blob: 55db893f4d89c0456c94de753a8236f0c59e46ff [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2023 Google LLC.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <errno.h>
#include <zephyr/drivers/sensor.h>
#include <zephyr/dsp/types.h>
#include <zephyr/logging/log.h>
static void sensor_submit_fallback(const struct device *dev, struct rtio_iodev_sqe *iodev_sqe);
static void sensor_iodev_submit(struct rtio_iodev_sqe *iodev_sqe)
const struct sensor_read_config *cfg = iodev_sqe->sqe.iodev->data;
const struct device *dev = cfg->sensor;
const struct sensor_driver_api *api = dev->api;
if (api->submit != NULL) {
api->submit(dev, iodev_sqe);
} else {
sensor_submit_fallback(dev, iodev_sqe);
const struct rtio_iodev_api __sensor_iodev_api = {
.submit = sensor_iodev_submit,
* @brief Compute the number of samples needed for the given channels
* @param[in] channels Array of channels requested
* @param[in] num_channels Number of channels on the @p channels array
* @return The number of samples required to read the given channels
static inline int compute_num_samples(const enum sensor_channel *channels, size_t num_channels)
int num_samples = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_channels; ++i) {
num_samples += SENSOR_CHANNEL_3_AXIS(channels[i]) ? 3 : 1;
return num_samples;
* @brief Compute the minimum number of bytes needed
* @param[in] num_output_samples The number of samples to represent
* @return The number of bytes needed for this sample frame
static inline uint32_t compute_min_buf_len(int num_output_samples)
return sizeof(struct sensor_data_generic_header) + (num_output_samples * sizeof(q31_t)) +
(num_output_samples * sizeof(enum sensor_channel));
* @brief Checks if the header already contains a given channel
* @param[in] header The header to scan
* @param[in] channel The channel to search for
* @param[in] num_channels The number of valid channels in the header so far
* @return Index of the @p channel if found or negative if not found
static inline int check_header_contains_channel(const struct sensor_data_generic_header *header,
enum sensor_channel channel, int num_channels)
for (int i = 0; i < num_channels; ++i) {
if (header->channels[i] == channel) {
return i;
return -1;
* @brief Fallback function for retrofiting old drivers to rtio
* @param[in] dev The sensor device to read
* @param[in] iodev_sqe The read submission queue event
static void sensor_submit_fallback(const struct device *dev, struct rtio_iodev_sqe *iodev_sqe)
const struct sensor_read_config *cfg = iodev_sqe->sqe.iodev->data;
const enum sensor_channel *const channels = cfg->channels;
const int num_output_samples = compute_num_samples(channels, cfg->count);
uint32_t min_buf_len = compute_min_buf_len(num_output_samples);
uint64_t timestamp_ns = k_ticks_to_ns_floor64(k_uptime_ticks());
int rc = sensor_sample_fetch(dev);
uint8_t *buf;
uint32_t buf_len;
/* Check that the fetch succeeded */
if (rc != 0) {
LOG_WRN("Failed to fetch samples");
rtio_iodev_sqe_err(iodev_sqe, rc);
/* Get the buffer for the frame, it may be allocated dynamically by the rtio context */
rc = rtio_sqe_rx_buf(iodev_sqe, min_buf_len, min_buf_len, &buf, &buf_len);
if (rc != 0) {
LOG_WRN("Failed to get a read buffer of size %u bytes", min_buf_len);
rtio_iodev_sqe_err(iodev_sqe, rc);
/* Set the timestamp and num_channels */
struct sensor_data_generic_header *header = (struct sensor_data_generic_header *)buf;
header->timestamp_ns = timestamp_ns;
header->num_channels = num_output_samples;
header->shift = 0;
q31_t *q = (q31_t *)(buf + sizeof(struct sensor_data_generic_header) +
num_output_samples * sizeof(enum sensor_channel));
/* Populate values, update shift, and set channels */
for (size_t i = 0, sample_idx = 0; i < cfg->count; ++i) {
struct sensor_value value[3];
const int num_samples = SENSOR_CHANNEL_3_AXIS(channels[i]) ? 3 : 1;
/* Get the current channel requested by the user */
rc = sensor_channel_get(dev, channels[i], value);
if (num_samples == 3) {
header->channels[sample_idx++] =
rc == 0 ? channels[i] - 3 : SENSOR_CHAN_MAX;
header->channels[sample_idx++] =
rc == 0 ? channels[i] - 2 : SENSOR_CHAN_MAX;
header->channels[sample_idx++] =
rc == 0 ? channels[i] - 1 : SENSOR_CHAN_MAX;
} else {
header->channels[sample_idx++] = rc == 0 ? channels[i] : SENSOR_CHAN_MAX;
if (rc != 0) {
LOG_DBG("Failed to get channel %d, skipping", channels[i]);
/* Get the largest absolute value reading to set the scale for the channel */
uint32_t header_scale = 0;
for (int sample = 0; sample < num_samples; ++sample) {
* The scale is the ceil(abs(sample)).
* Since we are using fractional values, it's easier to assume that .val2
* is non 0 and convert this to abs(sample.val1) + 1 (removing a branch).
* Since it's possible that val1 (int32_t) is saturated (INT32_MAX) we need
* to upcast it to 64 bit int first, then take the abs() of that 64 bit
* int before we '+ 1'. Once that's done, we can safely cast back down
* to uint32_t because the min value is 0 and max is INT32_MAX + 1 which
* is less than UINT32_MAX.
uint32_t scale = (uint32_t)llabs((int64_t)value[sample].val1) + 1;
header_scale = MAX(header_scale, scale);
int8_t new_shift = ilog2(header_scale - 1) + 1;
/* Reset sample_idx */
sample_idx -= num_samples;
if (header->shift < new_shift) {
* Shift was updated, need to convert all the existing q values. This could
* be optimized by calling zdsp_scale_q31() but that would force a
* dependency between sensors and the zDSP subsystem.
for (int q_idx = 0; q_idx < sample_idx; ++q_idx) {
q[q_idx] = q[q_idx] >> (new_shift - header->shift);
header->shift = new_shift;
* Spread the q31 values. This is needed because some channels are 3D. If
* the user specified one of those then num_samples will be 3; and we need to
* produce 3 separate readings.
for (int sample = 0; sample < num_samples; ++sample) {
/* Check if the channel is already in the buffer */
int prev_computed_value_idx = check_header_contains_channel(
header, header->channels[sample_idx + sample], sample_idx + sample);
if (prev_computed_value_idx >= 0 &&
prev_computed_value_idx != sample_idx + sample) {
LOG_DBG("value[%d] previously computed at q[%d]@%p", sample,
(void *)&q[prev_computed_value_idx]);
q[sample_idx + sample] = q[prev_computed_value_idx];
/* Convert the value to micro-units */
int64_t value_u = sensor_value_to_micro(&value[sample]);
/* Convert to q31 using the shift */
q[sample_idx + sample] =
((value_u * ((INT64_C(1) << 31) - 1)) / 1000000) >> header->shift;
LOG_DBG("value[%d]=%s%d.%06d, q[%d]@%p=%d", sample, value_u < 0 ? "-" : "",
abs((int)value[sample].val1), abs((int)value[sample].val2),
(int)(sample_idx + sample), (void *)&q[sample_idx + sample],
q[sample_idx + sample]);
sample_idx += num_samples;
LOG_DBG("Total channels in header: %zu", header->num_channels);
rtio_iodev_sqe_ok(iodev_sqe, 0);
void sensor_processing_with_callback(struct rtio *ctx, sensor_processing_callback_t cb)
void *userdata = NULL;
uint8_t *buf = NULL;
uint32_t buf_len = 0;
int rc;
/* Wait for a CQE */
struct rtio_cqe *cqe = rtio_cqe_consume_block(ctx);
/* Cache the data from the CQE */
rc = cqe->result;
userdata = cqe->userdata;
rtio_cqe_get_mempool_buffer(ctx, cqe, &buf, &buf_len);
/* Release the CQE */
rtio_cqe_release(ctx, cqe);
/* Call the callback */
cb(rc, buf, buf_len, userdata);
/* Release the memory */
rtio_release_buffer(ctx, buf, buf_len);
* @brief Default decoder get frame count
* Default reader can only ever service a single frame at a time.
* @param[in] buffer The data buffer to parse
* @param[out] frame_count The number of frames in the buffer (always 1)
* @return 0 in all cases
static int get_frame_count(const uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t *frame_count)
*frame_count = 1;
return 0;
* @brief Default decoder get the timestamp of the first frame
* @param[in] buffer The data buffer to parse
* @param[out] timestamp_ns The timestamp of the first frame
* @return 0 in all cases
static int get_timestamp(const uint8_t *buffer, uint64_t *timestamp_ns)
*timestamp_ns = ((struct sensor_data_generic_header *)buffer)->timestamp_ns;
return 0;
* @brief Default decoder get the bitshift of the given channel (if possible)
* @param[in] buffer The data buffer to parse
* @param[in] channel_type The channel to query
* @param[out] shift The bitshift for the q31 value
* @return 0 on success
* @return -EINVAL if the @p channel_type couldn't be found
static int get_shift(const uint8_t *buffer, enum sensor_channel channel_type, int8_t *shift)
struct sensor_data_generic_header *header = (struct sensor_data_generic_header *)buffer;
*shift = header->shift;
return 0;
* @brief Default decoder decode N samples
* Decode up to N samples starting at the provided @p fit and @p cit. The appropriate channel types
* and q31 values will be placed in @p values and @p channels respectively.
* @param[in] buffer The data buffer to decode
* @param[in,out] fit The starting frame iterator
* @param[in,out] cit The starting channel iterator
* @param[out] channels The decoded channel types
* @param[out] values The decoded q31 values
* @param[in] max_count The maximum number of values to decode
* @return > 0 The number of decoded values
* @return 0 Nothing else to decode on this @p buffer
* @return < 0 Error
static int decode(const uint8_t *buffer, sensor_frame_iterator_t *fit,
sensor_channel_iterator_t *cit, enum sensor_channel *channels, q31_t *values,
uint8_t max_count)
const struct sensor_data_generic_header *header =
(const struct sensor_data_generic_header *)buffer;
const q31_t *q =
(const q31_t *)(buffer + sizeof(struct sensor_data_generic_header) +
header->num_channels * sizeof(enum sensor_channel));
int count = 0;
if (*fit != 0 || *cit >= header->num_channels) {
return -EINVAL;
/* Skip invalid channels */
while (*cit < header->num_channels && header->channels[*cit] == SENSOR_CHAN_MAX) {
*cit += 1;
for (; *cit < header->num_channels && count < max_count; ++count) {
channels[count] = header->channels[*cit];
values[count] = q[*cit];
LOG_DBG("Decoding q[%u]@%p=%d", *cit, (void *)&q[*cit], q[*cit]);
*cit += 1;
if (*cit >= header->num_channels) {
*fit = 1;
*cit = 0;
return count;
const struct sensor_decoder_api __sensor_default_decoder = {
.get_frame_count = get_frame_count,
.get_timestamp = get_timestamp,
.get_shift = get_shift,
.decode = decode,