blob: 437f2ae056c746f91d9cbad44bdd0665874ad0c0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <zephyr/kernel.h>
#include <zephyr/device.h>
#include <zephyr/drivers/gpio.h>
#include <zephyr/init.h>
#include <zephyr/ztest.h>
#include <zephyr/sys/printk.h>
#include <zephyr/linker/sections.h>
#include "abstract_driver.h"
#define DUMMY_PORT_1 "dummy"
#define DUMMY_PORT_2 "dummy_driver"
#define DUMMY_NOINIT "dummy_noinit"
#define BAD_DRIVER "bad_driver"
#define MY_DRIVER_A "my_driver_A"
#define MY_DRIVER_B "my_driver_B"
#define FAKEDEFERDRIVER0 DEVICE_DT_GET(DT_PATH(fakedeferdriver_e7000000))
#define FAKEDEFERDRIVER1 DEVICE_DT_GET(DT_PATH(fakedeferdriver_e8000000))
/* A device without init call */
/* To access from userspace, the device needs an API. Use a dummy GPIO one */
static const struct gpio_driver_api fakedeferdriverapi;
/* Fake deferred devices */
* @brief Test cases to verify device objects
* Verify zephyr device driver apis with different device types
* @defgroup kernel_device_tests Device
* @ingroup all_tests
* @{
* @brief Test device object binding
* Validates device binding for an existing and a non-existing device object.
* It creates a dummy_driver device object with basic init and configuration
* information and validates its binding.
* Validates three kinds situations of driver object:
* 1. A non-existing device object.
* 2. An existing device object with basic init and configuration information.
* 3. A failed init device object.
* @ingroup kernel_device_tests
* @see device_get_binding(), DEVICE_DEFINE()
ZTEST(device, test_dummy_device)
const struct device *dev;
/* Validates device binding for a non-existing device object */
dev = device_get_binding(DUMMY_PORT_1);
/* Validates device binding for an existing device object */
dev = device_get_binding(DUMMY_PORT_2);
/* Validates device binding for an existing device object */
dev = device_get_binding(DUMMY_NOINIT);
/* device_get_binding() returns false for device object
* with failed init.
dev = device_get_binding(BAD_DRIVER);
* @brief Test device binding for existing device
* Validates device binding for an existing device object.
* @see device_get_binding(), DEVICE_DEFINE()
ZTEST_USER(device, test_dynamic_name)
const struct device *mux;
char name[sizeof(DUMMY_PORT_2)];
snprintk(name, sizeof(name), "%s", DUMMY_PORT_2);
mux = device_get_binding(name);
zassert_true(mux != NULL);
* @brief Test device binding for non-existing device
* Validates binding of a random device driver(non-defined driver) named
* @see device_get_binding(), DEVICE_DEFINE()
ZTEST_USER(device, test_bogus_dynamic_name)
const struct device *mux;
char name[64];
snprintk(name, sizeof(name), "ANOTHER_BOGUS_NAME");
mux = device_get_binding(name);
zassert_true(mux == NULL);
* @brief Test device binding for passing null name
* Validates device binding for device object when given dynamic name is null.
* @see device_get_binding(), DEVICE_DEFINE()
ZTEST_USER(device, test_null_dynamic_name)
/* Supplying a NULL dynamic name may trigger a SecureFault and
* lead to system crash in TrustZone enabled Non-Secure builds.
const struct device *mux;
char *drv_name = NULL;
mux = device_get_binding(drv_name);
zassert_equal(mux, 0);
static struct init_record {
bool pre_kernel;
bool is_in_isr;
bool is_pre_kernel;
bool could_yield;
} init_records[4];
static struct init_record *rp = init_records;
static int add_init_record(bool pre_kernel)
rp->pre_kernel = pre_kernel;
rp->is_pre_kernel = k_is_pre_kernel();
rp->is_in_isr = k_is_in_isr();
rp->could_yield = k_can_yield();
return 0;
static int pre1_fn(void)
return add_init_record(true);
static int pre2_fn(void)
return add_init_record(true);
static int post_fn(void)
return add_init_record(false);
static int app_fn(void)
return add_init_record(false);
SYS_INIT(pre1_fn, PRE_KERNEL_1, 0);
SYS_INIT(pre2_fn, PRE_KERNEL_2, 0);
SYS_INIT(post_fn, POST_KERNEL, 0);
/* This is an error case which driver initializes failed in SYS_INIT .*/
static int null_driver_init(void)
return -EINVAL;
SYS_INIT(null_driver_init, POST_KERNEL, 0);
* @brief Test detection of initialization before kernel services available.
* Confirms check is correct.
* @see k_is_pre_kernel()
ZTEST(device, test_pre_kernel_detection)
struct init_record *rpe = rp;
zassert_equal(rp - init_records, 4U,
"bad record count");
rp = init_records;
while ((rp < rpe) && rp->pre_kernel) {
zassert_equal(rp->is_in_isr, false,
"rec %zu isr", rp - init_records);
zassert_equal(rp->is_pre_kernel, true,
"rec %zu pre-kernel", rp - init_records);
zassert_equal(rp->could_yield, false,
"rec %zu could-yield", rp - init_records);
zassert_equal(rp - init_records, 2U,
"bad pre-kernel count");
while (rp < rpe) {
zassert_equal(rp->is_in_isr, false,
"rec %zu isr", rp - init_records);
zassert_equal(rp->is_pre_kernel, false,
"rec %zu post-kernel", rp - init_records);
zassert_equal(rp->could_yield, true,
"rec %zu could-yield", rp - init_records);
* @brief Test system device list query API.
* It queries the list of devices in the system, used to suspend or
* resume the devices in PM applications.
* @see z_device_get_all_static()
ZTEST(device, test_device_list)
struct device const *devices;
size_t devcount = z_device_get_all_static(&devices);
zassert_false((devcount == 0));
static int sys_init_counter;
static int init_fn(void)
return 0;
SYS_INIT_NAMED(init1, init_fn, APPLICATION, 1);
SYS_INIT_NAMED(init2, init_fn, APPLICATION, 2);
SYS_INIT_NAMED(init3, init_fn, APPLICATION, 2);
ZTEST(device, test_sys_init_multiple)
zassert_equal(sys_init_counter, 4, "");
/* this is for storing sequence during initialization */
extern int init_level_sequence[4];
extern int init_priority_sequence[4];
extern int init_sub_priority_sequence[3];
extern unsigned int seq_level_cnt;
extern unsigned int seq_priority_cnt;
* @brief Test initialization level for device driver instances
* @details After the defined device instances have initialized, we check the
* sequence number that each driver stored during initialization. If the
* sequence of initial level stored is corresponding with our expectation, it
* means assigning the level for driver instance works.
* @ingroup kernel_device_tests
ZTEST(device, test_device_init_level)
bool seq_correct = true;
/* we check if the stored executing sequence for different level is
* correct, and it should be 1, 2, 3
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (init_level_sequence[i] != (i + 1)) {
seq_correct = false;
zassert_true((seq_correct == true),
"init sequence is not correct");
* @brief Test initialization priorities for device driver instances
* @details After the defined device instances have initialized, we check the
* sequence number that each driver stored during initialization. If the
* sequence of initial priority stored is corresponding with our expectation, it
* means assigning the priority for driver instance works.
* @ingroup kernel_device_tests
ZTEST(device, test_device_init_priority)
bool sequence_correct = true;
/* we check if the stored pexecuting sequence for priority is correct,
* and it should be 1, 2, 3, 4
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (init_priority_sequence[i] != (i + 1)) {
sequence_correct = false;
zassert_true((sequence_correct == true),
"init sequence is not correct");
* @brief Test initialization sub-priorities for device driver instances
* @details After the defined device instances have initialized, we check the
* sequence number that each driver stored during initialization. If the
* sequence of initial priority stored is corresponding with our expectation, it
* means using the devicetree for sub-priority sorting works.
* @ingroup kernel_device_tests
ZTEST(device, test_device_init_sub_priority)
/* fakedomain_1 depends on fakedomain_0 which depends on fakedomain_2,
* therefore we require that the initialisation runs in the reverse order.
zassert_equal(init_sub_priority_sequence[0], 1, "");
zassert_equal(init_sub_priority_sequence[1], 2, "");
zassert_equal(init_sub_priority_sequence[2], 0, "");
* @brief Test abstraction of device drivers with common functionalities
* @details Abstraction of device drivers with common functionalities
* shall be provided as an intermediate interface between applications
* and device drivers, where such interface is implemented by individual
* device drivers. We verify this by following step:
* 1. Define a subsystem api for drivers.
* 2. Define and create two driver instances.
* 3. Two drivers call the same subsystem API, and we verify that each
* driver instance will call their own implementations.
* @ingroup kernel_device_tests
ZTEST(device, test_abstraction_driver_common)
const struct device *dev;
int ret;
int foo = 2;
int bar = 1;
unsigned int baz = 0;
/* verify driver A API has called */
dev = device_get_binding(MY_DRIVER_A);
zassert_false((dev == NULL));
ret = subsystem_do_this(dev, foo, bar);
zassert_true(ret == (foo + bar), "common API do_this fail");
subsystem_do_that(dev, &baz);
zassert_true(baz == 1, "common API do_that fail");
/* verify driver B API has called */
dev = device_get_binding(MY_DRIVER_B);
zassert_false((dev == NULL));
ret = subsystem_do_this(dev, foo, bar);
zassert_true(ret == (foo - bar), "common API do_this fail");
subsystem_do_that(dev, &baz);
zassert_true(baz == 2, "common API do_that fail");
ZTEST(device, test_deferred_init)
int ret;
ret = device_init(FAKEDEFERDRIVER0);
zassert_true(ret == 0);
ZTEST_USER(device, test_deferred_init_user)
int ret;
ret = device_init(FAKEDEFERDRIVER1);
zassert_true(ret == 0);
void *user_setup(void)
k_object_access_grant(FAKEDEFERDRIVER1, k_current_get());
return NULL;
* @}
ZTEST_SUITE(device, NULL, user_setup, NULL, NULL, NULL);