blob: 0f1fac9a8c9e18fb15aadff6e13ebf4a9ac1f231 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _autopts-win10:
AutoPTS on Windows 10 with nRF52 board
This tutorial shows how to setup AutoPTS client and server to run both on
Windows 10. We use WSL1 with Ubuntu only to build a Zephyr project to
an elf file, because Zephyr SDK is not available on Windows yet.
Tutorial covers only nrf52840dk.
Update Windows and drivers
Update Windows in:
Start -> Settings -> Update & Security -> Windows Update
Update drivers, following the instructions from your hardware vendor.
Install Python 3
Download and install `Python 3 <>`_.
Setup was tested with versions >=3.8. Let the installer add the Python
installation directory to the PATH and disable the path length limitation.
.. image:: install_python1.png
:height: 300
:width: 450
:align: center
.. image:: install_python2.png
:height: 300
:width: 450
:align: center
Install Git
Download and install `Git <>`_.
During installation enable option: Enable experimental support for pseudo
consoles. We will use Git Bash as Windows terminal.
.. image:: install_git.png
:height: 350
:width: 400
:align: center
Install PTS 8
Install latest PTS from Remember to install
drivers from installation directory
"C:/Program Files (x86)/Bluetooth SIG/Bluetooth PTS/PTS Driver/win64/CSRBlueCoreUSB.inf"
.. image:: install_pts_drivers.png
:height: 250
:width: 850
:align: center
Setup Zephyr project for Windows
Setup from Zephyr site
Open Git Bash and go to home:
.. code-block::
cd ~
Install west:
.. code-block::
pip3 install west
Get the Zephyr source code:
.. code-block::
west init zephyrproject:
Go into freshly created folder:
.. code-block::
cd zephyrproject
.. code-block::
west update
Export a Zephyr CMake package. This allows CMake to automatically load
boilerplate code required for building Zephyr applications:
.. code-block::
west zephyr-export
Zephyrs scripts/requirements.txt file declares additional Python
dependencies. Install them with pip:
.. code-block::
pip3 install -r ~\zephyrproject\zephyr\scripts\requirements.txt
Setup WSL1 with Ubuntu 20.4
Setup Install Ubuntu 20.4 on `WSL1 <>`_.
Open PowerShell as Administrator and run:
.. code-block::
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart
Restart Windows. After restart, open Microsoft Store and install Ubuntu 20.4 LTS.
.. image:: install_ubuntu_on_wsl.png
:height: 350
:width: 500
:align: center
Run Ubuntu. You will be asked to create a user account and password:
.. image:: ubuntu_first_launch.png
:height: 150
:width: 800
:align: center
When finished, run commands:
.. code-block::
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
Install python3:
.. code-block::
sudo apt install python3
Install pip:
.. code-block::
sudo apt install python3-pip
Install west:
.. code-block::
pip3 install --user -U west
Export local bin to PATH:
.. code-block::
echo 'export PATH=~/.local/bin:"$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
Reload PATH:
.. code-block::
source ~/.bashrc
Install cmake:
.. code-block::
sudo apt install cmake
Go to your zephyrproject:
.. code-block::
cd /mnt/c/Users/Codecoup/zephyrproject
and then run:
.. code-block::
west zephyr-export
pip3 install --user wheel
pip3 install --user -r /mnt/c/Users/codecoup/zephyrproject/zephyr/scripts/requirements.txt
Check if all modules have been installed:
.. code-block::
pip3 list
If modules still will be missing, just install them with:
.. code-block::
pip3 install <module_name>
Install Ninja:
.. code-block::
pip3 install ninja
Go to home:
.. code-block::
cd ~
Download latest toolchain installer from Move it to ~
.. code-block::
mv /mnt/c/Users/Codecoup/Downloads/zephyr-sdk-<your_version> ~
Give permissions to the installer:
.. code-block::
chmod +x zephyr-sdk-<your_version>
and run the installer:
.. code-block::
./zephyr-sdk-<your_version> -- -d ~/zephyr-sdk-<your_version>
Copy rules:
.. code-block::
sudo cp ~/zephyr-sdk-<your_version>/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/share/openocd/contrib/60-openocd.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
Restart the Ubuntu machine. You may want to shutdown all WSL consoles from
Windows's Git Bash:
.. code-block::
wsl --shutdown
After Ubuntu restart, go to:
.. code-block::
cd /mnt/c/Users/codecoup/zephyrproject
and test if west can build:
.. code-block::
west build -p auto -b nrf52840dk_nrf52840 zephyr/tests/bluetooth/tester/
From now on, you can build projects by typing in Windows's Git Bash:
.. code-block::
wsl -d Ubuntu-20.04 -u codecoup -- bash -c -i "cd /mnt/c/Users/Codecoup/zephyrproject/ ; west build -p auto -b nrf52840dk_nrf52840 zephyr/tests/bluetooth/tester/"
Install nrftools
On Windows download latest nrftools (version >= 10.12.1) from site
and run default install.
.. image:: download_nrftools_windows.png
:height: 350
:width: 500
:align: center
Connect devices
.. image:: devices_1.png
:height: 400
:width: 600
:align: center
.. image:: devices_2.png
:height: 700
:width: 500
:align: center
Flash board
In Device Manager find COM port of your nrf board. In my case it is COM3.
.. image:: device_manager.png
:height: 400
:width: 450
:align: center
In Git Bash, go to zephyrproject
.. code-block::
cd ~/zephyrproject
You can display flashing options with:
.. code-block::
west flash --help
and flash board with built earlier elf file:
.. code-block::
west flash --skip-rebuild --board-dir /dev/ttyS2 --elf-file ~/zephyrproject/build/zephyr/zephyr.elf
Note that west does not accept COMs, so use /dev/ttyS2 as the COM3 equivalent,
/dev/ttyS2 as the COM3 equivalent, etc.(/dev/ttyS + decremented COM number).
Setup auto-pts project
In Git Bash, clone project repo:
.. code-block::
git clone
Go into the project folder:
.. code-block::
cd auto-pts
Install required python modules:
.. code-block::
pip3 install --user wheel
pip3 install --user -r autoptsserver_requirements.txt
pip3 install --user -r autoptsclient_requirements.txt
Install socat.exe
Download and extract socat.exe from
into folder ~/socat-
.. image:: download_socat.png
:height: 400
:width: 450
:align: center
Add path to directory of socat.exe to PATH:
.. image:: add_socat_to_path.png
:height: 400
:width: 450
:align: center
Running AutoPTS
Server and client by default will run on localhost address. Run server:
.. code-block::
python ./ -S 65000
.. image:: autoptsserver_run.png
:height: 200
:width: 800
:align: center
Run client:
.. code-block::
python ./ zephyr-master ~/zephyrproject/build/zephyr/zephyr.elf -t COM3 -b nrf52 -S 65000 -C 65001
.. image:: autoptsclient_run.png
:height: 200
:width: 800
:align: center
At the first run, when Windows asks, enable connection through firewall:
.. image:: allow_firewall.png
:height: 450
:width: 600
:align: center