
* verify that search heights are less than the height of
* worset-case condition(<= 2lg(N)).(N is the size of tree)
* @ingroup lib_rbtree_tests
* @see rb_get_min(),rb_get_max()
void test_rbtree_perf(void)
init_tree(&tree, TREE_SIZE);
struct rbnode *root = tree.root;
struct rbnode *test = NULL;
test = rb_get_min(&tree);
verify_rbtree_perf(root, test);
test = rb_get_max(&tree);
verify_rbtree_perf(root, test);
/* insert and remove a same node with same height.Assume that
* the node nodes[TREE_SIZE/2] will be removed and inserted,
* verify that searching times is less than 2logN
* using the height of this node.
test = &nodes[TREE_SIZE/2];
verify_rbtree_perf(root, test);
void test_main(void)