blob: 82e640499d33b69bdc521f51477936dc44d46dad [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
description: |
ST STM32 family USB Type-C / Power Delivery. The default values were
taken from the LL_UCPD_StructInit function defined in the HAL.
compatible: "st,stm32-ucpd"
include: base.yaml
required: true
required: true
required: true
required: false
default: 2
type: int
- 1
- 2
- 4
- 8
- 16
- 32
- 64
- 128
description: |
Determines the division ratio of a kernel clock pre-scaler
producing UCPD peripheral clock (ucpd_clk). It is recommended
to use the pre-scaler so as to set the ucpd_clk frequency in
the range from 6 to 9 MHz.
required: false
type: int
default: 17
description: |
Determines the division ratio of a ucpd_clk divider producing
inter-frame gap timer clock (tInterFrameGap).
The division ratio 15 is to apply for Tx clock at the USB PD 2.0
specification nominal value.
Valid range: 2 - 32
required: false
type: int
default: 8
description: |
Determines the division ratio of a hbit_clk divider producing
tTransitionWindow interval.
Valid range: 2 - 32
required: false
type: int
default: 14
description: |
Determines the division ratio of a ucpd_clk divider producing
half-bit clock (hbit_clk)
Valid range: 1 - 64