blob: 1e42b07d77876e647c661a1d781916b39a7b2e71 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Linaro
# Copyright (c) 2019 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import os
# Types we support
# 'string', 'int', 'hex', 'bool'
doc_mode = os.environ.get('KCONFIG_DOC_MODE') == "1"
bin_dir = os.environ.get('PROJECT_BINARY_DIR')
conf_file = os.path.join(bin_dir, 'include', 'generated',
'generated_dts_board.conf') if bin_dir else None
dt_defines = {}
if (not doc_mode) and conf_file and os.path.isfile(conf_file):
with open(conf_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fd:
for line in fd:
if '=' in line:
define, val = line.split('=')
dt_defines[define] = val.strip()
def _dt_units_to_scale(unit):
if not unit:
return 0
if unit in {'k', 'K'}:
return 10
if unit in {'m', 'M'}:
return 20
if unit in {'g', 'G'}:
return 30
def dt_int_val(kconf, _, name, unit=None):
This function looks up 'name' in the DTS generated "conf" style database
and if it's found it will return the value as an decimal integer. The
function will divide the value based on 'unit':
None No division
'k' or 'K' divide by 1024 (1 << 10)
'm' or 'M' divide by 1,048,576 (1 << 20)
'g' or 'G' divide by 1,073,741,824 (1 << 30)
if doc_mode or name not in dt_defines:
return "0"
d = dt_defines[name]
if d.startswith(('0x', '0X')):
d = int(d, 16)
d = int(d)
d >>= _dt_units_to_scale(unit)
return str(d)
def dt_hex_val(kconf, _, name, unit=None):
This function looks up 'name' in the DTS generated "conf" style database
and if it's found it will return the value as an hex integer. The
function will divide the value based on 'unit':
None No division
'k' or 'K' divide by 1024 (1 << 10)
'm' or 'M' divide by 1,048,576 (1 << 20)
'g' or 'G' divide by 1,073,741,824 (1 << 30)
if doc_mode or name not in dt_defines:
return "0x0"
d = dt_defines[name]
if d.startswith(('0x', '0X')):
d = int(d, 16)
d = int(d)
d >>= _dt_units_to_scale(unit)
return hex(d)
def dt_str_val(kconf, _, name):
This function looks up 'name' in the DTS generated "conf" style database
and if it's found it will return the value as string. If it's not found we
return an empty string.
if doc_mode or name not in dt_defines:
return ""
return dt_defines[name].strip('"')
functions = {
"dt_int_val": (dt_int_val, 1, 2),
"dt_hex_val": (dt_hex_val, 1, 2),
"dt_str_val": (dt_str_val, 1, 1),