blob: 8bda487369a7c8d2729e5631373d11619d7f1ba9 [file] [log] [blame]
# When executing test cases under TCF, ignore the following messages
# as they are not to be considered hard errors.
# TCF is run under make for taking advantage of the jobserver; when
# the testcase execution fail, make will complain, which we can
# ignore ('sommersault' was the old name of the target).
^/tmp/tcf-[a-zA-Z0-9][0-9]+: recipe for target ('tcf-jobserver-run'|'sommersault') failed$
# More of the same
^make: \*\*\* \[(tcf-jobserver-run|sommersault)\] Error 1$
# TCF's summary line. We don't need to consider it to determine if the
# run failed or passed.
^[A-Z]+0/\S+:\s+\S+\s+@\S+: [0-9]+ tests \([0-9]+ passed, [0-9]+ failed, [0-9]+ blocked, [0-9]+ skipped\).*$