blob: 6ba12a706be793078743b86136bf377fb8fd8e87 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 NXP
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#ifndef _FSL_IAP_H_
#define _FSL_IAP_H_
#include "fsl_common.h"
* @addtogroup IAP_driver
* @{
/*! @file */
* Definitions
/*! @name Driver version */
#define FSL_IAP_DRIVER_VERSION (MAKE_VERSION(2, 0, 2)) /*!< Version 2.0.2. */
* @brief iap status codes.
enum _iap_status
kStatus_IAP_Success = kStatus_Success, /*!< Api is executed successfully */
kStatus_IAP_InvalidCommand = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 1U), /*!< Invalid command */
kStatus_IAP_SrcAddrError = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 2U), /*!< Source address is not on word boundary */
kStatus_IAP_DstAddrError =
MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 3U), /*!< Destination address is not on a correct boundary */
kStatus_IAP_SrcAddrNotMapped =
MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 4U), /*!< Source address is not mapped in the memory map */
kStatus_IAP_DstAddrNotMapped =
MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 5U), /*!< Destination address is not mapped in the memory map */
kStatus_IAP_CountError =
MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 6U), /*!< Byte count is not multiple of 4 or is not a permitted value */
kStatus_IAP_InvalidSector = MAKE_STATUS(
kStatusGroup_IAP, 7), /*!< Sector number is invalid or end sector number is greater than start sector number */
kStatus_IAP_SectorNotblank = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 8U), /*!< One or more sectors are not blank */
kStatus_IAP_NotPrepared =
MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 9U), /*!< Command to prepare sector for write operation was not executed */
kStatus_IAP_CompareError =
MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 10U), /*!< Destination and source memory contents do not match */
kStatus_IAP_Busy = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 11U), /*!< Flash programming hardware interface is busy */
kStatus_IAP_ParamError =
MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 12U), /*!< Insufficient number of parameters or invalid parameter */
kStatus_IAP_AddrError = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 13U), /*!< Address is not on word boundary */
kStatus_IAP_AddrNotMapped = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 14U), /*!< Address is not mapped in the memory map */
kStatus_IAP_NoPower = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 24U), /*!< Flash memory block is powered down */
kStatus_IAP_NoClock = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 27U), /*!< Flash memory block or controller is not clocked */
kStatus_IAP_ReinvokeISPConfig = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 0x1CU), /*!< Reinvoke configuration error */
* @brief iap command codes.
enum _iap_commands
kIapCmd_IAP_ReadFactorySettings = 40U, /*!< Read the factory settings */
kIapCmd_IAP_PrepareSectorforWrite = 50U, /*!< Prepare Sector for write */
kIapCmd_IAP_CopyRamToFlash = 51U, /*!< Copy RAM to flash */
kIapCmd_IAP_EraseSector = 52U, /*!< Erase Sector */
kIapCmd_IAP_BlankCheckSector = 53U, /*!< Blank check sector */
kIapCmd_IAP_ReadPartId = 54U, /*!< Read part id */
kIapCmd_IAP_Read_BootromVersion = 55U, /*!< Read bootrom version */
kIapCmd_IAP_Compare = 56U, /*!< Compare */
kIapCmd_IAP_ReinvokeISP = 57U, /*!< Reinvoke ISP */
kIapCmd_IAP_ReadUid = 58U, /*!< Read Uid */
kIapCmd_IAP_ErasePage = 59U, /*!< Erase Page */
kIapCmd_IAP_ReadSignature = 70U, /*!< Read Signature */
kIapCmd_IAP_ExtendedReadSignature = 73U, /*!< Extended Read Signature */
kIapCmd_IAP_ReadEEPROMPage = 80U, /*!< Read EEPROM page */
kIapCmd_IAP_WriteEEPROMPage = 81U /*!< Write EEPROM page */
* Prototypes
/*! @brief IAP_ENTRY API function type */
typedef void (*IAP_ENTRY_T)(uint32_t cmd[], uint32_t stat[]);
* Variables
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
* @brief IAP_ENTRY API function type
* Wrapper for rom iap call
* @param cmd_param IAP command and relevant parameter array.
* @param status_result IAP status result array.
* @retval None. Status/Result is returned via status_result array.
static inline void iap_entry(uint32_t *cmd_param, uint32_t *status_result)
* @brief Read part identification number.
* This function is used to read the part identification number.
* @param partID Address to store the part identification number.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_Success Api was executed successfully.
status_t IAP_ReadPartID(uint32_t *partID);
* @brief Read boot code version number.
* This function is used to read the boot code version number.
* @param bootCodeVersion Address to store the boot code version.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_Success Api was executed successfully.
* @note Boot code version is two 32-bit words. Word 0 is the major version, word 1 is the minor version.
status_t IAP_ReadBootCodeVersion(uint32_t *bootCodeVersion);
* @brief Reinvoke ISP
* This function is used to invoke the boot loader in ISP mode. It maps boot vectors and configures the
* peripherals for ISP.
* @param ispTyoe ISP type selection.
* @param status store the possible status
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_ReinvokeISPConfig reinvoke configuration error.
* @note The error response is returned if IAP is disabled, or if there is an invalid ISP type selection. When
* there is no error the call does not return, so there can be no status code.
void IAP_ReinvokeISP(uint8_t ispType, uint32_t *status);
* @brief Read unique identification.
* This function is used to read the unique id.
* @param uniqueID store the uniqueID.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_Success Api was executed successfully.
status_t IAP_ReadUniqueID(uint32_t *uniqueID);
* @brief Read factory settings.
* This function reads the factory settings for calibration registers.
* @param dstRegAddr Address of the targeted calibration register.
* @param factoryValue Store the factory value
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_Success Api was executed successfully.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_ParamError Param0 is not one of the supported calibration registers
status_t IAP_ReadFactorySettings(uint32_t dstRegAddr, uint32_t *factoryValue);
* @brief Prepare sector for write operation
* This function prepares sector(s) for write/erase operation. This function must be
* called before calling the IAP_CopyRamToFlash() or IAP_EraseSector() or
* IAP_ErasePage() function. The end sector must be greater than or equal to
* start sector number.
* @param startSector Start sector number.
* @param endSector End sector number.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_Success Api was executed successfully.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_NoPower Flash memory block is powered down.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_NoClock Flash memory block or controller is not clocked.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_InvalidSector Sector number is invalid or end sector number
* is greater than start sector number.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_Busy Flash programming hardware interface is busy.
status_t IAP_PrepareSectorForWrite(uint32_t startSector, uint32_t endSector);
* @brief Copy RAM to flash.
* This function programs the flash memory. Corresponding sectors must be prepared
* via IAP_PrepareSectorForWrite before calling calling this function. The addresses
* should be a 256 byte boundary and the number of bytes should be 256 | 512 | 1024 | 4096.
* @param dstAddr Destination flash address where data bytes are to be written.
* @param srcAddr Source ram address from where data bytes are to be read.
* @param numOfBytes Number of bytes to be written.
* @param systemCoreClock SystemCoreClock in Hz. It is converted to KHz before calling the
* rom IAP function.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_Success Api was executed successfully.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_NoPower Flash memory block is powered down.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_NoClock Flash memory block or controller is not clocked.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_SrcAddrError Source address is not on word boundary.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_DstAddrError Destination address is not on a correct boundary.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_SrcAddrNotMapped Source address is not mapped in the memory map.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_DstAddrNotMapped Destination address is not mapped in the memory map.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_CountError Byte count is not multiple of 4 or is not a permitted value.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_NotPrepared Command to prepare sector for write operation was not executed.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_Busy Flash programming hardware interface is busy.
status_t IAP_CopyRamToFlash(uint32_t dstAddr, uint32_t *srcAddr, uint32_t numOfBytes, uint32_t systemCoreClock);
* @brief Erase sector
* This function erases sector(s). The end sector must be greater than or equal to
* start sector number. IAP_PrepareSectorForWrite must be called before
* calling this function.
* @param startSector Start sector number.
* @param endSector End sector number.
* @param systemCoreClock SystemCoreClock in Hz. It is converted to KHz before calling the
* rom IAP function.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_Success Api was executed successfully.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_NoPower Flash memory block is powered down.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_NoClock Flash memory block or controller is not clocked.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_InvalidSector Sector number is invalid or end sector number
* is greater than start sector number.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_NotPrepared Command to prepare sector for write operation was not executed.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_Busy Flash programming hardware interface is busy.
status_t IAP_EraseSector(uint32_t startSector, uint32_t endSector, uint32_t systemCoreClock);
* This function erases page(s). The end page must be greater than or equal to
* start page number. Corresponding sectors must be prepared via IAP_PrepareSectorForWrite
* before calling calling this function.
* @param startPage Start page number
* @param endPage End page number
* @param systemCoreClock SystemCoreClock in Hz. It is converted to KHz before calling the
* rom IAP function.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_Success Api was executed successfully.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_NoPower Flash memory block is powered down.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_NoClock Flash memory block or controller is not clocked.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_InvalidSector Page number is invalid or end page number
* is greater than start page number
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_NotPrepared Command to prepare sector for write operation was not executed.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_Busy Flash programming hardware interface is busy.
status_t IAP_ErasePage(uint32_t startPage, uint32_t endPage, uint32_t systemCoreClock);
* @brief Blank check sector(s)
* Blank check single or multiples sectors of flash memory. The end sector must be greater than or equal to
* start sector number. It can be used to verify the sector eraseure after IAP_EraseSector call.
* @param startSector : Start sector number. Must be greater than or equal to start sector number
* @param endSector : End sector number
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_Success One or more sectors are in erased state.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_NoPower Flash memory block is powered down.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_NoClock Flash memory block or controller is not clocked.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_SectorNotblank One or more sectors are not blank.
status_t IAP_BlankCheckSector(uint32_t startSector, uint32_t endSector);
* @brief Compare memory contents of flash with ram.
* This function compares the contents of flash and ram. It can be used to verify the flash
* memory contents after IAP_CopyRamToFlash call.
* @param dstAddr Destination flash address.
* @param srcAddr Source ram address.
* @param numOfBytes Number of bytes to be compared.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_Success Contents of flash and ram match.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_NoPower Flash memory block is powered down.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_NoClock Flash memory block or controller is not clocked.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_AddrError Address is not on word boundary.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_AddrNotMapped Address is not mapped in the memory map.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_CountError Byte count is not multiple of 4 or is not a permitted value.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_CompareError Destination and source memory contents do not match.
status_t IAP_Compare(uint32_t dstAddr, uint32_t *srcAddr, uint32_t numOfBytes);
* @brief Extended Read signature.
* This function calculates the signature value for one or more pages of on-chip flash memory.
* @param startPage Start page number.
* @param endPage End page number.
* @param numOfStates Number of wait status.
* @param signature Address to store the signature value.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_Success Api was executed successfully.
status_t IAP_ExtendedFlashSignatureRead(uint32_t startPage, uint32_t endPage, uint32_t numOfState, uint32_t *signature);
* @brief Read flash signature
* This funtion is used to obtain a 32-bit signature value of the entire flash memory.
* @param signature Address to store the 32-bit generated signature value.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_Success Api was executed successfully.
status_t IAP_ReadFlashSignature(uint32_t *signature);
* @brief Read EEPROM page.
* This function is used to read given page of EEPROM into the memory provided.
* @param pageNumber EEPROM page number.
* @param dstAddr Memory address to store the value read from EEPROM.
* @param systemCoreClock Current core clock frequency in kHz.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_Success Api was executed successfully.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_InvalidSector Sector number is invalid.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_SrcAddrNotMapped Source address is not mapped in the memory map.
* @note Value 0xFFFFFFFF of systemCoreClock will retain the timing and clock settings for
status_t IAP_ReadEEPROMPage(uint32_t pageNumber, uint32_t *dstAddr, uint32_t systemCoreClock);
* @brief Write EEPROM page.
* This function is used to write given data in the provided memory to a page of EEPROM.
* @param pageNumber EEPROM page number.
* @param srcAddr Memory address holding data to be stored on to EEPROM page.
* @param systemCoreClock Current core clock frequency in kHz.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_Success Api was executed successfully.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_InvalidSector Sector number is invalid.
* @retval #kStatus_IAP_SrcAddrNotMapped Source address is not mapped in the memory map.
* @note Value 0xFFFFFFFF of systemCoreClock will retain the timing and clock settings for
status_t IAP_WriteEEPROMPage(uint32_t pageNumber, uint32_t *srcAddr, uint32_t systemCoreClock);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _FSL_IAP_H_ */