blob: 38070627259c62d4895bdd3a73c7c80c61dc3869 [file] [log] [blame]
description: |
Free-form description of the device/node. Can have multiple
See for formatting help.
# Used to map nodes to bindings
compatible: "manufacturer,device"
# The 'compatible' above would match this node:
# device {
# compatible = "manufacturer,device";
# ...
# };
# Assuming no binding has 'compatible: "manufacturer,device-v2"', it would also
# match this node:
# device {
# compatible = "manufacturer,device-v2", "manufacturer,device";
# ...
# };
# Strings in 'compatible' properties on nodes are tried from left to right, and
# the first binding found is used.
# If more than one binding for a compatible is found, an error is raised.
# Bindings can include other files, which can be used to share common
# definitions between bindings.
# Included files are merged into bindings with a simple recursive dictionary
# merge. It is up to the binding author to make sure that the final merged
# binding is well-formed, though it is checked by the code as well.
# It is an error if a key appears with a different value in a binding and in a
# file it includes, with one exception: A binding can have 'required: true' for
# some property for which the included file has 'required: false' (see the
# description of 'properties' below). The 'required: true' from the binding
# takes precedence, allowing bindings to strengthen requirements from included
# files.
# Note that weakening requirements by having 'required: false' where the
# included file has 'required: true' is an error. This is meant to keep the
# organization clean.
# The file base.yaml contains definitions for many common properties. When
# writing a new binding, it is a good idea to check if base.yaml already
# defines some of the needed properties, and including it in that case. Note
# that you can make a property defined in base.yaml obligatory like this
# (taking 'reg' as an example):
# reg:
# required: true
# This relies on the dictionary merge to fill in the other keys for 'reg', like
# 'type'.
# When including multiple files, any overlapping 'required' keys on properties
# in the included files are ORed together. This makes sure that a
# 'required: true' is always respected.
include: other.yaml # or [other1.yaml, other2.yaml]
# If the node describes a bus, then the bus type should be given, like below
bus: <string describing bus type, e.g. "i2c">
# If the node appears on a bus, then the bus type should be given, like below.
# When looking for a binding for a node, the code checks if the binding for the
# parent node contains 'bus: <bus type>'. If it does, then only bindings with a
# matching 'on-bus: <bus type>' are considered. This allows the same type of
# device to have different bindings depending on what bus it appears on.
on-bus: <string describing bus type, e.g. "i2c">
# 'properties' describes properties on the node, e.g.
# reg = <1 2>;
# current-speed = <115200>;
# label = "foo";
# This is used to check that required properties appear, and to
# control the format of output generated for them. Except for some
# special-cased properties like 'reg', only properties listed here will
# generate output.
# A typical property entry looks like this:
# <property name>:
# deprecated: <true | false>
# required: <true | false>
# type: <string | int | boolean | array | uint8-array | string-array |
# phandle | phandles | phandle-array | path | compound>
# description: <description of the property>
# enum:
# - <item1>
# - <item2>
# ...
# - <itemN>
# const: <string | int>
# default: <default>
# These types are available:
# - 'type: string' is for properties that are assigned a single string, like
# ident = "foo";
# - 'type: int' is for properties that are assigned a single 32-bit value,
# like
# frequency = <100>;
# - 'type: boolean' is for properties used as flags that don't take a value,
# like
# hw-flow-control;
# The macro generated for the property gets set to 1 if the property exists
# on the node, and to 0 otherwise. When combined with 'required: true',
# this type just forces the flag to appear on the node. The output will
# always be 1 in that case.
# Warning: Since a macro is always generated for 'type: boolean'
# properties, don't use #ifdef in tests. Do this instead:
# - 'type: array' is for properties that are assigned zero or more 32-bit
# values, like
# pin-config = <1 2 3>;
# - 'type: uint8-array' is for properties that are assigned zero or more
# bytes with the [] syntax, like
# lookup-table = [89 AB CD EF];
# Each byte is given in hex.
# This type is called 'bytestring' in the Devicetree specification.
# - 'type: string-array' if for properties that are assigned zero or more
# strings, like
# idents = "foo", "bar", "baz";
# - 'type: phandle' is for properties that are assigned a single phandle,
# like
# foo = <&label>;
# - 'type: phandles' is for properties that are assigned zero or more
# phandles, like
# foo = <&label1 &label2 ...>;
# - 'type: phandle-array' is for properties that take a list of phandles and
# (possibly) 32-bit numbers, like
# pwms = <&ctrl-1 1 2 &ctrl-2 3 4>;
# This type requires that the property works in the standard way that
# devicetree properties like pwms, clocks, *-gpios, and io-channels work.
# Taking 'pwms' as an example, the final -s is stripped from the property
# name, and #pwm-cells is looked up in the node for the controller
# (&ctrl-1/&ctrl-2) to determine the number of data values after the
# phandle. The binding for each controller must also have a *-cells key
# (e.g. pwm-cells), giving names to data values. See below for an
# explanation of *-cells.
# A *-names (e.g. pwm-names) property can appear on the node as well,
# giving a name to each entry (the 'pwms' example above has two entries,
# <&ctrl-1 1 2> and <&ctrl-2 3 4>).
# Because other property names are derived from the name of the property by
# removing the final -s, the property name must end in -s. An error is
# raised if it doesn't.
# *-gpios properties are special-cased so that e.g. foo-gpios resolves to
# #gpio-cells rather than #foo-gpio-cells.
# All phandle-array properties support mapping through *-map properties,
# e.g. gpio-map. See the devicetree spec.
# - 'type: path' is for properties that are assigned a path. Usually, this
# would be done with a path reference:
# foo = &label;
# Plain strings are accepted too, and are verified to be a path to an
# existing node:
# foo = "/path/to/some/node";
# - 'type: compound' is a catch-all for more complex types, e.g.
# foo = <&label>, [01 02];
# 'type: array' and the other array types also allow splitting the value into
# several <> blocks, e.g. like this:
# foo = <1 2>, <3 4>; // Okay for 'type: array'
# foo = <&label1 &label2>, <&label3 &label4>; // Okay for 'type: phandles'
# foo = <&label1 1 2>, <&label2 3 4>; // Okay for 'type: phandle-array'
# etc.
# A property with 'deprecated: True' indicates to both the user and the tooling
# that the property is meant to be phased out. The tooling will report a
# warning if the devicetree includes the property that is flagged as deprecated.
# There will be no other impact to having 'deprecated: True' set on the property.
# The optional 'default:' setting gives a value that will be used if the
# property is missing from the device tree node. If 'default: <default>' is
# given for a property <prop> and <prop> is missing, then the output will be as
# if '<prop> = <default>' had appeared (except YAML data types are used for the
# default value).
# Note that it only makes sense to combine 'default:' with 'required: false'.
# Combining it with 'required: true' will raise an error.
# There is a risk in using 'default:' when the value in the binding may be
# incorrect for a particular board or hardware configuration. For example,
# defaulting the capacity of the connected power cell in a charging IC binding
# is likely to be incorrect. For such properties it's better to make the
# property 'required: true', forcing the devicetree maintainer into an explicit
# and witting choice.
# Driver developers should use their best judgment as to whether a value can be
# safely defaulted. Candidates for default values include delays that would
# different only under unusual conditions (such as intervening hardware), or
# configuration for devices that have a standard initial configuration (such as
# a USB audio headset).
# Properties may also be defaulted to the vendor-specified power-up default as
# long as they're independent. If changing one property would require changing
# another to create a consistent configuration then those properties should be
# made required.
# In any case where 'default:' is used the property documentation should
# explain why the value was selected and any conditions that would make it
# necessary to provide a different value.
# See below for examples of 'default:'. Putting 'default:' on any property type
# besides those used in the examples will raise an error.
# Describes a property like 'current-speed = <115200>;'. We pretend that
# it's obligatory for the example node and set 'required: true'.
type: int
required: true
description: Initial baud rate for bar-device
# Describes an optional property like 'keys = "foo", "bar";'
type: string-array
required: false
description: Keys for bar-device
# Describes an optional property like 'maximum-speed = "full-speed";
# the enum specifies known values that the string property may take
type: string
required: false
description: Configures USB controllers to work up to a specific speed.
- "low-speed"
- "full-speed"
- "high-speed"
- "super-speed"
# Describes a required property '#address-cells = <1>'; the const
# specifies that the value for the property is expected to be the value 1
type: int
required: true
const: 1
type: int
required: false
default: 123
description: Value for int register, default is power-up configuration.
type: array
required: false
default: [1, 2, 3] # Same as 'array-with-default = <1 2 3>'
type: string
required: false
default: "foo"
type: string-array
required: false
default: ["foo", "bar"] # Same as 'string-array-with-default = "foo", "bar"'
type: uint8-array
required: false
default: [0x12, 0x34] # Same as 'uint8-array-with-default = [12 34]'
# 'child-binding' can be used when a node has children that all share the same
# properties. Each child gets the contents of 'child-binding' as its binding
# (though an explicit 'compatible = ...' on the child node takes precedence, if
# a binding is found for it).
# The example below is for a binding for PWM LEDs, where the child nodes are
# required to have a 'pwms' property. It corresponds to this .dts structure
# (assuming the binding has 'compatible: "pwm-leds"'):
# pwmleds {
# compatible = "pwm-leds";
# red_pwm_led {
# pwms = <&pwm3 4 15625000>;
# };
# green_pwm_led {
# pwms = <&pwm3 0 15625000>;
# };
# ...
# };
description: LED that uses PWM
type: phandle-array
required: true
# 'child-binding' also works recursively. For example, the binding below would
# provide a binding for the 'grandchild' node in this .dts (assuming
# 'compatible: "foo"'):
# parent {
# compatible = "foo";
# child {
# grandchild {
# prop = <123>;
# };
# };
# }
description: ...
description: ...
type: int
required: true
# If the binding describes an interrupt controller, GPIO controller, pinmux
# device, or any other node referenced by other nodes via 'phandle-array'
# properties, then *-cells should be given.
# To understand the purpose of *-cells, assume that some node has
# pwms = <&pwm-ctrl 1 2>;
# , where &pwm-ctrl refers to a node whose binding is this file.
# The <1 2> part of the property value is called a *specifier* (this
# terminology is from the devicetree specification), and contains additional
# data associated with the GPIO. Here, the specifier has two cells, and the
# node pointed at by &gpio-ctrl is expected to have '#pwm-cells = <2>'.
# *-cells gives a name to each cell in the specifier. These names are used when
# generating identifiers.
# In this example, assume that 1 refers to a pin and that 2 is a flag value.
# This gives a *-cells assignment like below.
- channel # name of first cell
- period # name of second cell
# If the specifier is empty (e.g. '#clock-cells = <0>'), then *-cells can
# either be omitted (recommended) or set to an empty array. Note that an empty
# array is specified as e.g. 'clock-cells: []' in YAML.
# As a special case, all *-gpio properties map to the key 'gpio-cells',
# regardless of prefix
- pin
- flags