blob: aa7cd47bfd0139a2a34b587ca29572788e5061eb [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
* @brief Bluetooth Audio shell
* Copyright (c) 2020 Intel Corporation
* Copyright (c) 2021 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <zephyr/kernel.h>
#include <zephyr/shell/shell.h>
#include <zephyr/sys/byteorder.h>
#include <zephyr/sys/util.h>
#include <zephyr/bluetooth/hci.h>
#include <zephyr/bluetooth/bluetooth.h>
#include <zephyr/bluetooth/conn.h>
#include <zephyr/bluetooth/iso.h>
#include "bt.h"
static uint32_t cis_sn_last;
static uint32_t bis_sn_last;
static int64_t cis_sn_last_updated_ticks;
static int64_t bis_sn_last_updated_ticks;
* @brief Get the next sequence number based on the last used values
* @param last_sn The last sequence number sent.
* @param last_ticks The uptime ticks since the last sequence number increment.
* @param interval_us The SDU interval in microseconds.
* @return The next sequence number to use
static uint32_t get_next_sn(uint32_t last_sn, int64_t *last_ticks,
uint32_t interval_us)
int64_t uptime_ticks, delta_ticks;
uint64_t delta_us;
uint64_t sn_incr;
uint64_t next_sn;
/* Note: This does not handle wrapping of ticks when they go above
* 2^(62-1)
uptime_ticks = k_uptime_ticks();
delta_ticks = uptime_ticks - *last_ticks;
*last_ticks = uptime_ticks;
delta_us = k_ticks_to_us_near64((uint64_t)delta_ticks);
sn_incr = delta_us / interval_us;
next_sn = (sn_incr + last_sn);
return (uint32_t)next_sn;
static void iso_recv(struct bt_iso_chan *chan, const struct bt_iso_recv_info *info,
struct net_buf *buf)
shell_print(ctx_shell, "Incoming data channel %p len %u, seq: %d, ts: %d",
chan, buf->len, info->seq_num, info->ts);
static void iso_connected(struct bt_iso_chan *chan)
struct bt_iso_info iso_info;
int err;
shell_print(ctx_shell, "ISO Channel %p connected", chan);
err = bt_iso_chan_get_info(chan, &iso_info);
if (err != 0) {
printk("Failed to get ISO info: %d", err);
if (iso_info.type == BT_ISO_CHAN_TYPE_CONNECTED) {
cis_sn_last = 0U;
cis_sn_last_updated_ticks = k_uptime_ticks();
} else {
bis_sn_last = 0U;
bis_sn_last_updated_ticks = k_uptime_ticks();
static void iso_disconnected(struct bt_iso_chan *chan, uint8_t reason)
shell_print(ctx_shell, "ISO Channel %p disconnected with reason 0x%02x",
chan, reason);
static struct bt_iso_chan_ops iso_ops = {
.recv = iso_recv,
.connected = iso_connected,
.disconnected = iso_disconnected,
#define DEFAULT_IO_QOS \
{ \
.sdu = 40u, \
.phy = BT_GAP_LE_PHY_2M, \
.rtn = 2u, \
static struct bt_iso_chan_io_qos iso_tx_qos = DEFAULT_IO_QOS;
static uint32_t cis_sdu_interval_us;
static struct bt_iso_chan_io_qos iso_rx_qos = DEFAULT_IO_QOS;
static struct bt_iso_chan_qos cis_iso_qos = {
.tx = &iso_tx_qos,
.rx = &iso_rx_qos,
struct bt_iso_chan iso_chan = {
.ops = &iso_ops,
.qos = &cis_iso_qos,
8, NULL);
static struct bt_iso_cig *cig;
static int cmd_cig_create(const struct shell *sh, size_t argc, char *argv[])
int err;
struct bt_iso_cig_param param;
struct bt_iso_chan *chans[CIS_ISO_CHAN_COUNT];
if (cig != NULL) {
shell_error(sh, "Already created");
return -ENOEXEC;
chans[0] = &iso_chan;
if (argc > 1) {
if (!strcmp("tx", argv[1])) {
chans[0]->qos->tx = &iso_tx_qos;
chans[0]->qos->rx = NULL;
} else if (!strcmp("rx", argv[1])) {
chans[0]->qos->tx = NULL;
chans[0]->qos->rx = &iso_rx_qos;
} else if (!strcmp("txrx", argv[1])) {
chans[0]->qos->tx = &iso_tx_qos;
chans[0]->qos->rx = &iso_rx_qos;
if (argc > 2) {
param.interval = strtol(argv[2], NULL, 0);
} else {
param.interval = 10000;
cis_sdu_interval_us = param.interval;
if (argc > 3) {
param.packing = strtol(argv[3], NULL, 0);
} else {
param.packing = 0;
if (argc > 4) {
param.framing = strtol(argv[4], NULL, 0);
} else {
param.framing = 0;
if (argc > 5) {
param.latency = strtol(argv[5], NULL, 0);
} else {
param.latency = 10;
if (argc > 6) {
if (chans[0]->qos->tx) {
chans[0]->qos->tx->sdu = strtol(argv[6], NULL, 0);
if (chans[0]->qos->rx) {
chans[0]->qos->rx->sdu = strtol(argv[6], NULL, 0);
if (argc > 7) {
if (chans[0]->qos->tx) {
chans[0]->qos->tx->phy = strtol(argv[7], NULL, 0);
if (chans[0]->qos->rx) {
chans[0]->qos->rx->phy = strtol(argv[7], NULL, 0);
if (argc > 8) {
if (chans[0]->qos->tx) {
chans[0]->qos->tx->rtn = strtol(argv[8], NULL, 0);
if (chans[0]->qos->rx) {
chans[0]->qos->rx->rtn = strtol(argv[8], NULL, 0);
param.cis_channels = chans;
param.num_cis = ARRAY_SIZE(chans);
err = bt_iso_cig_create(&param, &cig);
if (err) {
shell_error(sh, "Unable to create CIG (err %d)", err);
return 0;
shell_print(sh, "CIG created");
return 0;
static int cmd_cig_term(const struct shell *sh, size_t argc, char *argv[])
int err;
if (cig == NULL) {
shell_error(sh, "CIG not created");
return -ENOEXEC;
err = bt_iso_cig_terminate(cig);
if (err) {
shell_error(sh, "Unable to terminate CIG (err %d)", err);
return 0;
shell_print(sh, "CIG terminated");
cig = NULL;
return 0;
static int cmd_connect(const struct shell *sh, size_t argc, char *argv[])
struct bt_iso_connect_param connect_param = {
.acl = default_conn,
.iso_chan = &iso_chan
int err;
if (iso_chan.iso == NULL) {
shell_error(sh, "ISO channel not initialized in a CIG");
return 0;
#if defined(CONFIG_BT_SMP)
if (argc > 1) {
iso_chan.required_sec_level = *argv[1] - '0';
#endif /* CONFIG_BT_SMP */
err = bt_iso_chan_connect(&connect_param, 1);
if (err) {
shell_error(sh, "Unable to connect (err %d)", err);
return 0;
shell_print(sh, "ISO Connect pending...");
return 0;
static int iso_accept(const struct bt_iso_accept_info *info,
struct bt_iso_chan **chan)
shell_print(ctx_shell, "Incoming request from %p with CIG ID 0x%02X and CIS ID 0x%02X",
info->acl, info->cig_id, info->cis_id);
if (iso_chan.iso) {
shell_print(ctx_shell, "No channels available");
return -ENOMEM;
*chan = &iso_chan;
/* As the peripheral host we do not know the SDU interval, and thus we
* cannot find the proper interval of incrementing the packet
* sequence number (PSN). The only way to ensure that we correctly
* increment the PSN, is by incrementing once per the minimum SDU
* interval. This should be okay as the spec does not specify how much
* the PSN may be incremented, and it is thus OK for us to increment
* it faster than the SDU interval.
cis_sdu_interval_us = BT_ISO_SDU_INTERVAL_MIN;
return 0;
struct bt_iso_server iso_server = {
#if defined(CONFIG_BT_SMP)
.sec_level = BT_SECURITY_L1,
#endif /* CONFIG_BT_SMP */
.accept = iso_accept,
static int cmd_listen(const struct shell *sh, size_t argc, char *argv[])
int err;
static struct bt_iso_chan_io_qos *tx_qos, *rx_qos;
if (!strcmp("tx", argv[1])) {
tx_qos = &iso_tx_qos;
rx_qos = NULL;
} else if (!strcmp("rx", argv[1])) {
tx_qos = NULL;
rx_qos = &iso_rx_qos;
} else if (!strcmp("txrx", argv[1])) {
tx_qos = &iso_tx_qos;
rx_qos = &iso_rx_qos;
} else {
shell_error(sh, "Invalid argument - use tx, rx or txrx");
return -ENOEXEC;
#if defined(CONFIG_BT_SMP)
if (argc > 2) {
iso_server.sec_level = *argv[2] - '0';
#endif /* CONFIG_BT_SMP */
err = bt_iso_server_register(&iso_server);
if (err) {
shell_error(sh, "Unable to register ISO cap (err %d)",
return err;
/* Setup peripheral iso data direction only if register is success */
iso_chan.qos->tx = tx_qos;
iso_chan.qos->rx = rx_qos;
return err;
static int cmd_send(const struct shell *sh, size_t argc, char *argv[])
static uint8_t buf_data[CONFIG_BT_ISO_TX_MTU] = {
[0 ... (CONFIG_BT_ISO_TX_MTU - 1)] = 0xff
int ret, len, count = 1;
struct net_buf *buf;
if (argc > 1) {
count = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 10);
if (!iso_chan.iso) {
shell_error(sh, "Not bound");
return 0;
if (!iso_chan.qos->tx) {
shell_error(sh, "Transmission QoS disabled");
return -ENOEXEC;
len = MIN(iso_chan.qos->tx->sdu, CONFIG_BT_ISO_TX_MTU);
cis_sn_last = get_next_sn(cis_sn_last, &cis_sn_last_updated_ticks,
while (count--) {
buf = net_buf_alloc(&tx_pool, K_FOREVER);
net_buf_reserve(buf, BT_ISO_CHAN_SEND_RESERVE);
net_buf_add_mem(buf, buf_data, len);
shell_info(sh, "send: %d bytes of data", len);
ret = bt_iso_chan_send(&iso_chan, buf, cis_sn_last,
if (ret < 0) {
shell_print(sh, "Unable to send: %d", -ret);
return -ENOEXEC;
shell_print(sh, "ISO sending...");
return 0;
static int cmd_disconnect(const struct shell *sh, size_t argc,
char *argv[])
int err;
err = bt_iso_chan_disconnect(&iso_chan);
if (err) {
shell_error(sh, "Unable to disconnect (err %d)", err);
return 0;
shell_print(sh, "ISO Disconnect pending...");
return 0;
static int cmd_tx_sync_read_cis(const struct shell *sh, size_t argc, char *argv[])
struct bt_iso_tx_info tx_info;
int err;
if (!iso_chan.iso) {
shell_error(sh, "Not bound");
return 0;
err = bt_iso_chan_get_tx_sync(&iso_chan, &tx_info);
if (err) {
shell_error(sh, "Unable to read sync info (err %d)", err);
return 0;
shell_print(sh, "TX sync info:\n\tTimestamp=%u\n\tOffset=%u\n\tSequence number=%u",
tx_info.ts, tx_info.offset, tx_info.seq_num);
return 0;
static struct bt_iso_big *big;
static struct bt_iso_chan_qos bis_iso_qos;
static struct bt_iso_chan bis_iso_chan = {
.ops = &iso_ops,
.qos = &bis_iso_qos,
static struct bt_iso_chan *bis_channels[BIS_ISO_CHAN_COUNT] = { &bis_iso_chan };
static uint32_t bis_sdu_interval_us;
static int cmd_broadcast(const struct shell *sh, size_t argc, char *argv[])
static uint8_t buf_data[CONFIG_BT_ISO_TX_MTU] = {
[0 ... (CONFIG_BT_ISO_TX_MTU - 1)] = 0xff
int ret, len, count = 1;
struct net_buf *buf;
if (argc > 1) {
count = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 10);
if (!bis_iso_chan.iso) {
shell_error(sh, "BIG not created");
return -ENOEXEC;
if (!bis_iso_qos.tx) {
shell_error(sh, "BIG not setup as broadcaster");
return -ENOEXEC;
len = MIN(bis_iso_chan.qos->tx->sdu, CONFIG_BT_ISO_TX_MTU);
bis_sn_last = get_next_sn(bis_sn_last, &bis_sn_last_updated_ticks,
while (count--) {
for (int i = 0; i < BIS_ISO_CHAN_COUNT; i++) {
buf = net_buf_alloc(&bis_tx_pool, K_FOREVER);
net_buf_reserve(buf, BT_ISO_CHAN_SEND_RESERVE);
net_buf_add_mem(buf, buf_data, len);
ret = bt_iso_chan_send(&bis_iso_chan, buf, bis_sn_last,
if (ret < 0) {
shell_print(sh, "[%i]: Unable to broadcast: %d", i, -ret);
return -ENOEXEC;
shell_print(sh, "ISO broadcasting...");
return 0;
static int cmd_big_create(const struct shell *sh, size_t argc, char *argv[])
int err;
struct bt_iso_big_create_param param;
struct bt_le_ext_adv *adv = adv_sets[selected_adv];
if (!adv) {
shell_error(sh, "No (periodic) advertising set selected");
return -ENOEXEC;
/* TODO: Allow setting QOS from shell */
bis_iso_qos.tx = &iso_tx_qos;
bis_iso_qos.tx->phy = BT_GAP_LE_PHY_2M; /* 2 MBit */
bis_iso_qos.tx->rtn = 2;
bis_iso_qos.tx->sdu = CONFIG_BT_ISO_TX_MTU;
bis_sdu_interval_us = param.interval = 10000; /* us */
param.latency = 20; /* ms */
param.bis_channels = bis_channels;
param.num_bis = BIS_ISO_CHAN_COUNT;
param.encryption = false;
param.framing = BT_ISO_FRAMING_UNFRAMED;
if (argc > 1) {
if (!strcmp(argv[1], "enc")) {
uint8_t bcode_len = hex2bin(argv[1], strlen(argv[1]), param.bcode,
if (!bcode_len || bcode_len != sizeof(param.bcode)) {
shell_error(sh, "Invalid Broadcast Code Length");
return -ENOEXEC;
param.encryption = true;
} else {
} else {
memset(param.bcode, 0, sizeof(param.bcode));
err = bt_iso_big_create(adv, &param, &big);
if (err) {
shell_error(sh, "Unable to create BIG (err %d)", err);
return 0;
shell_print(sh, "BIG created");
return 0;
static int cmd_tx_sync_read_bis(const struct shell *sh, size_t argc, char *argv[])
struct bt_iso_tx_info tx_info;
int err;
if (!bis_iso_chan.iso) {
shell_error(sh, "BIG not created");
return -ENOEXEC;
err = bt_iso_chan_get_tx_sync(&bis_iso_chan, &tx_info);
if (err) {
shell_error(sh, "Unable to read sync info (err %d)", err);
return 0;
shell_print(sh, "TX sync info:\n\tTimestamp=%u\n\tOffset=%u\n\tSequence number=%u",
tx_info.ts, tx_info.offset, tx_info.seq_num);
return 0;
static int cmd_big_sync(const struct shell *sh, size_t argc, char *argv[])
int err;
/* TODO: Add support to select which PA sync to BIG sync to */
struct bt_le_per_adv_sync *pa_sync = per_adv_syncs[0];
struct bt_iso_big_sync_param param;
if (!pa_sync) {
shell_error(sh, "No PA sync selected");
return -ENOEXEC;
bis_iso_qos.tx = NULL;
param.bis_channels = bis_channels;
param.num_bis = BIS_ISO_CHAN_COUNT;
param.encryption = false;
param.bis_bitfield = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 16);
param.mse = 0;
param.sync_timeout = 0xFF;
for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++) {
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "mse")) {
param.mse = strtoul(argv[i], NULL, 16);
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "timeout")) {
param.sync_timeout = strtoul(argv[i], NULL, 16);
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "enc")) {
uint8_t bcode_len;
if (i == argc) {
bcode_len = hex2bin(argv[i], strlen(argv[i]), param.bcode,
if (!bcode_len || bcode_len != sizeof(param.bcode)) {
shell_error(sh, "Invalid Broadcast Code Length");
return -ENOEXEC;
param.encryption = true;
} else {
err = bt_iso_big_sync(pa_sync, &param, &big);
if (err) {
shell_error(sh, "Unable to sync to BIG (err %d)", err);
return 0;
shell_print(sh, "BIG syncing");
return 0;
static int cmd_big_term(const struct shell *sh, size_t argc, char *argv[])
int err;
err = bt_iso_big_terminate(big);
if (err) {
shell_error(sh, "Unable to terminate BIG (err %d)", err);
return 0;
shell_print(sh, "BIG terminated");
return 0;
SHELL_CMD_ARG(cig_create, NULL, "[dir=tx,rx,txrx] [interval] [packing] [framing] "
"[latency] [sdu] [phy] [rtn]", cmd_cig_create, 1, 8),
SHELL_CMD_ARG(cig_term, NULL, "Terminate the CIG", cmd_cig_term, 1, 0),
#if defined(CONFIG_BT_SMP)
SHELL_CMD_ARG(connect, NULL, "Connect ISO Channel [security level]", cmd_connect, 1, 1),
#else /* !CONFIG_BT_SMP */
SHELL_CMD_ARG(connect, NULL, "Connect ISO Channel", cmd_connect, 1, 0),
#endif /* CONFIG_BT_SMP */
#if defined(CONFIG_BT_SMP)
SHELL_CMD_ARG(listen, NULL, "<dir=tx,rx,txrx> [security level]", cmd_listen, 2, 1),
#else /* !CONFIG_BT_SMP */
SHELL_CMD_ARG(listen, NULL, "<dir=tx,rx,txrx>", cmd_listen, 2, 0),
#endif /* CONFIG_BT_SMP */
SHELL_CMD_ARG(send, NULL, "Send to ISO Channel [count]",
cmd_send, 1, 1),
SHELL_CMD_ARG(disconnect, NULL, "Disconnect ISO Channel",
cmd_disconnect, 1, 0),
SHELL_CMD_ARG(tx_sync_read_cis, NULL, "Read CIS TX sync info", cmd_tx_sync_read_cis, 1, 0),
SHELL_CMD_ARG(create-big, NULL, "Create a BIG as a broadcaster [enc <broadcast code>]",
cmd_big_create, 1, 2),
SHELL_CMD_ARG(broadcast, NULL, "Broadcast on ISO channels", cmd_broadcast, 1, 1),
SHELL_CMD_ARG(tx_sync_read_bis, NULL, "Read BIS TX sync info", cmd_tx_sync_read_bis, 1, 0),
SHELL_CMD_ARG(sync-big, NULL, "Synchronize to a BIG as a receiver <BIS bitfield> [mse] "
"[timeout] [enc <broadcast code>]", cmd_big_sync, 2, 4),
SHELL_CMD_ARG(term-big, NULL, "Terminate a BIG", cmd_big_term, 1, 0),
static int cmd_iso(const struct shell *sh, size_t argc, char **argv)
if (argc > 1) {
shell_error(sh, "%s unknown parameter: %s",
argv[0], argv[1]);
} else {
shell_error(sh, "%s Missing subcommand", argv[0]);
return -ENOEXEC;
SHELL_CMD_ARG_REGISTER(iso, &iso_cmds, "Bluetooth ISO shell commands",
cmd_iso, 1, 1);