blob: 8a85172468fe5b511386ab7ceae12c1767de3857 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <ztest.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#define STACK_SIZE 1024
sem_t sema;
void *dummy_sem;
struct sched_param schedparam;
int schedpolicy = SCHED_FIFO;
static void *child_func(void *p1)
zassert_equal(sem_post(&sema), 0, "sem_post failed");
return NULL;
void initialize_thread_attr(pthread_attr_t *attr)
int ret;
schedparam.priority = 1;
ret = pthread_attr_init(attr);
if (ret != 0) {
zassert_equal(pthread_attr_destroy(attr), 0,
"Unable to destroy pthread object attrib");
zassert_equal(pthread_attr_init(attr), 0,
"Unable to create pthread object attrib");
pthread_attr_setstack(attr, &stack, STACK_SIZE);
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(attr, schedpolicy);
pthread_attr_setschedparam(attr, &schedparam);
void test_posix_semaphore(void)
pthread_t thread1, thread2;
pthread_attr_t attr1, attr2;
int val, ret;
struct timespec abstime;
/* TESTPOINT: Check if sema value is less than
zassert_equal(sem_init(&sema, 0, (CONFIG_SEM_VALUE_MAX + 1)), -1,
"value larger than %d\n", CONFIG_SEM_VALUE_MAX);
zassert_equal(errno, EINVAL, NULL);
zassert_equal(sem_init(&sema, 0, 0), 0, "sem_init failed");
/* TESTPOINT: Call sem_post with invalid kobject */
zassert_equal(sem_post(dummy_sem), -1, "sem_post of"
" invalid semaphore object didn't fail");
zassert_equal(errno, EINVAL, NULL);
/* TESTPOINT: Check if semaphore value is as set */
zassert_equal(sem_getvalue(&sema, &val), 0, NULL);
zassert_equal(val, 0, NULL);
/* TESTPOINT: Check if sema is acquired when it
* is not available
zassert_equal(sem_trywait(&sema), -1, NULL);
zassert_equal(errno, EAGAIN, NULL);
ret = pthread_create(&thread1, &attr1, child_func, NULL);
zassert_equal(ret, 0, "Thread creation failed");
zassert_equal(clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &abstime), 0,
"clock_gettime failed");
abstime.tv_sec += 5;
/* TESPOINT: Wait for 5 seconds and acquire sema given
* by thread1
zassert_equal(sem_timedwait(&sema, &abstime), 0, NULL);
/* TESTPOINT: Semaphore is already acquired, check if
* no semaphore is available
zassert_equal(sem_timedwait(&sema, &abstime), -1, NULL);
zassert_equal(errno, ETIMEDOUT, NULL);
/* TESTPOINT: sem_destroy with invalid kobject */
zassert_equal(sem_destroy(dummy_sem), -1, "invalid"
" semaphore is destroyed");
zassert_equal(errno, EINVAL, NULL);
zassert_equal(sem_destroy(&sema), 0, "semaphore is not destroyed");
zassert_equal(pthread_attr_destroy(&attr1), 0,
"Unable to destroy pthread object attrib");
/* TESTPOINT: Initialize sema with 1 */
zassert_equal(sem_init(&sema, 0, 1), 0, "sem_init failed");
zassert_equal(sem_getvalue(&sema, &val), 0, NULL);
zassert_equal(val, 1, NULL);
zassert_equal(sem_destroy(&sema), -1, "acquired semaphore"
" is destroyed");
zassert_equal(errno, EBUSY, NULL);
/* TESTPOINT: take semaphore which is initialized with 1 */
zassert_equal(sem_trywait(&sema), 0, NULL);
zassert_equal(pthread_create(&thread2, &attr2, child_func, NULL), 0,
"Thread creation failed");
/* TESTPOINT: Wait and acquire semaphore till thread2 gives */
zassert_equal(sem_wait(&sema), 0, "sem_wait failed");