blob: c9a75e1dcd71db1f1927574d49d6a97667a60973 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# ADSP devices have their RAM regions mapped twice. The first mapping
# is set in the CPU to bypass the L1 cache, and so access through
# pointers in that region is coherent between CPUs (but slow). The
# second region accesses the same memory through the L1 cache and
# requires careful flushing when used with shared data.
# This distinction is exposed in the linker script, where some symbols
# (e.g. stack regions) are linked into cached memory, but others
# (general kernel memory) are not. But the rimage signing tool
# doesn't understand that and fails if regions aren't contiguous.
# Walk the sections in the ELF file, changing the VMA/LMA of each
# uncached section to the equivalent address in the cached area of
# memory.
import os
import sys
from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile
objcopy_bin = sys.argv[1]
elffile = sys.argv[2]
cached_reg = int(sys.argv[3])
uncached_reg = int(sys.argv[4])
uc_min = uncached_reg << 29
uc_max = uc_min | 0x1fffffff
cache_off = "0x%x" % ((cached_reg - uncached_reg) << 29)
fixup =[]
with open(elffile, "rb") as fd:
elf = ELFFile(fd)
for s in elf.iter_sections():
addr = s.header.sh_addr
if uc_min <= addr <= uc_max and s.header.sh_size != 0:
print(f" Moving section {} to cached SRAM region")
for s in fixup:
# Note redirect: the sof-derived linker scripts currently emit
# some zero-length sections at address zero. This is benign, and
# the linker is happy, but objcopy will emit an unsilenceable
# error (no --quiet option, no -Werror=no-whatever, nothing).
# Just swallow the error stream for now pending rework to the
# linker framework.
cmd = f"{objcopy_bin} --change-section-address {s}+{cache_off} {elffile} 2>{os.devnull}"