blob: b02faffb2d6a6f02b77dec1e4967506e21720fa4 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _microbit_sound:
BBC micro:bit sound
This sample demonstrates how to use a piezo buzzer connected
to port P0 on the edge connector of the **BBC micro:bit v1** or
using the on-board buzzer on the **BBC micro:bit v2**.
Using **BBC micro:bit v1**, a separate piezo buzzer must be connected to the board.
One example is the MI:Power board that has a piezo buzzer in addition to a
coin-cell battery. Resellers of this board can be fairly easily found using online search.
The upgraded **BBC micro:bit v2** board does not need a separate buzzer as it has one
built-in on the backside of the board (marked as 'speaker').
Building and running
The sample can be built as follows:
Building for a BBC micro:bit v1
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/boards/bbc_microbit/sound
:board: bbc_microbit
:goals: build flash
Building for a BBC micro:bit v2
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/boards/bbc_microbit/sound
:board: bbc_microbit_v2
:goals: build flash
Sample Output
This sample outputs sounds through a piezo buzzer based on
button presses of the two main buttons. For each press the current
output frequency will be printed on the 5x5 LED display.