blob: 93a6d22ee0cb03d525c81ee19e341d3c4e3a97fc [file] [log] [blame]
.. _mdns-responder-sample:
mDNS Responder Application
This application will wait mDNS queries for a pre-defined hostname and
respond to them. The default hostname is **zephyr** and it is set in the
:file:`prj.conf` file.
- :ref:`networking_with_host`
- avahi or similar mDNS capable application that is able to query mDNS
Building and Running
Build and run the mdns-responder sample application like this:
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/net/mdns_responder
:board: <board to use>
:conf: <config file to use>
:goals: build
After the mdns-responder sample application is started, it will wait queries
from the network.
Open a terminal window in your host and type:
.. code-block:: console
$ avahi-resolve -4 -n zephyr.local
If the query is successful, then following information is printed:
.. code-block:: console
For a IPv6 query, type this:
.. code-block:: console
$ avahi-resolve -6 -n zephyr.local
If the query is successful, then following information is printed:
.. code-block:: console
zephyr.local 2001:db8::1