blob: 5085735254659bf60f0b9d9d4fac1a178199cbc6 [file] [log] [blame]
Developing Bluetooth Applications
The Bluetooth subsystem is initialized using the :c:func:`bt_enable()`
function. The caller should ensure that function succeeds by checking
the return code for errors. If a function pointer is passed to
:c:func:`bt_enable()`, the initialization happens asynchronously, and the
completion is notified through the given function.
Bluetooth Application Example
A simple Bluetooth beacon application is shown below. The application
initializes the Bluetooth Subsystem and enables non-connectable
advertising, effectively acting as a Bluetooth Low Energy broadcaster.
.. literalinclude:: ../../../samples/bluetooth/beacon/src/main.c
:language: c
:lines: 19-
The key APIs employed by the beacon sample are :c:func:`bt_enable()`
that's used to initialize Bluetooth and then :c:func:`bt_le_adv_start()`
that's used to start advertising a specific combination of advertising
and scan response data.
Testing with QEMU
It's possible to test Bluetooth applications using QEMU. In order to do
so, a Bluetooth controller needs to be exported from the host OS (Linux)
to the emulator.
Using Host System Bluetooth Controller in QEMU
The host OS's Bluetooth controller is connected to the second QEMU
serial line using a UNIX socket. This socket gets used with the help of
the QEMU option :literal:`-serial unix:/tmp/bt-server-bredr`. This
option gets passed to QEMU through :makevar:`QEMU_EXTRA_FLAGS`
automatically whenever an application has enabled Bluetooth support.
On the host side, BlueZ allows to export its Bluetooth controller
through a so-called user channel for QEMU to use:
#. Make sure that the Bluetooth controller is down
#. Use the btproxy tool to open the listening UNIX socket, type:
.. code-block:: console
sudo tools/btproxy -u
Listening on /tmp/bt-server-bredr
#. Choose one of the Bluetooth sample applications located in
#. To run a Bluetooth application in QEMU, type:
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/bluetooth/<sample>
:host-os: unix
:board: qemu_x86
:goals: run
Running QEMU now results in a connection with the second serial line to
the :literal:`bt-server-bredr` UNIX socket, letting the application
access the Bluetooth controller.