blob: f6242d29d5901dcfd16cb26a25ee9c08538c9d2d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2017 Linaro Limited.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
'''Runner for NIOS II, based on and GDB.'''
from west import log
from runners.core import ZephyrBinaryRunner, NetworkPortHelper
class Nios2BinaryRunner(ZephyrBinaryRunner):
'''Runner front-end for NIOS II.'''
# From the original shell script:
# "XXX [flash] only support[s] cases where the .elf is sent
# over the JTAG and the CPU directly boots from __start. CONFIG_XIP
# and CONFIG_INCLUDE_RESET_VECTOR must be disabled."
def __init__(self, cfg, quartus_py=None, cpu_sof=None, tui=False):
super(Nios2BinaryRunner, self).__init__(cfg)
self.hex_name = cfg.hex_file
self.elf_name = cfg.elf_file
self.cpu_sof = cpu_sof
self.quartus_py = quartus_py
self.gdb_cmd = [cfg.gdb] if cfg.gdb else None
self.tui_arg = ['-tui'] if tui else []
def name(cls):
return 'nios2'
def do_add_parser(cls, parser):
# TODO merge script into this file.
parser.add_argument('--quartus-flash', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--cpu-sof', required=True,
help='path to the the CPU .sof data')
parser.add_argument('--tui', default=False, action='store_true',
help='if given, GDB uses -tui')
def create(cls, cfg, args):
return Nios2BinaryRunner(cfg,
def do_run(self, command, **kwargs):
if command == 'flash':
self.debug_debugserver(command, **kwargs)
def flash(self, **kwargs):
if self.quartus_py is None:
raise ValueError('Cannot flash; --quartus-flash not given.')
if self.cpu_sof is None:
raise ValueError('Cannot flash; --cpu-sof not given.')
cmd = [self.quartus_py,
'--sof', self.cpu_sof,
'--kernel', self.hex_name]
def print_gdbserver_message(self, gdb_port):
log.inf('Nios II GDB server running on port {}'.format(gdb_port))
def debug_debugserver(self, command, **kwargs):
# Per comments in the shell script, the NIOSII GDB server
# doesn't exit gracefully, so it's better to explicitly search
# for an unused port. The script picks a random value in
# between 1024 and 49151, but we'll start with the
# "traditional" 3333 choice.
gdb_start = 3333
nh = NetworkPortHelper()
gdb_port = nh.get_unused_ports([gdb_start])[0]
server_cmd = (['nios2-gdb-server',
'--tcpport', str(gdb_port),
'--stop', '--reset-target'])
if command == 'debugserver':
if self.elf_name is None:
raise ValueError('Cannot debug; elf is missing')
if self.gdb_cmd is None:
raise ValueError('Cannot debug; no gdb specified')
gdb_cmd = (self.gdb_cmd +
self.tui_arg +
'-ex', 'target remote :{}'.format(gdb_port)])
self.run_server_and_client(server_cmd, gdb_cmd)