blob: a23589ac1368467509a9996ea0da272511b1fd40 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <sys_clock.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** @brief Maximum allowed time span that is considered to be in the future.
/** @brief RTC timer compare event handler.
* Called from RTC ISR context when processing a compare event.
* @param id Compare channel ID.
* @param expire_time An actual absolute expiration time set for a compare
* channel. It can differ from the requested target time
* and the difference can be used to determine whether the
* time set was delayed.
* @param user_data Pointer to a user context data.
typedef void (*z_nrf_rtc_timer_compare_handler_t)(int32_t id,
uint64_t expire_time,
void *user_data);
/** @brief Allocate RTC compare channel.
* Channel 0 is used for the system clock.
* @retval Non-negative indicates allocated channel ID.
* @retval -ENOMEM if channel cannot be allocated.
int32_t z_nrf_rtc_timer_chan_alloc(void);
/** @brief Free RTC compare channel.
* @param chan Previously allocated channel ID.
void z_nrf_rtc_timer_chan_free(int32_t chan);
/** @brief Read current absolute time.
* @return Current absolute time.
uint64_t z_nrf_rtc_timer_read(void);
/** @brief Get COMPARE event register address.
* Address can be used for (D)PPI.
* @param chan Channel ID between 0 and CONFIG_NRF_RTC_TIMER_USER_CHAN_COUNT.
* @return Register address.
uint32_t z_nrf_rtc_timer_compare_evt_address_get(int32_t chan);
/** @brief Safely disable compare event interrupt.
* Function returns key indicating whether interrupt was already disabled.
* @param chan Channel ID between 1 and CONFIG_NRF_RTC_TIMER_USER_CHAN_COUNT.
* @return key passed to @ref z_nrf_rtc_timer_compare_int_unlock.
bool z_nrf_rtc_timer_compare_int_lock(int32_t chan);
/** @brief Safely enable compare event interrupt.
* Event interrupt is conditionally enabled based on @p key.
* @param chan Channel ID between 1 and CONFIG_NRF_RTC_TIMER_USER_CHAN_COUNT.
* @param key Key returned by @ref z_nrf_rtc_timer_compare_int_lock.
void z_nrf_rtc_timer_compare_int_unlock(int32_t chan, bool key);
/** @brief Read compare register value.
* @param chan Channel ID between 0 and CONFIG_NRF_RTC_TIMER_USER_CHAN_COUNT.
* @return Value set in the compare register.
uint32_t z_nrf_rtc_timer_compare_read(int32_t chan);
/** @brief Try to set compare channel to given value.
* Provided value is absolute and cannot be further in the future than
* @c NRF_RTC_TIMER_MAX_SCHEDULE_SPAN. If given value is in the past then an RTC
* interrupt is triggered immediately. Otherwise function continuously retries
* to set compare register until value that is written is far enough in the
* future and will generate an event. Because of that, compare register value
* may be different than the one requested. During this operation interrupt
* from that compare channel is disabled. Other interrupts are not locked during
* this operation.
* @param chan Channel ID between 1 and CONFIG_NRF_RTC_TIMER_USER_CHAN_COUNT.
* @param target_time Absolute target time in ticks.
* @param handler User function called in the context of the RTC interrupt.
* @param user_data Data passed to the handler.
* @retval 0 if the compare channel was set successfully.
* @retval -EINVAL if provided target time was further than
* @c NRF_RTC_TIMER_MAX_SCHEDULE_SPAN ticks in the future.
int z_nrf_rtc_timer_set(int32_t chan, uint64_t target_time,
z_nrf_rtc_timer_compare_handler_t handler,
void *user_data);
/** @brief Abort a timer requested with @ref z_nrf_rtc_timer_set.
* If an abort operation is performed too late it is still possible for an event
* to fire. The user can detect a spurious event by comparing absolute time
* provided in callback and a result of @ref z_nrf_rtc_timer_read. During this
* operation interrupt from that compare channel is disabled. Other interrupts
* are not locked during this operation.
* @param chan Channel ID between 1 and CONFIG_NRF_RTC_TIMER_USER_CHAN_COUNT.
void z_nrf_rtc_timer_abort(int32_t chan);
/** @brief Convert system clock time to RTC ticks.
* @p t can be absolute or relative. @p t cannot be further into the future
* from now than the RTC range (e.g. 512 seconds if RTC is running at 32768 Hz).
* @retval Positive value represents @p t in RTC tick value.
* @retval -EINVAL if @p t is out of range.
uint64_t z_nrf_rtc_timer_get_ticks(k_timeout_t t);
#ifdef __cplusplus