blob: 379b8f19ac219b34e0c6b242a3206e649eafec1f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <string.h>
#include <zephyr/types.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <zephyr/ztest.h>
#include <zephyr/drivers/flash.h>
#include <zephyr/settings/settings.h>
#include <zephyr/storage/stream_flash.h>
#define BUF_LEN 512
#define MAX_PAGE_SIZE 0x1000 /* Max supported page size to run test on */
#define MAX_NUM_PAGES 4 /* Max number of pages used in these tests */
#define SOC_NV_FLASH_NODE DT_INST(0, soc_nv_flash)
/* so that we don't overwrite the application when running on hw */
#define FLASH_BASE (128*1024)
static const struct device *const fdev = DEVICE_DT_GET(DT_CHOSEN(zephyr_flash_controller));
static const struct flash_driver_api *api;
static const struct flash_pages_layout *layout;
static size_t layout_size;
static struct stream_flash_ctx ctx;
static int page_size;
static uint8_t *cb_buf;
static size_t cb_len;
static size_t cb_offset;
static int cb_ret;
static const char progress_key[] = "sf-test/progress";
static uint8_t buf[BUF_LEN];
static uint8_t read_buf[TESTBUF_SIZE];
const static uint8_t write_buf[TESTBUF_SIZE] = {[0 ... TESTBUF_SIZE - 1] = 0xaa};
static uint8_t written_pattern[TESTBUF_SIZE] = {[0 ... TESTBUF_SIZE - 1] = 0xaa};
static uint8_t erased_pattern[TESTBUF_SIZE] = {[0 ... TESTBUF_SIZE - 1] = 0xff};
#define VERIFY_BUF(start, size, buf) \
do { \
rc = flash_read(fdev, FLASH_BASE + start, read_buf, size); \
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "should succeed"); \
zassert_mem_equal(read_buf, buf, size, "should equal %s", #buf);\
} while (0)
#define VERIFY_WRITTEN(start, size) VERIFY_BUF(start, size, written_pattern)
#define VERIFY_ERASED(start, size) VERIFY_BUF(start, size, erased_pattern)
int stream_flash_callback(uint8_t *buf, size_t len, size_t offset)
if (cb_buf) {
zassert_equal(cb_buf, buf, "incorrect buf");
zassert_equal(cb_len, len, "incorrect length");
zassert_equal(cb_offset, offset, "incorrect offset");
return cb_ret;
static void erase_flash(void)
int rc;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_PAGES; i++) {
rc = flash_erase(fdev,
FLASH_BASE + (i * layout->pages_size),
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "should succeed");
static void init_target(void)
int rc;
/* Ensure that target is clean */
memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));
memset(buf, 0, BUF_LEN);
/* Disable callback tests */
cb_len = 0;
cb_offset = 0;
cb_buf = NULL;
cb_ret = 0;
rc = stream_flash_init(&ctx, fdev, buf, BUF_LEN, FLASH_BASE, 0,
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
ZTEST(lib_stream_flash, test_stream_flash_init)
int rc;
/* End address out of range */
rc = stream_flash_init(&ctx, fdev, buf, BUF_LEN, FLASH_BASE,
zassert_true(rc < 0, "should fail as size is more than available");
rc = stream_flash_init(NULL, fdev, buf, BUF_LEN, FLASH_BASE, 0, NULL);
zassert_true(rc < 0, "should fail as ctx is NULL");
rc = stream_flash_init(&ctx, NULL, buf, BUF_LEN, FLASH_BASE, 0, NULL);
zassert_true(rc < 0, "should fail as fdev is NULL");
rc = stream_flash_init(&ctx, fdev, NULL, BUF_LEN, FLASH_BASE, 0, NULL);
zassert_true(rc < 0, "should fail as buffer is NULL");
/* Entering '0' as flash size uses rest of flash. */
rc = stream_flash_init(&ctx, fdev, buf, BUF_LEN, FLASH_BASE, 0, NULL);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "should succeed");
zassert_equal(FLASH_AVAILABLE, ctx.available, "Wrong size");
ZTEST(lib_stream_flash, test_stream_flash_buffered_write)
int rc;
/* Don't fill up the buffer */
rc = stream_flash_buffered_write(&ctx, write_buf, BUF_LEN - 1, false);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
/* Verify that no data has been written */
/* Now, write the missing byte, which should trigger a dump to flash */
rc = stream_flash_buffered_write(&ctx, write_buf, 1, false);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
ZTEST(lib_stream_flash, test_stream_flash_buffered_write_cross_buf_border)
int rc;
/* Test when write crosses border of the buffer */
rc = stream_flash_buffered_write(&ctx, write_buf, BUF_LEN + 128, false);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
/* 1xBuffer should be dumped to flash */
/* Fill rest of the buffer */
rc = stream_flash_buffered_write(&ctx, write_buf, BUF_LEN - 128, false);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
/* Fill half of the buffer */
rc = stream_flash_buffered_write(&ctx, write_buf, BUF_LEN/2, false);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
/* Flush the buffer */
rc = stream_flash_buffered_write(&ctx, write_buf, 0, true);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
/* Two and a half buffers should be written */
ZTEST(lib_stream_flash, test_stream_flash_buffered_write_unaligned)
int rc;
if (flash_get_write_block_size(fdev) == 1) {
/* Test unaligned data size */
rc = stream_flash_buffered_write(&ctx, write_buf, 1, true);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success (%d)", rc);
/* 1 byte should be dumped to flash */
rc = stream_flash_init(&ctx, fdev, buf, BUF_LEN, FLASH_BASE + BUF_LEN,
0, stream_flash_callback);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
/* Trigger verification in callback */
cb_buf = buf;
cb_len = BUF_LEN - 1;
cb_offset = FLASH_BASE + BUF_LEN;
/* Test unaligned data size */
rc = stream_flash_buffered_write(&ctx, write_buf, BUF_LEN - 1, true);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
/* BUF_LEN-1 bytes should be dumped to flash */
ZTEST(lib_stream_flash, test_stream_flash_buffered_write_multi_page)
int rc;
int num_pages = MAX_NUM_PAGES - 1;
/* Test when write spans multiple pages crosses border of page */
rc = stream_flash_buffered_write(&ctx, write_buf,
(page_size * num_pages) + 128, false);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
/* First three pages should be written */
VERIFY_WRITTEN(0, page_size * num_pages);
/* Fill rest of the page */
rc = stream_flash_buffered_write(&ctx, write_buf,
page_size - 128, false);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
/* First four pages should be written */
VERIFY_WRITTEN(0, BUF_LEN * (num_pages + 1));
ZTEST(lib_stream_flash, test_stream_flash_bytes_written)
int rc;
size_t offset;
/* Verify that the offset is retained across failed downloads */
rc = stream_flash_buffered_write(&ctx, write_buf, BUF_LEN + 128, false);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
/* First page should be written */
/* Fill rest of the page */
offset = stream_flash_bytes_written(&ctx);
zassert_equal(offset, BUF_LEN, "offset should match buf size");
/* Fill up the buffer MINUS 128 to verify that write_buf_pos is kept */
rc = stream_flash_buffered_write(&ctx, write_buf, BUF_LEN - 128, false);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
/* Second page should be written */
ZTEST(lib_stream_flash, test_stream_flash_buf_size_greater_than_page_size)
int rc;
/* To illustrate that other params does not trigger error */
rc = stream_flash_init(&ctx, fdev, buf, 0x10, 0, 0, NULL);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
/* Only change buf_len param */
rc = stream_flash_init(&ctx, fdev, buf, 0x10000, 0, 0, NULL);
zassert_true(rc < 0, "expected failure");
static int bad_read(const struct device *dev, off_t off, void *data, size_t len)
return -EINVAL;
static int fake_write(const struct device *dev, off_t off, const void *data, size_t len)
return 0;
static int bad_write(const struct device *dev, off_t off, const void *data, size_t len)
return -EINVAL;
ZTEST(lib_stream_flash, test_stream_flash_buffered_write_callback)
int rc;
/* Trigger verification in callback */
cb_buf = buf;
cb_len = BUF_LEN;
cb_offset = FLASH_BASE;
rc = stream_flash_buffered_write(&ctx, write_buf, BUF_LEN + 128, false);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
cb_len = BUF_LEN;
cb_offset = FLASH_BASE + BUF_LEN;
/* Fill rest of the buffer */
rc = stream_flash_buffered_write(&ctx, write_buf, BUF_LEN - 128, false);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
/* Fill half of the buffer and flush it to flash */
cb_len = BUF_LEN/2;
cb_offset = FLASH_BASE + (2 * BUF_LEN);
rc = stream_flash_buffered_write(&ctx, write_buf, BUF_LEN/2, true);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
/* Ensure that failing callback trickles up to caller */
cb_ret = -EFAULT;
cb_buf = NULL; /* Don't verify other parameters of the callback */
rc = stream_flash_buffered_write(&ctx, write_buf, BUF_LEN, true);
zassert_equal(rc, -EFAULT, "expected failure from callback");
/* Expect that the BUF_LEN of bytes got stuck in buffer as the verification callback
* failed.
zassert_equal(ctx.buf_bytes, BUF_LEN, "Expected bytes to be left in buffer");
struct device fake_dev = *ctx.fdev;
struct flash_driver_api fake_api = *(struct flash_driver_api *)ctx.fdev->api;
struct stream_flash_ctx bad_ctx = ctx;
struct stream_flash_ctx cmp_ctx; = bad_read;
/* Using fake write here because after previous write, with faked callback failure,
* the flash is already written and real flash_write would cause failure.
fake_api.write = fake_write;
fake_dev.api = &fake_api;
bad_ctx.fdev = &fake_dev;
/* Trigger erase attempt */
cmp_ctx = bad_ctx;
/* Just flush buffer */
rc = stream_flash_buffered_write(&bad_ctx, write_buf, 0, true);
zassert_equal(rc, -EINVAL, "expected failure from flash_sync", rc);
zassert_equal(ctx.buf_bytes, BUF_LEN, "Expected bytes to be left in buffer");
/* Pretend flashed context and attempt write write block - 1 bytes to trigger unaligned
* write; the write needs to fail so that we could check that context does not get modified.
fake_api.write = bad_write;
bad_ctx.callback = NULL;
bad_ctx.buf_bytes = 0;
cmp_ctx = bad_ctx;
size_t wblock = flash_get_write_block_size(ctx.fdev);
size_t tow = (wblock == 1) ? 1 : wblock - 1;
rc = stream_flash_buffered_write(&bad_ctx, write_buf, tow, true);
zassert_equal(rc, -EINVAL, "expected failure from flash_sync", rc);
zassert_equal(cmp_ctx.bytes_written, bad_ctx.bytes_written,
"Expected bytes_written not modified");
/* The write failed but bytes have already been added to buffer and buffer offset
* increased.
zassert_equal(bad_ctx.buf_bytes, cmp_ctx.buf_bytes + tow,
"Expected %d bytes added to buffer", tow);
ZTEST(lib_stream_flash, test_stream_flash_flush)
int rc;
/* Perform flush with NULL data pointer and 0 length */
rc = stream_flash_buffered_write(&ctx, NULL, 0, true);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
ZTEST(lib_stream_flash, test_stream_flash_buffered_write_whole_page)
int rc;
/* Write all bytes of a page, verify that next page is not erased */
/* First fill two pages with data */
rc = stream_flash_buffered_write(&ctx, write_buf, page_size * 2, true);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
VERIFY_WRITTEN(0, page_size);
VERIFY_WRITTEN(page_size, page_size);
/* Reset stream_flash context */
memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));
memset(buf, 0, BUF_LEN);
rc = stream_flash_init(&ctx, fdev, buf, BUF_LEN, FLASH_BASE, 0,
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
/* Write all bytes of a page, verify that next page is not erased */
rc = stream_flash_buffered_write(&ctx, write_buf, page_size, true);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
/* Second page should not be erased */
VERIFY_WRITTEN(page_size, page_size);
/* Erase that never completes successfully */
static int bad_erase(const struct device *dev, off_t offset, size_t size)
return -EINVAL;
ZTEST(lib_stream_flash, test_stream_flash_erase_page)
int rc;
/* Write out one buf */
rc = stream_flash_buffered_write(&ctx, write_buf, BUF_LEN, false);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
rc = stream_flash_erase_page(&ctx, FLASH_BASE);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
* Test failure in erase does not change context.
* The test is done by replacing erase function of device API with fake
* one that returns with an error, invoking the erase procedure
* and than comparing state of context prior to call to the one after.
struct device fake_dev = *ctx.fdev;
struct flash_driver_api fake_api = *(struct flash_driver_api *)ctx.fdev->api;
struct stream_flash_ctx bad_ctx = ctx;
struct stream_flash_ctx cmp_ctx;
fake_api.erase = bad_erase;
fake_dev.api = &fake_api;
bad_ctx.fdev = &fake_dev;
/* Triger erase attempt */
bad_ctx.last_erased_page_start_offset = FLASH_BASE - 16;
cmp_ctx = bad_ctx;
rc = stream_flash_erase_page(&bad_ctx, FLASH_BASE);
zassert_equal(memcmp(&bad_ctx, &cmp_ctx, sizeof(bad_ctx)), 0,
"Ctx should not get altered");
zassert_equal(rc, -EINVAL, "Expected failure");
ZTEST(lib_stream_flash, test_stream_flash_erase_page)
ZTEST(lib_stream_flash, test_stream_flash_buffered_write_whole_page)
static size_t write_and_save_progress(size_t bytes, const char *save_key)
int rc;
size_t bytes_written;
rc = stream_flash_buffered_write(&ctx, write_buf, bytes, true);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
bytes_written = stream_flash_bytes_written(&ctx);
zassert_true(bytes_written > 0, "expected bytes to be written");
if (save_key) {
rc = stream_flash_progress_save(&ctx, save_key);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
return bytes_written;
static void clear_all_progress(void)
(void) settings_delete(progress_key);
static size_t load_progress(const char *load_key)
int rc;
rc = stream_flash_progress_load(&ctx, progress_key);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
return stream_flash_bytes_written(&ctx);
ZTEST(lib_stream_flash, test_stream_flash_progress_api)
int rc;
/* Test save parameter validation */
rc = stream_flash_progress_save(NULL, progress_key);
zassert_true(rc < 0, "expected error since ctx is NULL");
rc = stream_flash_progress_save(&ctx, NULL);
zassert_true(rc < 0, "expected error since key is NULL");
rc = stream_flash_progress_save(&ctx, progress_key);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
(void) write_and_save_progress(BUF_LEN, progress_key);
/* Test load parameter validation */
rc = stream_flash_progress_load(NULL, progress_key);
zassert_true(rc < 0, "expected error since ctx is NULL");
rc = stream_flash_progress_load(&ctx, NULL);
zassert_true(rc < 0, "expected error since key is NULL");
rc = stream_flash_progress_load(&ctx, progress_key);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
/* Test clear parameter validation */
rc = stream_flash_progress_clear(NULL, progress_key);
zassert_true(rc < 0, "expected error since ctx is NULL");
rc = stream_flash_progress_clear(&ctx, NULL);
zassert_true(rc < 0, "expected error since key is NULL");
rc = stream_flash_progress_clear(&ctx, progress_key);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
ZTEST(lib_stream_flash, test_stream_flash_progress_resume)
int rc;
size_t bytes_written_old;
size_t bytes_written;
off_t erase_offset_old;
off_t erase_offset;
bytes_written_old = stream_flash_bytes_written(&ctx);
erase_offset_old = ctx.last_erased_page_start_offset;
/* Test load with zero bytes_written */
rc = stream_flash_progress_save(&ctx, progress_key);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
rc = stream_flash_progress_load(&ctx, progress_key);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
bytes_written = stream_flash_bytes_written(&ctx);
zassert_equal(bytes_written, bytes_written_old,
"expected bytes_written to be unchanged");
erase_offset = ctx.last_erased_page_start_offset;
zassert_equal(erase_offset, erase_offset_old,
"expected erase offset to be unchanged");
/* Write some data and save the progress */
bytes_written_old = write_and_save_progress(page_size * 2,
erase_offset_old = ctx.last_erased_page_start_offset;
zassert_true(erase_offset_old != 0, "expected pages to be erased");
/* Load the previous progress */
bytes_written = load_progress(progress_key);
zassert_equal(bytes_written, bytes_written_old,
"expected bytes_written to be loaded");
zassert_equal(erase_offset_old, ctx.last_erased_page_start_offset,
"expected last erased page offset to be loaded");
/* Check that outdated progress does not overwrite current progress */
(void) write_and_save_progress(BUF_LEN, progress_key);
bytes_written_old = write_and_save_progress(BUF_LEN, NULL);
bytes_written = load_progress(progress_key);
zassert_equal(bytes_written, bytes_written_old,
"expected bytes_written to not be overwritten");
ZTEST(lib_stream_flash, test_stream_flash_progress_clear)
int rc;
size_t bytes_written_old;
size_t bytes_written;
off_t erase_offset_old;
off_t erase_offset;
/* Test that progress is cleared. */
(void) write_and_save_progress(BUF_LEN, progress_key);
rc = stream_flash_progress_clear(&ctx, progress_key);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
bytes_written_old = stream_flash_bytes_written(&ctx);
erase_offset_old = ctx.last_erased_page_start_offset;
rc = stream_flash_progress_load(&ctx, progress_key);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "expected success");
bytes_written = stream_flash_bytes_written(&ctx);
zassert_equal(bytes_written, bytes_written_old,
"expected bytes_written to be unchanged");
erase_offset = ctx.last_erased_page_start_offset;
zassert_equal(erase_offset, erase_offset_old,
"expected erase offset to be unchanged");
void lib_stream_flash_before(void *data)
zassume_true(device_is_ready(fdev), "Device is not ready");
api = fdev->api;
api->page_layout(fdev, &layout, &layout_size);
page_size = layout->pages_size;
zassume_true((page_size > BUF_LEN), "page size is not enough");
ZTEST_SUITE(lib_stream_flash, NULL, NULL, lib_stream_flash_before, NULL, NULL);