blob: d165afac4d8baa46a0e85eedc19a66f761029888 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _west-config:
This page documents west's configuration file system, the ``west config``
command, and configuration options used by built-in commands. For API
documentation on the ``west.configuration`` module, see
West Configuration Files
West's configuration file syntax is INI-like; here is an example file:
.. code-block:: ini
path = zephyr
base = zephyr
Above, the ``manifest`` section has option ``path`` set to ``zephyr``. Another
way to say the same thing is that ``manifest.path`` is ``zephyr`` in this file.
There are three types of configuration file:
1. **System**: Settings in this file affect west's behavior for every user
logged in to the computer. Its location depends on the platform:
- Linux: :file:`/etc/westconfig`
- macOS: :file:`/usr/local/etc/westconfig`
- Windows: :file:`%PROGRAMDATA%\\west\\config`
2. **Global** (per user): Settings in this file affect how west behaves when
run by a particular user on the computer.
- All platforms: the default is :file:`.westconfig` in the user's home
- Linux note: if the environment variable :envvar:`XDG_CONFIG_HOME` is set,
then :file:`$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/west/config` is used.
- Windows note: the following environment variables are tested to find the
home directory: :envvar:`%HOME%`, then :envvar:`%USERPROFILE%`, then a
combination of :envvar:`%HOMEDRIVE%` and :envvar:`%HOMEPATH%`.
3. **Local**: Settings in this file affect west's behavior for the
current :term:`west installation`. The file is :file:`.west/config`, relative
to the installation's root directory.
A setting in a file which appears lower down on this list overrides an earlier
setting. For example, if ``color.ui`` is ``true`` in the system's configuration
file, but ``false`` in the installation's, then the final value is
``false``. Similarly, settings in the user configuration file override system
settings, and so on.
.. _west-config-cmd:
West ``config`` Command
The built-in ``config`` command can be used to get and set configuration
values. You can pass ``west config`` the options ``--system``, ``--global``, or
``--local`` to specify which configuration file to use. Only one of these can
be used at a time. If none is given, then writes default to ``--local``, and
reads show the final value after applying overrides.
Some examples for common uses follow; run ``west config -h`` for detailed help,
and see :ref:`west-config-index` for more details on built-in options.
To set ``manifest.path`` to :file:`some-other-manifest`:
.. code-block:: console
west config manifest.path some-other-manifest
Doing the above means that commands like ``west update`` will look for the
:term:`west manifest` inside the :file:`some-other-manifest` directory
(relative to the installation root directory) instead of the directory given to
``west init``, so be careful!
To read ``zephyr.base``, the value which will be used as ``ZEPHYR_BASE`` if it
is unset in the calling environment (also relative to the installation root):
.. code-block:: console
west config zephyr.base
You can switch to another zephyr repository without changing ``manifest.path``
-- and thus the behavior of commands like ``west update`` -- using:
.. code-block:: console
west config zephyr.base some-other-zephyr
This can be useful if you use commands like ``git worktree`` to create your own
zephyr directories, and want commands like ``west build`` to use them instead
of the zephyr repository specified in the manifest. (You can go back to using
the directory in the upstream manifest by running ``west config zephyr.base
To set ``color.ui`` to ``false`` in the global (user-wide) configuration file,
so that west will no longer print colored output for that user when run in any
.. code-block:: console
west config --global color.ui false
To undo the above change:
.. code-block:: console
west config --global color.ui true
.. _west-config-index:
Built-in Configuration Options
The following table documents configuration options supported by west's built-in
.. NOTE: docs authors: keep this table sorted by section, then option.
.. list-table::
:widths: 10 30
:header-rows: 1
* - Option
- Description
* - ``color.ui``
- Boolean. If ``true`` (the default), then west output is colorized when
stdout is a terminal.
* - ``commands.allow_extensions``
- Boolean, default ``true``, disables :ref:`west-extensions` if ``false``
* - ``manifest.path``
- String, relative path from the :term:`west installation` root directory
to the manifest repository used by ``west update`` and other commands
which parse the manifest. Set locally by ``west init``.
* - ``zephyr.base``
- String, default value to set for the :envvar:`ZEPHYR_BASE` environment
variable while the west command is running. By default, this is set to
the path to the manifest project with path :file:`zephyr` (if there is
one) during ``west init``. If the variable is already set, then this
setting is ignored unless ``zephyr.base-prefer`` is ``"configfile"``.
* - ``zephyr.base-prefer``
- String, one the values ``"env"`` and ``"configfile"``. If set to
``"env"`` (the default), setting :envvar:`ZEPHYR_BASE` in the calling
environment overrides the value of the ``zephyr.base`` configuration
option. If set to ``"configfile"``, the configuration option wins
Zephyr Extension Commands Configuration Options
The following table documents configuration options supported by zephyr's
extension commands (found in :file:`scripts/west_commands`).
.. NOTE: docs authors: keep this table sorted by section, then option.
.. list-table::
:widths: 10 30
:header-rows: 1
* - Option
- Description
* - ``build.pristine``
- String. Controls the way in which ``west build`` may clean the build
folder before building. Can take the following values:
- ``never`` (default): Never automatically make the build folder
- ``auto``: ``west build`` will automatically make the build folder
pristine before building, if a build system is present and the build
would fail otherwise (e.g. the user has specified a different board
or application from the one previously used to make the build
- ``always``: Always make the build folder pristine before building, if
a build system is present.