blob: e5591ac32385b0e0758fa545decf7187626a1622 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _west-built-in-cmds:
Built-in commands
This page describes west's built-in commands, some of which were introduced in
:ref:`west-basics`, in more detail.
Some commands are related to Git commands with the same name, but operate
on the entire workspace. For example, ``west diff`` shows local changes in
multiple Git repositories in the workspace.
Some commands take projects as arguments. These arguments can be project
names as specified in the manifest file, or (as a fallback) paths to them
on the local file system. Omitting project arguments to commands which
accept them (such as ``west list``, ``west forall``, etc.) usually defaults
to using all projects in the manifest file plus the manifest repository
For additional help, run ``west <command> -h`` (e.g. ``west init -h``).
.. _west-init:
west init
This command creates a west workspace. It can be used in two ways:
1. Cloning a new manifest repository from a remote URL
2. Creating a workspace around an existing local manifest repository
**Option 1**: to clone a new manifest repository from a remote URL, use:
.. code-block:: none
west init [-m URL] [--mr REVISION] [--mf FILE] [directory]
The new workspace is created in the given :file:`directory`, creating a new
:file:`.west` inside this directory. You can give the manifest URL using
the ``-m`` switch, the initial revision to check out using ``--mr``, and
the location of the manifest file within the repository using ``--mf``.
For example, running:
.. code-block:: shell
west init -m --mr v1.14.0 zp
would clone the upstream official zephyr repository into :file:`zp/zephyr`,
and check out the ``v1.14.0`` release. This command creates
:file:`zp/.west`, and set the ``manifest.path`` :ref:`configuration option
<west-config>` to ``zephyr`` to record the location of the manifest
repository in the workspace. The default manifest file location is used.
The ``-m`` option defaults to
````. The ``--mr`` option
defaults to ``master``. The ``--mf`` option defaults to ``west.yml``. If no
``directory`` is given, the current working directory is used.
**Option 2**: to create a workspace around an existing local manifest
repository, use:
.. code-block:: none
west init -l [--mf FILE] directory
This creates :file:`.west` **next to** :file:`directory` in the file
system, and sets ``manifest.path`` to ``directory``.
As above, ``--mf`` defaults to ``west.yml``.
**Reconfiguring the workspace**:
If you change your mind later, you are free to change ``manifest.path`` and
``manifest.file`` using :ref:`west-config-cmd` after running ``west init``.
Just be sure to run ``west update`` afterwards to update your workspace to
match the new manifest file.
.. _west-update:
west update
.. code-block:: none
west update [-f {always,smart}] [-k] [-r]
[--group-filter FILTER] [--stats] [PROJECT ...]
**Which projects are updated:**
By default, this command parses the manifest file, usually
:file:`west.yml`, and updates each project specified there.
If your manifest uses :ref:`project groups <west-manifest-groups>`, then
only the active projects are updated.
To operate on a subset of projects only, give ``PROJECT`` argument(s). Each
``PROJECT`` is either a project name as given in the manifest file, or a
path that points to the project within the workspace. If you specify
projects explicitly, they are updated regardless of whether they are active.
**Project update procedure:**
For each project that is updated, this command:
#. Initializes a local Git repository for the project in the workspace, if
it does not already exist
#. Inspects the project's ``revision`` field in the manifest, and fetches
it from the remote if it is not already available locally
#. Sets the project's :ref:`manifest-rev <west-manifest-rev>` branch to the
commit specified by the revision in the previous step
#. Checks out ``manifest-rev`` in the local working copy as a `detached
HEAD <>`_
#. If the manifest file specifies a :ref:`submodules
<west-manifest-submodules>` key for the project, recursively updates
the project's submodules as described below.
To avoid unnecessary fetches, ``west update`` will not fetch project
``revision`` values which are Git SHAs or tags that are already available
locally. This is the behavior when the ``-f`` (``--fetch``) option has its
default value, ``smart``. To force this command to fetch from project remotes
even if the revisions appear to be available locally, either use ``-f always``
or set the ``update.fetch`` :ref:`configuration option <west-config>` to
``always``. SHAs may be given as unique prefixes as long as they are acceptable
to Git [#fetchall]_.
If the project ``revision`` is a Git ref that is neither a tag nor a SHA (i.e.
if the project is tracking a branch), ``west update`` always fetches,
regardless of ``-f`` and ``update.fetch``.
Some branch names might look like short SHAs, like ``deadbeef``. West treats
these like SHAs. You can disambiguate by prefixing the ``revision`` value with
``refs/heads/``, e.g. ``revision: refs/heads/deadbeef``.
For safety, ``west update`` uses ``git checkout --detach`` to check out a
detached ``HEAD`` at the manifest revision for each updated project,
leaving behind any branches which were already checked out. This is
typically a safe operation that will not modify any of your local branches.
However, if you had added some local commits onto a previously detached
``HEAD`` checked out by west, then git will warn you that you've left
behind some commits which are no longer referred to by any branch. These
may be garbage-collected and lost at some point in the future. To avoid
this if you have local commits in the project, make sure you have a local
branch checked out before running ``west update``.
If you would rather rebase any locally checked out branches instead, use
the ``-r`` (``--rebase``) option.
If you would like ``west update`` to keep local branches checked out as
long as they point to commits that are descendants of the new
``manifest-rev``, use the ``-k`` (``--keep-descendants``) option.
.. note::
``west update --rebase`` will fail in projects that have git conflicts
between your branch and new commits brought in by the manifest. You
should immediately resolve these conflicts as you usually do with
``git``, or you can use ``git -C <project_path> rebase --abort`` to
ignore incoming changes for the moment.
With a clean working tree, a plain ``west update`` never fails
because it does not try to hold on to your commits and simply
leaves them aside.
``west update --keep-descendants`` offers an intermediate option that
never fails either but does not treat all projects the same:
- in projects where your branch diverged from the incoming commits, it
does not even try to rebase and leaves your branches behind just like a
plain ``west update`` does;
- in all other projects where no rebase or merge is needed it keeps
your branches in place.
**One-time project group manipulation:**
The ``--group-filter`` option can be used to change which project groups
are enabled or disabled for the duration of a single ``west update`` command.
See :ref:`west-manifest-groups` for details on the project group feature.
The ``west update`` command behaves as if the ``--group-filter`` option's
value were appended to the ````
:ref:`configuration option <west-config-index>`.
For example, running ``west update --group-filter=+foo,-bar`` would behave
the same way as if you had temporarily appended the string ``"+foo,-bar"``
to the value of ````, run ``west update``, then restored
```` to its original value.
Note that using the syntax ``--group-filter=VALUE`` instead of
``--group-filter VALUE`` avoids issues parsing command line options
if you just want to disable a single group, e.g. ``--group-filter=-bar``.
**Submodule update procedure:**
If a project in the manifest has a ``submodules`` key, the submodules are
updated as follows, depending on the value of the ``submodules`` key.
If the project has ``submodules: true``, west runs one of the following in
the project repository, depending on whether you run ``west update``
with the ``--rebase`` option or without it:
.. code-block::
# without --rebase, e.g. "west update":
git submodule update init --checkout --recursive
# with --rebase, e.g. "west update --rebase":
git submodule update init --rebase --recursive
Otherwise, the project has ``submodules: <list-of-submodules>``. In this
case, west runs one of the following in the project repository for each
submodule path in the list, depending on whether you run ``west update``
with the ``--rebase`` option or without it:
.. code-block::
# without --rebase, e.g. "west update":
git submodule update init --checkout --recursive <submodule-path>
# with --rebase, e.g. "west update --rebase":
git submodule update init --rebase --recursive <submodule-path>
.. _west-built-in-misc:
Other project commands
West has a few more commands for managing the projects in the
workspace, which are summarized here. Run ``west <command> -h`` for
detailed help.
- ``west list``: print a line of information about each project in the
manifest, according to a format string
- ``west manifest``: manage the manifest file. See :ref:`west-manifest-cmd`.
- ``west diff``: run ``git diff`` in local project repositories
- ``west status``: run ``git status`` in local project repositories
- ``west forall``: run an arbitrary command in local project repositories
Other built-in commands
Finally, here is a summary of other built-in commands.
- ``west config``: get or set :ref:`configuration options <west-config>`
- ``west topdir``: print the top level directory of the west workspace
- ``west help``: get help about a command, or print information about all
commands in the workspace, including :ref:`west-extensions`
.. rubric:: Footnotes
.. [#fetchall]
West may fetch all refs from the Git server when given a SHA as a revision.
This is because some Git servers have historically not allowed fetching
SHAs directly.