blob: 2e8b24a88693cc9424ab04ed61437ce5f15b7ab6 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2017, Linaro Limited
# Copyright (c) 2018, Bobby Noelte
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# vim: ai:ts=4:sw=4
import sys
from os import listdir
import os, fnmatch
import re
import yaml
import argparse
import collections
from copy import deepcopy
from devicetree import parse_file
from extract.globals import *
from extract.clocks import clocks
from extract.interrupts import interrupts
from extract.reg import reg
from extract.flash import flash
from extract.pinctrl import pinctrl
from extract.default import default
class Loader(yaml.Loader):
def __init__(self, stream):
self._root = os.path.realpath(
super(Loader, self).__init__(stream)
Loader.add_constructor('!include', Loader.include)
Loader.add_constructor('!import', Loader.include)
def include(self, node):
if isinstance(node, yaml.ScalarNode):
return self.extractFile(self.construct_scalar(node))
elif isinstance(node, yaml.SequenceNode):
result = []
for filename in self.construct_sequence(node):
return result
elif isinstance(node, yaml.MappingNode):
result = {}
for k, v in self.construct_mapping(node).iteritems():
result[k] = self.extractFile(v)
return result
print("Error:: unrecognised node type in !include statement")
raise yaml.constructor.ConstructorError
def extractFile(self, filename):
filepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._root), filename)
if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
# we need to look in bindings/* directories
# take path and back up 1 directory and parse in '/bindings/*'
filepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(self._root))
for root, dirnames, file in os.walk(filepath):
if fnmatch.filter(file, filename):
filepath = os.path.join(root, filename)
with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
return yaml.load(f, Loader)
def extract_reg_prop(node_address, names, def_label, div, post_label):
reg = reduced[node_address]['props']['reg']
if type(reg) is not list: reg = [ reg ]
props = list(reg)
address_cells = reduced['/']['props'].get('#address-cells')
size_cells = reduced['/']['props'].get('#size-cells')
address = ''
for comp in node_address.split('/')[1:-1]:
address += '/' + comp
address_cells = reduced[address]['props'].get(
'#address-cells', address_cells)
size_cells = reduced[address]['props'].get('#size-cells', size_cells)
if post_label is None:
post_label = "BASE_ADDRESS"
index = 0
l_base = def_label.split('/')
l_addr = [convert_string_to_label(post_label)]
l_size = ["SIZE"]
while props:
prop_def = {}
prop_alias = {}
addr = 0
size = 0
# Check is defined should be indexed (_0, _1)
if index == 0 and len(props) < 3:
# 1 element (len 2) or no element (len 0) in props
l_idx = []
l_idx = [str(index)]
name = [names.pop(0).upper()]
name = []
for x in range(address_cells):
addr += props.pop(0) << (32 * x)
for x in range(size_cells):
size += props.pop(0) << (32 * x)
l_addr_fqn = '_'.join(l_base + l_addr + l_idx)
l_size_fqn = '_'.join(l_base + l_size + l_idx)
if address_cells:
prop_def[l_addr_fqn] = hex(addr)
if size_cells:
prop_def[l_size_fqn] = int(size / div)
if len(name):
if address_cells:
prop_alias['_'.join(l_base + name + l_addr)] = l_addr_fqn
if size_cells:
prop_alias['_'.join(l_base + name + l_size)] = l_size_fqn
# generate defs for node aliases
if node_address in aliases:
for i in aliases[node_address]:
alias_label = convert_string_to_label(i)
alias_addr = [alias_label] + l_addr
alias_size = [alias_label] + l_size
prop_alias['_'.join(alias_addr)] = '_'.join(l_base + l_addr)
prop_alias['_'.join(alias_size)] = '_'.join(l_base + l_size)
insert_defs(node_address, prop_def, prop_alias)
# increment index for definition creation
index += 1
def extract_controller(node_address, yaml, prop, prop_values, index, def_label, generic):
prop_def = {}
prop_alias = {}
# get controller node (referenced via phandle)
cell_parent = phandles[prop_values[0]]
for k in reduced[cell_parent]['props'].keys():
if k[0] == '#' and '-cells' in k:
num_cells = reduced[cell_parent]['props'].get(k)
# get controller node (referenced via phandle)
cell_parent = phandles[prop_values[0]]
l_cell = reduced[cell_parent]['props'].get('label')
except KeyError:
l_cell = None
if l_cell is not None:
l_base = def_label.split('/')
# Check is defined should be indexed (_0, _1)
if index == 0 and len(prop_values) < (num_cells + 2):
# 0 or 1 element in prop_values
# ( ie len < num_cells + phandle + 1 )
l_idx = []
l_idx = [str(index)]
# Check node generation requirements
generation = yaml[get_compat(node_address)]['properties'][prop][
generation = ''
if 'use-prop-name' in generation:
l_cellname = convert_string_to_label(prop + '_' + 'controller')
l_cellname = convert_string_to_label(generic + '_' + 'controller')
label = l_base + [l_cellname] + l_idx
prop_def['_'.join(label)] = "\"" + l_cell + "\""
#generate defs also if node is referenced as an alias in dts
if node_address in aliases:
for i in aliases[node_address]:
alias_label = \
alias = [alias_label] + label[1:]
prop_alias['_'.join(alias)] = '_'.join(label)
insert_defs(node_address, prop_def, prop_alias)
# prop off phandle + num_cells to get to next list item
prop_values = prop_values[num_cells+1:]
# recurse if we have anything left
if len(prop_values):
extract_controller(node_address, yaml, prop, prop_values, index + 1,
def_label, generic)
def extract_cells(node_address, yaml, prop, prop_values, names, index,
def_label, generic):
cell_parent = phandles[prop_values.pop(0)]
cell_yaml = yaml[get_compat(cell_parent)]
raise Exception(
"Could not find yaml description for " +
name = names.pop(0).upper()
name = []
# Get number of cells per element of current property
for k in reduced[cell_parent]['props'].keys():
if k[0] == '#' and '-cells' in k:
num_cells = reduced[cell_parent]['props'].get(k)
generation = yaml[get_compat(node_address)]['properties'][prop][
generation = ''
if 'use-prop-name' in generation:
l_cell = [convert_string_to_label(str(prop))]
l_cell = [convert_string_to_label(str(generic))]
l_base = def_label.split('/')
# Check if #define should be indexed (_0, _1, ...)
if index == 0 and len(prop_values) < (num_cells + 2):
# Less than 2 elements in prop_values (ie len < num_cells + phandle + 1)
# Indexing is not needed
l_idx = []
l_idx = [str(index)]
prop_def = {}
prop_alias = {}
# Generate label for each field of the property element
for i in range(num_cells):
l_cellname = [str(cell_yaml['#cells'][i]).upper()]
if l_cell == l_cellname:
label = l_base + l_cell + l_idx
label = l_base + l_cell + l_cellname + l_idx
label_name = l_base + name + l_cellname
prop_def['_'.join(label)] = prop_values.pop(0)
if len(name):
prop_alias['_'.join(label_name)] = '_'.join(label)
# generate defs for node aliases
if node_address in aliases:
for i in aliases[node_address]:
alias_label = convert_string_to_label(i)
alias = [alias_label] + label[1:]
prop_alias['_'.join(alias)] = '_'.join(label)
insert_defs(node_address, prop_def, prop_alias)
# recurse if we have anything left
if len(prop_values):
extract_cells(node_address, yaml, prop, prop_values, names,
index + 1, def_label, generic)
def extract_single(node_address, yaml, prop, key, def_label):
prop_def = {}
prop_alias = {}
if isinstance(prop, list):
for i, p in enumerate(prop):
k = convert_string_to_label(key)
label = def_label + '_' + k
if isinstance(p, str):
p = "\"" + p + "\""
prop_def[label + '_' + str(i)] = p
k = convert_string_to_label(key)
label = def_label + '_' + k
if prop == 'parent-label':
prop = find_parent_prop(node_address, 'label')
if isinstance(prop, str):
prop = "\"" + prop + "\""
prop_def[label] = prop
# generate defs for node aliases
if node_address in aliases:
for i in aliases[node_address]:
alias_label = convert_string_to_label(i)
alias = alias_label + '_' + k
prop_alias[alias] = label
insert_defs(node_address, prop_def, prop_alias)
def extract_string_prop(node_address, yaml, key, label):
prop_def = {}
node = reduced[node_address]
prop = node['props'][key]
k = convert_string_to_label(key)
prop_def[label] = "\"" + prop + "\""
if node_address in defs:
defs[node_address] = prop_def
def extract_property(node_compat, yaml, node_address, prop, prop_val, names,
if 'base_label' in yaml[node_compat]:
def_label = yaml[node_compat].get('base_label')
def_label = get_node_label(node_compat, node_address)
if 'parent' in yaml[node_compat]:
if 'bus' in yaml[node_compat]['parent']:
# get parent label
parent_address = ''
for comp in node_address.split('/')[1:-1]:
parent_address += '/' + comp
#check parent has matching child bus value
parent_yaml = \
parent_bus = parent_yaml['child']['bus']
except (KeyError, TypeError) as e:
raise Exception(str(node_address) + " defines parent " +
str(parent_address) + " as bus master but " +
str(parent_address) + " not configured as bus master " +
"in yaml description")
if parent_bus != yaml[node_compat]['parent']['bus']:
bus_value = yaml[node_compat]['parent']['bus']
raise Exception(str(node_address) + " defines parent " +
str(parent_address) + " as " + bus_value +
" bus master but " + str(parent_address) +
" configured as " + str(parent_bus) +
" bus master")
# Generate alias definition if parent has any alias
if parent_address in aliases:
for i in aliases[parent_address]:
node_alias = i + '_' + def_label
# Use parent label to generate label
parent_label = get_node_label(
find_parent_prop(node_address,'compatible') , parent_address)
def_label = parent_label + '_' + def_label
# Generate bus-name define
extract_single(node_address, yaml, 'parent-label',
'bus-name', def_label)
if label_override is not None:
def_label += '_' + label_override
if prop == 'reg':
if 'partition@' in node_address:
# reg in partition is covered by flash handling
flash.extract(node_address, yaml, prop, names, def_label)
reg.extract(node_address, yaml, prop, names, def_label)
elif prop == 'interrupts' or prop == 'interrupts-extended':
interrupts.extract(node_address, yaml, prop, names, def_label)
elif 'pinctrl-' in prop:
pinctrl.extract(node_address, yaml, prop, names, def_label)
elif 'clocks' in prop:
clocks.extract(node_address, yaml, prop, names, def_label)
elif 'gpios' in prop:
prop_values = list(reduced[node_address]['props'].get(prop))
prop_values = reduced[node_address]['props'].get(prop)
extract_controller(node_address, yaml, prop, prop_values, 0,
def_label, 'gpio')
extract_cells(node_address, yaml, prop, prop_values,
names, 0, def_label, 'gpio')
default.extract(node_address, yaml, prop, names, def_label)
def extract_node_include_info(reduced, root_node_address, sub_node_address,
yaml, y_sub):
node = reduced[sub_node_address]
node_compat = get_compat(root_node_address)
label_override = None
if node_compat not in yaml.keys():
return {}, {}
if y_sub is None:
y_node = yaml[node_compat]
y_node = y_sub
if yaml[node_compat].get('use-property-label', False):
label = y_node['properties']['label']
label_override = convert_string_to_label(node['props']['label'])
except KeyError:
# check to see if we need to process the properties
for k, v in y_node['properties'].items():
if 'properties' in v:
for c in reduced:
if root_node_address + '/' in c:
reduced, root_node_address, c, yaml, v)
if 'generation' in v:
for c in node['props'].keys():
if c.endswith("-names"):
if re.match(k + '$', c):
if 'pinctrl-' in c:
names = deepcopy(node['props'].get(
'pinctrl-names', []))
if not c.endswith("-names"):
names = deepcopy(node['props'].get(
c[:-1] + '-names', []))
if not names:
names = deepcopy(node['props'].get(
c + '-names', []))
names = []
if not isinstance(names, list):
names = [names]
node_compat, yaml, sub_node_address, c, v, names,
def dict_merge(dct, merge_dct):
# from
""" Recursive dict merge. Inspired by :meth:``dict.update()``, instead of
updating only top-level keys, dict_merge recurses down into dicts nested
to an arbitrary depth, updating keys. The ``merge_dct`` is merged into
:param dct: dict onto which the merge is executed
:param merge_dct: dct merged into dct
:return: None
for k, v in merge_dct.items():
if (k in dct and isinstance(dct[k], dict)
and isinstance(merge_dct[k], collections.Mapping)):
dict_merge(dct[k], merge_dct[k])
if k in dct and dct[k] != merge_dct[k]:
print(" Merge of '{}': '{}' overwrites '{}'.".format(
k, merge_dct[k], dct[k]))
dct[k] = merge_dct[k]
def yaml_traverse_inherited(node):
""" Recursive overload procedure inside ``node``
``inherits`` section is searched for and used as node base when found.
Base values are then overloaded by node values
Additionally, 'id' key of 'inherited' dict is converted to 'node_type'
and some consistency checks are done.
:param node:
:return: node
# do some consistency checks. Especially id is needed for further
# processing. title must be first to check.
if 'title' not in node:
# If 'title' is missing, make fault finding more easy.
# Give a hint what node we are looking at.
print(" node without 'title' -", node)
for prop in ('title', 'id', 'version', 'description'):
if prop not in node:
node[prop] = "<unknown {}>".format(prop)
print(" '{}' property missing".format(prop),
"in '{}' binding. Using '{}'.".format(node['title'], node[prop]))
if 'node_type' not in node:
node['node_type'] = [node['id'],]
if 'inherits' in node:
if isinstance(node['inherits'], list):
inherits_list = node['inherits']
inherits_list = [node['inherits'],]
for inherits in inherits_list:
if 'inherits' in inherits:
inherits = yaml_traverse_inherited(inherits)
if 'node_type' in inherits:
if 'id' not in inherits:
inherits['id'] = "<unknown id>"
title = inherits.get('title', "<unknown title>")
print(" 'id' property missing in",
"'{}' binding. Using '{}'.".format(title,
# id, node_type, title, description, version of inherited node
# are overwritten by intention. Remove to prevent dct_merge to
# complain about duplicates.
inherits.pop('node_type', None)
inherits.pop('title', None)
inherits.pop('version', None)
inherits.pop('description', None)
dict_merge(inherits, node)
node = inherits
return node
def yaml_collapse(yaml_list):
collapsed = dict(yaml_list)
for k, v in collapsed.items():
v = yaml_traverse_inherited(v)
return collapsed
def get_key_value(k, v, tabstop):
label = "#define " + k
# calculate the name's tabs
if len(label) % 8:
tabs = (len(label) + 7) >> 3
tabs = (len(label) >> 3) + 1
line = label
for i in range(0, tabstop - tabs + 1):
line += '\t'
line += str(v)
line += '\n'
return line
def output_keyvalue_lines(fd):
node_keys = sorted(defs.keys())
for node in node_keys:
fd.write('# ' + node.split('/')[-1])
prop_keys = sorted(defs[node].keys())
for prop in prop_keys:
if prop == 'aliases':
for entry in sorted(defs[node][prop]):
a = defs[node][prop].get(entry)
fd.write("%s=%s\n" % (entry, defs[node].get(a)))
fd.write("%s=%s\n" % (prop, defs[node].get(prop)))
def generate_keyvalue_file(kv_file):
with open(kv_file, "w") as fd:
def output_include_lines(fd, fixups):
compatible = reduced['/']['props']['compatible'][0]
fd.write(" * Generated include file for " + compatible)
fd.write(" * DO NOT MODIFY\n")
fd.write(" */\n")
fd.write("#ifndef _DEVICE_TREE_BOARD_H" + "\n")
fd.write("#define _DEVICE_TREE_BOARD_H" + "\n")
node_keys = sorted(defs.keys())
for node in node_keys:
fd.write('/* ' + node.split('/')[-1] + ' */')
max_dict_key = lambda d: max(len(k) for k in d.keys())
maxlength = 0
if defs[node].get('aliases'):
maxlength = max_dict_key(defs[node]['aliases'])
maxlength = max(maxlength, max_dict_key(defs[node])) + len('#define ')
if maxlength % 8:
maxtabstop = (maxlength + 7) >> 3
maxtabstop = (maxlength >> 3) + 1
if (maxtabstop * 8 - maxlength) <= 2:
maxtabstop += 1
prop_keys = sorted(defs[node].keys())
for prop in prop_keys:
if prop == 'aliases':
for entry in sorted(defs[node][prop]):
a = defs[node][prop].get(entry)
fd.write(get_key_value(entry, a, maxtabstop))
fd.write(get_key_value(prop, defs[node].get(prop), maxtabstop))
if fixups:
for fixup in fixups:
if os.path.exists(fixup):
"/* Following definitions fixup the generated include */\n")
with open(fixup, "r") as fixup_fd:
for line in fixup_fd.readlines():
raise Exception(
"Input file " + os.path.abspath(fixup) +
" does not exist.")
def generate_include_file(inc_file, fixups):
with open(inc_file, "w") as fd:
output_include_lines(fd, fixups)
def load_and_parse_dts(dts_file):
with open(dts_file, "r") as fd:
dts = parse_file(fd)
return dts
def load_yaml_descriptions(dts, yaml_dir):
compatibles = get_all_compatibles(dts['/'], '/', {})
# find unique set of compatibles across all active nodes
s = set()
for k, v in compatibles.items():
if isinstance(v, list):
for item in v:
# scan YAML files and find the ones we are interested in
yaml_files = []
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(yaml_dir):
for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.yaml'):
yaml_files.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
yaml_list = {}
file_load_list = set()
for file in yaml_files:
for line in open(file, 'r'):
if'^\s+constraint:*', line):
c = line.split(':')[1].strip()
c = c.strip('"')
if c in s:
if file not in file_load_list:
with open(file, 'r') as yf:
yaml_list[c] = yaml.load(yf, Loader)
if yaml_list == {}:
raise Exception("Missing YAML information. Check YAML sources")
# collapse the yaml inherited information
yaml_list = yaml_collapse(yaml_list)
return yaml_list
def generate_node_definitions(yaml_list):
for k, v in reduced.items():
node_compat = get_compat(k)
if node_compat is not None and node_compat in yaml_list:
reduced, k, k, yaml_list, None)
if defs == {}:
raise Exception("No information parsed from dts file.")
for k, v in regs_config.items():
if k in chosen:
extract_reg_prop(chosen[k], None, v, 1024, None)
for k, v in name_config.items():
if k in chosen:
extract_string_prop(chosen[k], None, "label", v)
node_address = chosen.get('zephyr,flash', 'dummy-flash')
flash.extract(node_address, yaml_list, 'zephyr,flash', None, 'FLASH')
node_address = chosen.get('zephyr,code-partition', node_address)
flash.extract(node_address, yaml_list, 'zephyr,code-partition', None,
return defs
def parse_arguments():
rdh = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=rdh)
parser.add_argument("-d", "--dts", nargs=1, required=True, help="DTS file")
parser.add_argument("-y", "--yaml", nargs=1, required=True,
help="YAML file")
parser.add_argument("-f", "--fixup", nargs='+',
help="Fixup file(s), we allow multiple")
parser.add_argument("-i", "--include", nargs=1, required=True,
help="Generate include file for the build system")
parser.add_argument("-k", "--keyvalue", nargs=1, required=True,
help="Generate config file for the build system")
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
args = parse_arguments()
dts = load_and_parse_dts(args.dts[0])
# build up useful lists
get_reduced(dts['/'], '/')
get_phandles(dts['/'], '/', {})
yaml_list = load_yaml_descriptions(dts, args.yaml[0])
defs = generate_node_definitions(yaml_list)
# generate config and include file
generate_include_file(args.include[0], args.fixup)
if __name__ == '__main__':