blob: d6f182e47b17843f3434d431a9153fd9299a35be [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017, Intel Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache 2.0
#include <kernel.h>
#include <misc/printk.h>
#include <nano_internal.h>
extern const _k_syscall_handler_t _k_syscall_table[K_SYSCALL_LIMIT];
* @brief Runtime expression check for system call arguments
* Used in handler functions to perform various runtime checks on arguments,
* and generate a kernel oops if anything is not expected
* @param expr Boolean expression to verify, a false result will trigger an
* oops
* @param ssf Syscall stack frame argument passed to the handler function
#define _SYSCALL_VERIFY(expr, ssf) \
do { \
if (!(expr)) { \
printk("FATAL: syscall failed check: " #expr "\n"); \
_arch_syscall_oops(ssf); \
} \
} while (0)
* @brief Runtime check that a user thread has proper access to a memory area
* Checks that the particular memory area is readable or writable by the
* currently running thread if the CPU was in user mode, and generates a kernel
* oops if it wasn't. Prevents userspace from getting the kernel to read or
* modify memory the thread does not have access to, or passing in garbage
* pointers that would crash/pagefault the kernel if accessed.
* @param ptr Memory area to examine
* @param size Size of the memory area
* @param write If the thread should be able to write to this memory, not just
* read it
* @param ssf Syscall stack frame argument passed to the handler function
#define _SYSCALL_MEMORY(ptr, size, write, ssf) \
_SYSCALL_VERIFY(!_arch_buffer_validate((void *)ptr, size, write), ssf)
* @brief Runtime check that a pointer is a kernel object of expected type
* Passes along arguments to _k_object_validate() and triggers a kernel oops
* if the object wasn't valid or had incorrect permissions.
* @param ptr Untrusted kernel object pointer
* @param type Expected kernel object type
* @param init Whether this is an init function handler
* @param ssf Syscall stack frame argument passed to the handler function
#define _SYSCALL_IS_OBJ(ptr, type, init, ssf) \
_SYSCALL_VERIFY(!_k_object_validate((void *)ptr, type, init), ssf)
/* Convenience macros for handler implementations */
#define _SYSCALL_ARG0 ARG_UNUSED(arg1); ARG_UNUSED(arg2); ARG_UNUSED(arg3); \
#define _SYSCALL_ARG1 ARG_UNUSED(arg2); ARG_UNUSED(arg3); ARG_UNUSED(arg4); \
#define _SYSCALL_ARG2 ARG_UNUSED(arg3); ARG_UNUSED(arg4); ARG_UNUSED(arg5); \
#define _SYSCALL_ARG3 ARG_UNUSED(arg4); ARG_UNUSED(arg5); ARG_UNUSED(arg6)
#define _SYSCALL_ARG4 ARG_UNUSED(arg5); ARG_UNUSED(arg6)
#define _SYSCALL_ARG5 ARG_UNUSED(arg6)
#endif /* _ASMLANGUAGE */
#endif /* _ZEPHYR_SYSCALL_H_ */