blob: df1e8487f3ef2a0fed506374972aa7ed2f844411 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import argparse
import sys
import struct
import os
import elftools
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile
from elftools.elf.sections import SymbolTableSection
if LooseVersion(elftools.__version__) < LooseVersion('0.24'):
sys.stderr.write("pyelftools is out of date, need version 0.24 or later\n")
# This will never change, first selector in the GDT after the null selector
# These exception vectors push an error code onto the stack.
ERR_CODE_VECTORS = [8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17]
def debug(text):
if not args.verbose:
sys.stdout.write(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) + ": " + text + "\n")
def error(text):
sys.stderr.write(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) + ": " + text + "\n")
# See Section 6.11 of the Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual
gate_desc_format = "<HHBBH"
def create_irq_gate(handler, dpl):
present = 1
gate_type = 0xE # 32-bit interrupt gate
type_attr = gate_type | (dpl << 5) | (present << 7)
offset_hi = handler >> 16
offset_lo = handler & 0xFFFF
data = struct.pack(gate_desc_format, offset_lo, KERNEL_CODE_SEG, 0,
type_attr, offset_hi)
return data
def create_task_gate(tss, dpl):
present = 1
gate_type = 0x5 # 32-bit task gate
type_attr = gate_type | (dpl << 5) | (present << 7)
data = struct.pack(gate_desc_format, 0, tss, 0, type_attr, 0)
return data
def create_idt_binary(idt_config, filename):
with open(filename, "wb") as fp:
for handler, tss, dpl in idt_config:
if handler and tss:
error("entry specifies both handler function and tss")
if not handler and not tss:
error("entry does not specify either handler or tss")
if handler:
data = create_irq_gate(handler, dpl)
data = create_task_gate(tss, dpl)
map_fmt = "<B"
def create_irq_vec_map_binary(irq_vec_map, filename):
with open(filename, "wb") as fp:
for i in irq_vec_map:
fp.write(struct.pack(map_fmt, i))
def priority_range(prio):
# Priority levels are represented as groups of 16 vectors within the IDT
base = 32 + (prio * 16)
return range(base, base + 16)
def update_irq_vec_map(irq_vec_map, irq, vector, max_irq):
# No IRQ associated; exception or software interrupt
if irq == -1:
if irq >= max_irq:
error("irq %d specified, but CONFIG_MAX_IRQ_LINES is %d" %
(irq, max_irq))
# This table will never have values less than 32 since those are for
# exceptions; 0 means unconfigured
if irq_vec_map[irq] != 0:
error("multiple vector assignments for interrupt line %d", irq)
debug("assign IRQ %d to vector %d" % (irq, vector))
irq_vec_map[irq] = vector
def setup_idt(spur_code, spur_nocode, intlist, max_vec, max_irq):
irq_vec_map = [0 for i in range(max_irq)]
vectors = [None for i in range(max_vec)]
# Pass 1: sanity check and set up hard-coded interrupt vectors
for handler, irq, prio, vec, dpl, tss in intlist:
if vec == -1:
if prio == -1:
error("entry does not specify vector or priority level")
if vec >= max_vec:
error("Vector %d specified, but size of IDT is only %d vectors" %
(vec, max_vec))
if vectors[vec] is not None:
error("Multiple assignments for vector %d" % vec)
vectors[vec] = (handler, tss, dpl)
update_irq_vec_map(irq_vec_map, irq, vec, max_irq)
# Pass 2: set up priority-based interrupt vectors
for handler, irq, prio, vec, dpl, tss in intlist:
if vec != -1:
for vi in priority_range(prio):
if vi >= max_vec:
if vectors[vi] is None:
vec = vi
if vec == -1:
error("can't find a free vector in priority level %d" % prio)
vectors[vec] = (handler, tss, dpl)
update_irq_vec_map(irq_vec_map, irq, vec, max_irq)
# Pass 3: fill in unused vectors with spurious handler at dpl=0
for i in range(max_vec):
if vectors[i] is not None:
handler = spur_code
handler = spur_nocode
vectors[i] = (handler, 0, 0)
return vectors, irq_vec_map
def get_symbols(obj):
for section in obj.iter_sections():
if isinstance(section, SymbolTableSection):
return { sym.entry.st_value
for sym in section.iter_symbols()}
raise LookupError("Could not find symbol table")
# struct genidt_header_s {
# uint32_t spurious_addr;
# uint32_t spurious_no_error_addr;
# int32_t num_entries;
# };
intlist_header_fmt = "<IIi"
# struct genidt_entry_s {
# uint32_t isr;
# int32_t irq;
# int32_t priority;
# int32_t vector_id;
# int32_t dpl;
# int32_t tss;
# };
intlist_entry_fmt = "<Iiiiii"
def get_intlist(elf):
intdata = elf.get_section_by_name("intList").data()
header_sz = struct.calcsize(intlist_header_fmt)
header = struct.unpack_from(intlist_header_fmt, intdata, 0)
intdata = intdata[header_sz:]
spurious_code = header[0]
spurious_nocode = header[1]
debug("spurious handler (code) : %s" % hex(header[0]))
debug("spurious handler (no code) : %s" % hex(header[1]))
intlist = [i for i in
struct.iter_unpack(intlist_entry_fmt, intdata)]
debug("Configured interrupt routing")
debug("handler irq pri vec dpl")
for irq in intlist:
debug("{0:<10} {1:<3} {2:<3} {3:<3} {4:<2}".format(
"-" if irq[1] == -1 else irq[1],
"-" if irq[2] == -1 else irq[2],
"-" if irq[3] == -1 else irq[3],
return (spurious_code, spurious_nocode, intlist)
def parse_args():
global args
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
parser.add_argument("-m", "--vector-map", required=True,
help="Output file mapping IRQ lines to IDT vectors")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output-idt", required=True,
help="Output file containing IDT binary")
parser.add_argument("-k", "--kernel", required=True,
help="Zephyr kernel image")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
help="Print extra debugging information")
args = parser.parse_args()
def main():
with open(args.kernel, "rb") as fp:
kernel = ELFFile(fp)
syms = get_symbols(kernel)
spur_code, spur_nocode, intlist = get_intlist(kernel)
max_irq = syms["CONFIG_MAX_IRQ_LINES"]
max_vec = syms["CONFIG_IDT_NUM_VECTORS"]
vectors, irq_vec_map = setup_idt(spur_code, spur_nocode, intlist, max_vec,
create_idt_binary(vectors, args.output_idt)
create_irq_vec_map_binary(irq_vec_map, args.vector_map)
if __name__ == "__main__":