blob: 2a99fab7c5033bc99f22327ffb580d04c2db6858 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @brief Volume Offset Control Service (VOCS)
* @defgroup bt_gatt_vocs Volume Offset Control Service (VOCS)
* @ingroup bluetooth
* @{
* The Volume Offset Control Service is a secondary service, and as such should not be used own its
* own, but rather in the context of another (primary) service.
* This API implements both the server and client functionality.
* Note that the API abstracts away the change counter in the volume offset control state and will
* automatically handle any changes to that. If out of date, the client implementation will
* autonomously read the change counter value when executing a write request.
* [Experimental] Users should note that the APIs can change as a part of ongoing development.
#include <zephyr/types.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** Volume Offset Control Service Error codes */
#define BT_VOCS_MIN_OFFSET -255
#define BT_VOCS_MAX_OFFSET 255
/** @brief Opaque Volume Offset Control Service instance. */
struct bt_vocs;
/** @brief Structure for registering a Volume Offset Control Service instance. */
struct bt_vocs_register_param {
/** Audio Location bitmask */
uint32_t location;
/** Boolean to set whether the location is writable by clients */
bool location_writable;
/** Initial volume offset (-255 to 255) */
int16_t offset;
/** Initial audio output description */
char *output_desc;
/** Boolean to set whether the description is writable by clients */
bool desc_writable;
/** Pointer to the callback structure. */
struct bt_vocs_cb *cb;
/** @brief Structure for discovering a Volume Offset Control Service instance. */
struct bt_vocs_discover_param {
* @brief The start handle of the discovering.
* Typically the @p start_handle of a @ref bt_gatt_include.
uint16_t start_handle;
* @brief The end handle of the discovering.
* Typically the @p end_handle of a @ref bt_gatt_include.
uint16_t end_handle;
* @brief Get a free service instance of Volume Offset Control Service from the pool.
* @return Volume Offset Control Service instance in case of success or NULL in case of error.
struct bt_vocs *bt_vocs_free_instance_get(void);
* @brief Get the service declaration attribute.
* The first service attribute returned can be included in any other GATT service.
* @param vocs Volume Offset Control Service instance.
* @return Pointer to the attributes of the service.
void *bt_vocs_svc_decl_get(struct bt_vocs *vocs);
* @brief Get the connection pointer of a client instance
* Get the Bluetooth connection pointer of a Audio Input Control Service
* client instance.
* @param vocs Audio Input Control Service client instance pointer.
* @param conn Connection pointer.
* @return 0 if success, errno on failure.
int bt_vocs_client_conn_get(const struct bt_vocs *vocs, struct bt_conn **conn);
* @brief Register the Volume Offset Control Service instance.
* @param vocs Volume Offset Control Service instance.
* @param param Volume Offset Control Service register parameters.
* @return 0 if success, errno on failure.
int bt_vocs_register(struct bt_vocs *vocs,
const struct bt_vocs_register_param *param);
* @brief Callback function for the offset state.
* Called when the value is read, or if the value is changed by either the server or client.
* @param inst The instance pointer.
* @param err Error value. 0 on success, GATT error on positive value
* or errno on negative value.
* For notifications, this will always be 0.
* @param offset The offset value.
typedef void (*bt_vocs_state_cb)(struct bt_vocs *inst, int err, int16_t offset);
* @brief Callback function for setting offset.
* @param inst The instance pointer.
* @param err Error value. 0 on success, GATT error on positive value
* or errno on negative value.
typedef void (*bt_vocs_set_offset_cb)(struct bt_vocs *inst, int err);
* @brief Callback function for the location.
* Called when the value is read, or if the value is changed by either the server or client.
* @param inst The instance pointer.
* @param err Error value. 0 on success, GATT error on positive value
* or errno on negative value.
* For notifications, this will always be 0.
* @param location The location value.
typedef void (*bt_vocs_location_cb)(struct bt_vocs *inst, int err,
uint32_t location);
* @brief Callback function for the description.
* Called when the value is read, or if the value is changed by either the server or client.
* @param inst The instance pointer.
* @param err Error value. 0 on success, GATT error on positive value
* or errno on negative value.
* For notifications, this will always be 0.
* @param description The description as an UTF-8 encoded string.
typedef void (*bt_vocs_description_cb)(struct bt_vocs *inst, int err,
char *description);
* @brief Callback function for bt_vocs_discover.
* This callback should be overwritten by the primary service that
* includes the Volume Control Offset Service client, and should thus not be
* set by the application.
* @param inst The instance pointer.
* @param err Error value. 0 on success, GATT error on positive value
* or errno on negative value.
* For notifications, this will always be 0.
typedef void (*bt_vocs_discover_cb)(struct bt_vocs *inst, int err);
struct bt_vocs_cb {
bt_vocs_state_cb state;
bt_vocs_location_cb location;
bt_vocs_description_cb description;
/* Client only */
bt_vocs_discover_cb discover;
bt_vocs_set_offset_cb set_offset;
* @brief Read the Volume Offset Control Service offset state.
* The value is returned in the bt_vocs_cb.state callback.
* @param inst Pointer to the Volume Offset Control Service instance.
* @return 0 on success, GATT error value on fail.
int bt_vocs_state_get(struct bt_vocs *inst);
* @brief Set the Volume Offset Control Service offset state.
* @param inst Pointer to the Volume Offset Control Service instance.
* @param offset The offset to set (-255 to 255).
* @return 0 on success, GATT error value on fail.
int bt_vocs_state_set(struct bt_vocs *inst, int16_t offset);
* @brief Read the Volume Offset Control Service location.
* The value is returned in the bt_vocs_cb.location callback.
* @param inst Pointer to the Volume Offset Control Service instance.
* @return 0 on success, GATT error value on fail.
int bt_vocs_location_get(struct bt_vocs *inst);
* @brief Set the Volume Offset Control Service location.
* @param inst Pointer to the Volume Offset Control Service instance.
* @param location The location to set.
* @return 0 on success, GATT error value on fail.
int bt_vocs_location_set(struct bt_vocs *inst, uint32_t location);
* @brief Read the Volume Offset Control Service output description.
* The value is returned in the bt_vocs_cb.description callback.
* @param inst Pointer to the Volume Offset Control Service instance.
* @return 0 on success, GATT error value on fail.
int bt_vocs_description_get(struct bt_vocs *inst);
* @brief Set the Volume Offset Control Service description.
* @param inst Pointer to the Volume Offset Control Service instance.
* @param description The UTF-8 encoded string description to set.
* @return 0 on success, GATT error value on fail.
int bt_vocs_description_set(struct bt_vocs *inst, const char *description);
* @brief Registers the callbacks for the Volume Offset Control Service client.
* @param inst Pointer to the Volume Offset Control Service client instance.
* @param cb Pointer to the callback structure.
void bt_vocs_client_cb_register(struct bt_vocs *inst, struct bt_vocs_cb *cb);
* @brief Returns a pointer to a Volume Offset Control Service client instance.
* @return Pointer to the instance, or NULL if no free instances are left.
struct bt_vocs *bt_vocs_client_free_instance_get(void);
* @brief Discover a Volume Offset Control Service.
* Attempts to discover a Volume Offset Control Service on a server given the @p param.
* @param conn Connection to the peer with the Volume Offset Control Service.
* @param inst Pointer to the Volume Offset Control Service client instance.
* @param param Pointer to the parameters.
* @return 0 on success, errno on fail.
int bt_vocs_discover(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_vocs *inst,
const struct bt_vocs_discover_param *param);
#ifdef __cplusplus
* @}