blob: 2f9c2f591dd4386e8d2e6e5e9790cf5795d50543 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2017 Linaro Limited.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Zephyr board flashing script
This script is a transparent replacement for an existing Zephyr flash
script. If it can invoke the flashing tools natively, it will do so; otherwise,
it delegates to the shell script passed as second argument."""
import abc
from os import path
import os
import pprint
import platform
import sys
import subprocess
import time
def get_env_or_bail(env_var):
return os.environ[env_var]
except KeyError:
print('Variable {} not in environment:'.format(
env_var), file=sys.stderr)
pprint.pprint(dict(os.environ), stream=sys.stderr)
def get_env_bool_or(env_var, default_value):
return bool(int(os.environ[env_var]))
except KeyError:
return default_value
def check_call(cmd, debug):
if debug:
print(' '.join(cmd))
def check_output(cmd, debug):
if debug:
print(' '.join(cmd))
return subprocess.check_output(cmd)
class ZephyrBinaryFlasher(abc.ABC):
'''Abstract superclass for flasher objects.'''
def __init__(self, debug=False):
self.debug = debug
def create_for_shell_script(shell_script, debug):
'''Factory for using as a drop-in replacement to a shell script.
Get flasher instance to use in place of shell_script, deriving
flasher configuration from the environment.'''
for sub_cls in ZephyrBinaryFlasher.__subclasses__():
if sub_cls.replaces_shell_script(shell_script):
return sub_cls.create_from_env(debug)
raise ValueError('no flasher replaces script {}'.format(shell_script))
def replaces_shell_script(shell_script):
'''Check if this flasher class replaces FLASH_SCRIPT=shell_script.'''
def create_from_env(debug):
'''Create new flasher instance from environment variables.
This class must be able to replace the current FLASH_SCRIPT. The
environment variables expected by that script are used to build
the flasher in a backwards-compatible manner.'''
def flash(self, **kwargs):
'''Flash the board.'''
class BossacBinaryFlasher(ZephyrBinaryFlasher):
'''Flasher front-end for bossac.'''
def __init__(self, bin_name, bossac='bossac', debug=False):
super(BossacBinaryFlasher, self).__init__(debug=debug)
self.bin_name = bin_name
self.bossac = bossac
def replaces_shell_script(shell_script):
return shell_script == ''
def create_from_env(debug):
'''Create flasher from environment.
- O: build output directory
- KERNEL_BIN_NAME: name of kernel binary
- BOSSAC: path to bossac, default is bossac
bin_name = path.join(get_env_or_bail('O'),
bossac = os.environ.get('BOSSAC', 'bossac')
return BossacBinaryFlasher(bin_name, bossac=bossac, debug=debug)
def flash(self, **kwargs):
if platform.system() != 'Linux':
msg = 'CAUTION: No flash tool for your host system found!'
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
cmd_stty = ['stty', '-F', '/dev/ttyACM0', 'raw', 'ispeed', '1200',
'ospeed', '1200', 'cs8', '-cstopb', 'ignpar', 'eol', '255',
'eof', '255']
cmd_flash = [self.bossac, '-R', '-e', '-w', '-v', '-b', self.bin_name]
check_call(cmd_stty, self.debug)
check_call(cmd_flash, self.debug)
class DfuUtilBinaryFlasher(ZephyrBinaryFlasher):
'''Flasher front-end for dfu-util.'''
def __init__(self, pid, alt, img, dfuse=None, exe='dfu-util', debug=False):
super(DfuUtilBinaryFlasher, self).__init__(debug=debug) = pid
self.alt = alt
self.img = img
self.dfuse = dfuse
self.exe = exe
self.list_pattern = ', alt={}'.format(int(self.alt))
except ValueError:
self.list_pattern = ', name={}'.format(self.alt)
def replaces_shell_script(shell_script):
return shell_script == ''
def create_from_env(debug):
'''Create flasher from environment.
- DFUUTIL_PID: USB VID:PID of the board
- DFUUTIL_ALT: interface alternate setting number or name
- DFUUTIL_IMG: binary to flash
- DFUUTIL_DFUSE_ADDR: target address if the board is a
DfuSe device. Ignored if not present.
- DFUUTIL: dfu-util executable, defaults to dfu-util.
pid = get_env_or_bail('DFUUTIL_PID')
alt = get_env_or_bail('DFUUTIL_ALT')
img = get_env_or_bail('DFUUTIL_IMG')
dfuse = os.environ.get('DFUUTIL_DFUSE_ADDR', None)
exe = os.environ.get('DFUUTIL', 'dfu-util')
return DfuUtilBinaryFlasher(pid, alt, img, dfuse=dfuse, exe=exe,
def find_device(self):
output = check_output([self.exe, '-l'], self.debug)
output = output.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding())
return self.list_pattern in output
def flash(self, **kwargs):
reset = 0
if not self.find_device():
reset = 1
print('Please reset your board to switch to DFU mode...')
while not self.find_device():
cmd = [self.exe, '-d,{}'.format(]
if self.dfuse is not None:
cmd.extend(['-s', '{}:leave'.format(self.dfuse)])
cmd.extend(['-a', self.alt, '-D', self.img])
check_call(cmd, self.debug)
if reset:
print('Now reset your board again to switch back to runtime mode.')
class Esp32BinaryFlasher(ZephyrBinaryFlasher):
'''Flasher front-end for espidf.'''
def __init__(self, elf, device, baud=921600, flash_size='detect',
flash_freq='40m', flash_mode='dio', espdif='espidf',
super(Esp32BinaryFlasher, self).__init__(debug=debug)
self.elf = elf
self.device = device
self.baud = baud
self.flash_size = flash_size
self.flash_freq = flash_freq
self.flash_mode = flash_mode
self.espdif = espdif
def replaces_shell_script(shell_script):
return shell_script == ''
def create_from_env(debug):
'''Create flasher from environment.
- O: build output directory
- KERNEL_ELF_NAME: name of kernel binary in ELF format
- ESP_DEVICE: serial port to flash, default /dev/ttyUSB0
- ESP_BAUD_RATE: serial baud rate, default 921600
- ESP_FLASH_SIZE: flash size, default 'detect'
- ESP_FLASH_FREQ: flash frequency, default '40m'
- ESP_FLASH_MODE: flash mode, default 'dio'
- ESP_TOOL: complete path to espdif, or set to 'espidf' to look for it
in $ESP_IDF_PATH/components/esptool_py/esptool/
elf = path.join(get_env_or_bail('O'),
# TODO add sane device defaults on other platforms than Linux.
device = os.environ.get('ESP_DEVICE', '/dev/ttyUSB0')
baud = os.environ.get('ESP_BAUD_RATE', '921600')
flash_size = os.environ.get('ESP_FLASH_SIZE', 'detect')
flash_freq = os.environ.get('ESP_FLASH_FREQ', '40m')
flash_mode = os.environ.get('ESP_FLASH_MODE', 'dio')
espdif = os.environ.get('ESP_TOOL', 'espidf')
if espdif == 'espdif':
idf_path = get_env_or_bail('ESP_IDF_PATH')
espdif = path.join(idf_path, 'components', 'esptool_py', 'esptool',
return Esp32BinaryFlasher(elf, device, baud=baud,
flash_size=flash_size, flash_freq=flash_freq,
flash_mode=flash_mode, espdif=espdif,
def flash(self, **kwargs):
bin_name = path.splitext(self.elf)[0] + path.extsep + 'bin'
cmd_convert = [self.espdif, '--chip', 'esp32', 'elf2image', self.elf]
cmd_flash = [self.espdif, '--chip', 'esp32', '--port', self.device,
'--baud', self.baud, '--before', 'default_reset',
'--after', 'hard_reset', 'write_flash', '-u',
'--flash_mode', self.flash_mode,
'--flash_freq', self.flash_freq,
'--flash_size', self.flash_size,
'0x1000', bin_name]
print("Converting ELF to BIN")
check_call(cmd_convert, self.debug)
print("Flashing ESP32 on {} ({}bps)".format(self.device, self.baud))
check_call(cmd_flash, self.debug)
class Nios2Flasher(ZephyrBinaryFlasher):
'''Flasher front-end for NIOS II.'''
# From the original shell script:
# "XXX [flash] only support[s] cases where the .elf is sent
# over the JTAG and the CPU directly boots from __start. CONFIG_XIP
# and CONFIG_INCLUDE_RESET_VECTOR must be disabled."
def __init__(self, hex_, cpu_sof, zephyr_base, debug=False):
super(Nios2Flasher, self).__init__(debug=debug)
self.hex_ = hex_
self.cpu_sof = cpu_sof
self.zephyr_base = zephyr_base
def replaces_shell_script(shell_script):
return shell_script == ''
def create_from_env(debug):
'''Create flasher from environment.
- O: build output directory
- KERNEL_HEX_NAME: name of kernel binary in ELF format
- NIOS2_CPU_SOF: location of the CPU .sof data
- ZEPHYR_BASE: zephyr Git repository base directory
hex_ = path.join(get_env_or_bail('O'),
cpu_sof = get_env_or_bail('NIOS2_CPU_SOF')
zephyr_base = get_env_or_bail('ZEPHYR_BASE')
return Nios2Flasher(hex_, cpu_sof, zephyr_base, debug=debug)
def flash(self, **kwargs):
cmd = [path.join(self.zephyr_base, 'scripts', 'support',
'--sof', self.cpu_sof,
'--kernel', self.hex_]
check_call(cmd, self.debug)
class NrfJprogFlasher(ZephyrBinaryFlasher):
'''Flasher front-end for nrfjprog.'''
def __init__(self, hex_, family, board, debug=False):
super(NrfJprogFlasher, self).__init__(debug=debug)
self.hex_ = hex_ = family
self.board = board
def replaces_shell_script(shell_script):
return shell_script == ''
def create_from_env(debug):
'''Create flasher from environment.
- O: build output directory
- KERNEL_HEX_NAME: name of kernel binary in ELF format
- NRF_FAMILY: e.g. NRF51 or NRF52
- BOARD: Zephyr board name
hex_ = path.join(get_env_or_bail('O'),
family = get_env_or_bail('NRF_FAMILY')
board = get_env_or_bail('BOARD')
return NrfJprogFlasher(hex_, family, board, debug=debug)
def get_board_snr_from_user(self):
snrs = check_output(['nrfjprog', '--ids'], self.debug)
snrs = snrs.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding()).strip().splitlines()
if len(snrs) == 1:
return snrs[0]
print('There are multiple boards connected.')
for i, snr in enumerate(snrs, 1):
print('{}. {}'.format(i, snr))
p = 'Please select one with desired serial number (1-{}): '.format(
while True:
value = input(p)
value = int(value)
except ValueError:
if 1 <= value <= len(snrs):
return snrs[value - 1]
def flash(self, **kwargs):
board_snr = self.get_board_snr_from_user()
print('Flashing file: {}'.format(self.hex_))
commands = [
['nrfjprog', '--eraseall', '-f',, '--snr', board_snr],
['nrfjprog', '--program', self.hex_, '-f',, '--snr',
if == 'NRF52':
# Set reset pin
['nrfjprog', '--memwr', '0x10001200', '--val', '0x00000015',
'-f',, '--snr', board_snr],
['nrfjprog', '--memwr', '0x10001204', '--val', '0x00000015',
'-f',, '--snr', board_snr],
['nrfjprog', '--reset', '-f',, '--snr', board_snr],
for cmd in commands:
check_call(cmd, self.debug)
print('{} Serial Number {} flashed with success.'.format(
self.board, board_snr))
class OpenOcdBinaryFlasher(ZephyrBinaryFlasher):
'''Flasher front-end for openocd.'''
def __init__(self, bin_name, zephyr_base, arch, board_name,
load_cmd, verify_cmd, openocd='openocd',
default_path=None, pre_cmd=None,
post_cmd=None, debug=False):
super(OpenOcdBinaryFlasher, self).__init__(debug=debug)
self.bin_name = bin_name
self.zephyr_base = zephyr_base
self.arch = arch
self.board_name = board_name
self.load_cmd = load_cmd
self.verify_cmd = verify_cmd
self.openocd = openocd
self.default_path = default_path
self.pre_cmd = pre_cmd
self.post_cmd = post_cmd
def replaces_shell_script(shell_script):
return shell_script == ''
def create_from_env(debug):
'''Create flasher from environment.
- O: build output directory
- KERNEL_BIN_NAME: zephyr kernel binary
- ZEPHYR_BASE: zephyr Git repository base directory
- ARCH: board architecture
- BOARD_NAME: zephyr name of board
- OPENOCD_LOAD_CMD: command to load binary into flash
- OPENOCD_VERIFY_CMD: command to verify flash executed correctly
- OPENOCD: path to openocd, defaults to openocd
- OPENOCD_DEFAULT_PATH: openocd search path to use
- OPENOCD_PRE_CMD: command to run before any others
- OPENOCD_POST_CMD: command to run after verifying flash write
bin_name = path.join(get_env_or_bail('O'),
zephyr_base = get_env_or_bail('ZEPHYR_BASE')
arch = get_env_or_bail('ARCH')
board_name = get_env_or_bail('BOARD_NAME')
load_cmd = get_env_or_bail('OPENOCD_LOAD_CMD').strip('"')
verify_cmd = get_env_or_bail('OPENOCD_VERIFY_CMD').strip('"')
openocd = os.environ.get('OPENOCD', 'openocd')
default_path = os.environ.get('OPENOCD_DEFAULT_PATH', None)
pre_cmd = os.environ.get('OPENOCD_PRE_CMD', None)
post_cmd = os.environ.get('OPENOCD_POST_CMD', None)
return OpenOcdBinaryFlasher(bin_name, zephyr_base, arch, board_name,
load_cmd, verify_cmd, openocd=openocd,
default_path=default_path, pre_cmd=pre_cmd,
post_cmd=post_cmd, debug=debug)
def flash(self, **kwargs):
search_args = []
if self.default_path is not None:
search_args = ['-s', self.default_path]
config = path.join(self.zephyr_base, 'boards', self.arch,
self.board_name, 'support', 'openocd.cfg')
pre_cmd = []
if self.pre_cmd is not None:
pre_cmd = ['-c', self.pre_cmd]
post_cmd = []
if self.post_cmd is not None:
post_cmd = ['-c', self.post_cmd]
cmd = ([self.openocd] +
search_args +
['-f', config,
'-c', 'init',
'-c', 'targets'] +
pre_cmd +
['-c', 'reset halt',
'-c', self.load_cmd,
'-c', 'reset halt',
'-c', self.verify_cmd] +
post_cmd +
['-c', 'reset run',
'-c', 'shutdown'])
check_call(cmd, self.debug)
class PyOcdBinaryFlasher(ZephyrBinaryFlasher):
'''Flasher front-end for pyocd-flashtool.'''
def __init__(self, bin_name, target, flashtool='pyocd-flashtool',
board_id=None, daparg=None, debug=False):
super(PyOcdBinaryFlasher, self).__init__(debug=debug)
self.bin_name = bin_name = target
self.flashtool = flashtool
self.board_id = board_id
self.daparg = daparg
def replaces_shell_script(shell_script):
return shell_script == ''
def create_from_env(debug):
'''Create flasher from environment.
- O: build output directory
- KERNEL_BIN_NAME: name of kernel binary
- PYOCD_TARGET: target override
- PYOCD_FLASHTOOL: flash tool path, defaults to pyocd-flashtool
- PYOCD_BOARD_ID: ID of board to flash, default is to guess
- PYOCD_DAPARG_ARG: arguments to pass to flashtool, default is none
bin_name = path.join(get_env_or_bail('O'),
target = get_env_or_bail('PYOCD_TARGET')
flashtool = os.environ.get('PYOCD_FLASHTOOL', 'pyocd-flashtool')
board_id = os.environ.get('PYOCD_BOARD_ID', None)
daparg = os.environ.get('PYOCD_DAPARG_ARG', None)
return PyOcdBinaryFlasher(bin_name, target,
flashtool=flashtool, board_id=board_id,
daparg=daparg, debug=debug)
def flash(self, **kwargs):
daparg_args = []
if self.daparg is not None:
daparg_args = ['-da', self.daparg]
board_args = []
if self.board_id is not None:
board_args = ['-b', self.board_id]
cmd = ([self.flashtool] +
daparg_args +
['-t',] +
board_args +
print('Flashing Target Device')
check_call(cmd, self.debug)
# TODO: Stop using environment variables.
# Migrate the build system so we can use an argparse.ArgumentParser and
# per-flasher subparsers, so invoking the script becomes something like:
# python openocd --openocd-bin=/openocd/path ...
# For now, maintain compatibility.
def flash(shell_script_full, debug):
shell_script = path.basename(shell_script_full)
flasher = ZephyrBinaryFlasher.create_for_shell_script(shell_script,
except ValueError:
# Can't create a flasher; fall back on shell script.
check_call([shell_script_full, 'flash'], debug)
if __name__ == '__main__':
debug = True
debug = get_env_bool_or('KBUILD_VERBOSE', False)
if len(sys.argv) != 3 or sys.argv[1] != 'flash':
raise ValueError('usage: {} flash path-to-script'.format(
flash(sys.argv[2], debug)
except Exception as e:
if debug:
print('Error: {}'.format(e), file=sys.stderr)
print('Re-run with KBUILD_VERBOSE=1 for a stack trace.',