blob: f36deb755fca9f3370b3eeb929febd5fe2efcfa3 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright(c) 2021 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
import ctypes
import mmap
import os
import struct
import subprocess
import sys
import time
# Intel Audio DSP firmware loader. No dependencies on anything
# outside this file beyond Python3 builtins. Assumes the host system
# has a hugetlbs mounted at /dev/hugepages. Confirmed to run out of
# the box on Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04. Run as root with the firmware
# file as the single argument.
FW_FILE = sys.argv[2] if sys.argv[1] == "-f" else sys.argv[1]
PAGESZ = 4096
HUGEPAGESZ = 2 * 1024 * 1024
HUGEPAGE_FILE = "/dev/hugepages/cavs-fw-dma.tmp"
HDA_SD_CTL__START = 1 << 1
def main():
with open(FW_FILE, "rb") as f:
fw_bytes =
(hda, sd, dsp) = map_regs() # Device register mappings
# Turn on HDA "global processing enable" first, which actually
# means "enable access to the ADSP registers in PCI BAR 4" (!)
# Turn off the DSP CPUs (each byte of ADSPCS is a bitmask for each
# of 1-8 DSP cores: lowest byte controls "stall", the second byte
# engages "reset", the third controls power, and the highest byte
# is the output state for "powered" to be read after a state
# change. Set stall and reset, and turn off power for everything:
dsp.ADSPCS = 0xffff
while dsp.ADSPCS & 0xff000000: pass
# Reset the HDA device
hda.GCTL = 0
while hda.GCTL & 1: pass
hda.GCTL = 1
while not hda.GCTL & 1: pass
# Power up (and clear stall and reset on) all the cores on the DSP
# and wait for CPU0 to show that it has power
dsp.ADSPCS = 0xff0000
while (dsp.ADSPCS & 0x1000000) == 0: pass
# Wait for the ROM to boot and signal it's ready. This short
# sleep seems to be needed; if we're banging on the memory window
# during initial boot (before/while the window control registers
# are configured?) the DSP hardware will hang fairly reliably.
while (dsp.SRAM_FW_STATUS >> 24) != 5: pass
# Send the DSP an IPC message to tell the device how to boot
# ("PURGE_FW" means "load new code") and which DMA channel to use.
# The high bit is the "BUSY" signal bit that latches a device
# interrupt.
dsp.HIPCI = ( (1 << 31) # BUSY bit
| (0x01 << 24) # type = PURGE_FW
| (1 << 14) # purge_fw = 1
| (hda_ostream_id << 9)) # dma_id
# Configure our DMA stream to transfer the firmware image
(buf_list_addr, num_bufs) = setup_dma_mem(fw_bytes)
sd.BDPU = (buf_list_addr >> 32) & 0xffffffff
sd.BDPL = buf_list_addr & 0xffffffff
sd.CBL = len(fw_bytes)
sd.LVI = num_bufs - 1
# Enable "processing" on the output stream (send DMA to the DSP
# and not the audio output hardware)
hda.PPCTL |= (HDA_PPCTL__GPROCEN | (1 << hda_ostream_id))
# SPIB ("Software Position In Buffer") a Intel HDA extension that
# puts a transfer boundary into the stream beyond which the other
# side will not read. The ROM wants to poll on a "buffer full"
# bit on the other side that only works with this enabled.
hda.SD_SPIB = len(fw_bytes)
hda.SPBFCTL |= (1 << hda_ostream_id)
# Uncork the stream
# FIXME: The ROM sets a FW_ENTERED value of 5 into the bottom 28
# bit "state" field of FW_STATUS on entry to the app. But this is
# actually ephemeral and racy, because Zephyr is free to write its
# own data once the app launches and we might miss it. There's no
# standard "alive" signaling from the OS, which is really what we
# want to wait for. So give it one second and move on.
for _ in range(100):
alive = dsp.SRAM_FW_STATUS & ((1 << 28) - 1) == 5
if alive: break
if not alive:
print(f"Load failed? FW_STATUS = 0x{dsp.SRAM_FW_STATUS:x}")
# Turn DMA off and reset the stream. If this doesn't happen the
# hardware continues streaming out of our now-stale page and can
# has been observed to glitch the next boot.
sd.CTL |= 1
def map_regs():
# List cribbed from kernel SOF driver. Not all tested!
for id in ["119a", "5a98", "1a98", "3198", "9dc8",
"a348", "34C8", "38c8", "4dc8", "02c8",
"06c8", "a3f0", "a0c8", "4b55", "4b58"]:
p = runx(f"grep -il PCI_ID=8086:{id} /sys/bus/pci/devices/*/uevent")
if p:
pcidir = os.path.dirname(p)
hdamem = bar_map(pcidir, 0)
# Standard HD Audio Registers
hda = Regs(hdamem)
hda.GCAP = 0x0000
hda.GCTL = 0x0008
hda.SPBFCTL = 0x0704
hda.PPCTL = 0x0804
global hda_ostream_id
hda_ostream_id = (hda.GCAP >> 8) & 0x0f # number of input streams
hda.SD_SPIB = 0x0708 + (8 * hda_ostream_id)
# Standard HD Audio Stream Descriptor
sd = Regs(hdamem + 0x0080 + (hda_ostream_id * 0x20))
sd.CTL = 0x00
sd.LPIB = 0x04
sd.CBL = 0x08
sd.LVI = 0x0c
sd.FMT = 0x12
sd.BDPL = 0x18
sd.BDPU = 0x1c
# Intel Audio DSP Registers
dsp = Regs(bar_map(pcidir, 4))
dsp.ADSPCS = 0x00004
dsp.HIPCI = 0x00048
dsp.SRAM_FW_STATUS = 0x80000 # Start of first SRAM window
return (hda, sd, dsp)
def setup_dma_mem(fw_bytes):
(mem, phys_addr) = map_phys_mem()
mem[0:len(fw_bytes)] = fw_bytes
# HDA requires at least two buffers be defined, but we don't care
# about boundaries because it's all a contiguous region. Place a
# vestigial 128-byte (minimum size and alignment) buffer after the
# main one, and put the 4-entry BDL list into the final 128 bytes
# of the page.
buf0_len = HUGEPAGESZ - 2 * 128
buf1_len = 128
bdl_off = buf0_len + buf1_len
mem[bdl_off:bdl_off + 32] = struct.pack("<QQQQ",
phys_addr, buf0_len,
phys_addr + buf0_len, buf1_len)
return (phys_addr + bdl_off, 2)
global_mmaps = [] # protect mmap mappings from garbage collection!
# Maps 2M of contiguous memory using a single page from hugetlbfs,
# then locates its physical address for use as a DMA buffer.
def map_phys_mem():
# Ensure the kernel has enough budget for one new page
free = int(runx("awk '/HugePages_Free/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo"))
if free == 0:
tot = 1 + int(runx("awk '/HugePages_Total/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo"))
os.system(f"echo {tot} > /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages")
hugef = open(HUGEPAGE_FILE, "w+")
mem = mmap.mmap(hugef.fileno(), HUGEPAGESZ)
mem[0] = 0 # Fault the page in so it occupuies real memory!
# Find the local process address of the mapping, then use that to
# extract the physical address from the kernel's pagemap
# interface.
vaddr = ctypes.addressof(ctypes.c_int.from_buffer(mem))
vpagenum = vaddr >> 12
pagemap = open("/proc/self/pagemap", "rb") * 8)
pent =
# The PFN in a pagemap entry is the bottom 54 (?!) bits
paddr = (struct.unpack("Q", pent)[0] & ((1 << 54) - 1)) * PAGESZ
return (mem, paddr)
# Maps a PCI BAR and returns the in-process address
def bar_map(pcidir, barnum):
f = open(pcidir.decode() + "/resource" + str(barnum), "r+")
mm = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), os.fstat(f.fileno()).st_size)
return ctypes.addressof(ctypes.c_int.from_buffer(mm))
# Syntactic sugar to make register block definition & use look nice.
# Instantiate from a base address, assign offsets to (uint32) named
# registers as fields, call freeze(), then the field acts as a direct
# alias for the register!
class Regs:
def __init__(self, base_addr):
vars(self)["base_addr"] = base_addr
vars(self)["ptrs"] = {}
vars(self)["frozen"] = False
def freeze(self):
vars(self)["frozen"] = True
def __setattr__(self, name, val):
if not self.frozen and name not in self.ptrs:
addr = self.base_addr + val
self.ptrs[name] = ctypes.c_uint32.from_address(addr)
self.ptrs[name].value = val
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self.ptrs[name].value
def runx(cmd):
return subprocess.Popen(["sh", "-c", cmd],
if __name__ == "__main__":