blob: 3f639fbfc9516c3763bcabfb0fbcd6c289069068 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
A curses-based menuconfig implementation. The interface should feel familiar to
people used to mconf ('make menuconfig').
Supports the same keys as mconf, and also supports a set of keybindings
inspired by Vi:
J/K : Down/Up
L : Enter menu/Toggle item
H : Leave menu
Ctrl-D/U: Page Down/Page Down
G/End : Jump to end of list
g/Home : Jump to beginning of list
The mconf feature where pressing a key jumps to a menu entry with that
character in it in the current menu isn't supported. A search feature with a
"jump to" function for jumping directly to a particular symbol regardless of
where it is defined will be added later instead.
Space and Enter are "smart" and try to do what you'd expect for the given
menu entry.
======= can be run either as a standalone executable or by calling the
menu.menuconfig() function with an existing Kconfig instance. The second option
is a bit inflexible in that it will still load and save .config, etc.
When run in standalone mode, the top-level Kconfig file to load can be passed
as a command-line argument. With no argument, it defaults to "Kconfig".
The KCONFIG_CONFIG environment variable specifies the .config file to load (if
it exists) and save. If KCONFIG_CONFIG is unset, ".config" is used.
$srctree is supported through Kconfiglib.
Other features
- Seamless terminal resizing
- No dependencies on *nix, as the 'curses' module is in the Python standard
- Unicode text entry
- Improved information screen compared to mconf:
* Expressions are split up by their top-level &&/|| operands to improve
* Undefined symbols in expressions are pointed out
* Menus and comments have information displays
* Kconfig definitions are printed
- Python 3 only
This is mostly due to Python 2 not having curses.get_wch(), which is needed
for Unicode support.
- Doesn't work out of the box on Windows
Has been tested to work with the wheels provided at though.
# Configuration variables
# Number of steps for Page Up/Down to jump
_PG_JUMP = 6
# How far the cursor needs to be from the edge of the window before it starts
# to scroll
# Minimum width of dialogs that ask for text input
# Number of arrows pointing up/down to draw when a window is scrolled
# Lines of help text shown at the bottom of the "main" display
[Space/Enter] Toggle/enter [ESC] Leave menu [S] Save
[M] Save minimal config [?] Symbol info [Q] Quit (prompts for save)
# Lines of help text shown at the bottom of the information display
[ESC/q] Return to menu
def _init_styles():
global _PATH_STYLE
global _HELP_STYLE
# Initialize styles for different parts of the application. The arguments
# are ordered as follows:
# 1. Text color
# 2. Background color
# 3. Attributes
# 4. Extra attributes if colors aren't available. The colors will be
# ignored in this case, and the attributes from (3.) and (4.) will be
# ORed together.
# A_BOLD tends to produce faint and hard-to-read text on the Windows
# console, especially with the old color scheme, before the introduction of
BOLD = curses.A_NORMAL if platform.system() == "Windows" else curses.A_BOLD
# Top row, with menu path
_PATH_STYLE = _style(curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE, BOLD )
# Separator below menu path, with title and arrows pointing up
# The "main" menu display with the list of symbols, etc.
_MENU_LIST_STYLE = _style(curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.A_NORMAL )
# Selected menu entry
_MENU_LIST_SEL_STYLE = _style(curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLUE, curses.A_NORMAL, curses.A_STANDOUT)
# Row below menu list, with arrows pointing down
# Help window with keys at the bottom
_HELP_STYLE = _style(curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE, BOLD )
# Frame around dialog boxes
# Body of dialog boxes
_DIALOG_BODY_STYLE = _style(curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.A_NORMAL )
# Text input field in dialog boxes
_INPUT_FIELD_STYLE = _style(curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLUE, curses.A_NORMAL, curses.A_STANDOUT)
# Top line of information display, with title and arrows pointing up
# Main information display window
_INFO_TEXT_STYLE = _style(curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.A_NORMAL )
# Separator below information display, with arrows pointing down
# Help window with keys at the bottom of the information display
# Main application
from kconfiglib import Kconfig, \
Symbol, Choice, MENU, COMMENT, \
expr_value, split_expr, \
# We need this double import for the _expr_str() override below
import kconfiglib
import curses
import errno
import locale
import os
import platform
import sys
import textwrap
# Color pairs we've already created, indexed by a
# (<foreground color>, <background color>) tuple
_color_attribs = {}
def _style(fg_color, bg_color, attribs, no_color_extra_attribs=0):
# Returns an attribute with the specified foreground and background color
# and the attributes in 'attribs'. Reuses color pairs already created if
# possible, and creates a new color pair otherwise.
# Returns 'attribs | no_color_extra_attribs' if colors aren't supported.
global _color_attribs
if not curses.has_colors():
return attribs | no_color_extra_attribs
if (fg_color, bg_color) not in _color_attribs:
# Create new color pair. Color pair number 0 is hardcoded and cannot be
# changed, hence the +1s.
curses.init_pair(len(_color_attribs) + 1, fg_color, bg_color)
_color_attribs[(fg_color, bg_color)] = \
curses.color_pair(len(_color_attribs) + 1)
return _color_attribs[(fg_color, bg_color)] | attribs
# "Extend" the standard kconfiglib.expr_str() to show values for symbols
# appearing in expressions, for the information display.
# This is a bit hacky, but officially supported. It beats having to reimplement
# expression printing just to tweak it a bit.
def _expr_str_val(expr):
if isinstance(expr, Symbol) and not expr.is_constant and \
not _is_num(
# Show the values of non-constant (non-quoted) symbols that don't look
# like numbers. Things like 123 are actually a symbol references, and
# only work as expected due to undefined symbols getting their name as
# their value. Showing the symbol value there isn't helpful though.
if not expr.nodes:
# Undefined symbol reference
return "{}(undefined/n)".format(
return '{}(="{}")'.format(, expr.str_value)
if isinstance(expr, tuple) and expr[0] == NOT and \
isinstance(expr[1], Symbol):
# Put a space after "!" before a symbol, since '! FOO(="y")' makes it
# clearer than '!FOO(="y")' that "y" is the value of FOO itself
return "! " + _expr_str(expr[1])
# We'll end up back in _expr_str_val() when _expr_str_orig() does recursive
# calls for subexpressions
return _expr_str_orig(expr)
# Do hacky expr_str() extension. The rest of the code will just call
# _expr_str().
_expr_str_orig = kconfiglib.expr_str
kconfiglib.expr_str = _expr_str_val
_expr_str = _expr_str_val
def menuconfig(kconf):
Launches the configuration interface, returning after the user exits.
Kconfig instance to be configured
globals()["_kconf"] = kconf
global _config_filename
_config_filename = os.environ.get("KCONFIG_CONFIG")
if _config_filename is None:
_config_filename = ".config"
if os.path.exists(_config_filename):
print("Using existing configuration '{}' as base"
elif kconf.defconfig_filename is not None:
print("Using default configuration found in '{}' as base"
print("Using default symbol values as base")
# We rely on having a selected node
if not _visible_nodes(_kconf.top_node):
print("No visible symbols in the top menu -- nothing to configure.\n"
"Check that environment variables are set properly.")
# Disable warnings. They get mangled in curses mode, and we deal with
# errors ourselves.
# Make sure curses uses the encoding specified in the environment
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
# Get rid of the delay between pressing ESC and jumping to the parent menu
os.environ.setdefault("ESCDELAY", "0")
# Enter curses mode. _menuconfig() returns a string to print on exit, after
# curses has been de-initialized.
# Global variables used below:
# _cur_menu:
# Menu node of the menu (or menuconfig symbol, or choice) currently being
# shown
# _visible:
# List of visible symbols in _cur_menu
# _sel_node_i:
# Index in _visible of the currently selected node
# _menu_scroll:
# Index in _visible of the top row of the menu display
# _parent_screen_rows:
# List/stack of the row numbers that the selections in the parent menus
# appeared on. This is used to prevent the scrolling from jumping around
# when going in and out of menus.
def _menuconfig(stdscr):
# Logic for the "main" display, with the list of symbols, etc.
globals()["stdscr"] = stdscr
while True:
c = _get_wch_compat(_menu_win)
if c == curses.KEY_RESIZE:
if c in (curses.KEY_DOWN, "j", "J"):
elif c in (curses.KEY_UP, "k", "K"):
elif c in (curses.KEY_NPAGE, "\x04"): # Page Down/Ctrl-D
# Keep it simple. This way we get sane behavior for small windows,
# etc., for free.
for _ in range(_PG_JUMP):
elif c in (curses.KEY_PPAGE, "\x15"): # Page Up/Ctrl-U
for _ in range(_PG_JUMP):
elif c in (curses.KEY_END, "G"):
elif c in (curses.KEY_HOME, "g"):
elif c in (curses.KEY_RIGHT, " ", "\n", "l", "L"):
# Do appropriate node action. Only Space is treated specially,
# preferring to toggle nodes rather than enter menus.
sel_node = _visible[_sel_node_i]
if sel_node.is_menuconfig and not \
(c == " " and _prefer_toggle(sel_node.item)):
if _is_y_mode_choice_sym(sel_node.item):
# Immediately jump to the parent menu after making a choice
# selection, like 'make menuconfig' does
elif c in (curses.KEY_LEFT, curses.KEY_BACKSPACE, _ERASE_CHAR,
"\x1B", # \x1B = ESC
"h", "H"):
elif c in ("s", "S"):
_save_dialog(_kconf.write_config, _config_filename,
elif c in ("m", "M"):
_save_dialog(_kconf.write_min_config, "defconfig",
"minimal configuration")
elif c == "?":
elif c in ("q", "Q"):
while True:
c = _key_dialog(
" Save configuration?\n"
"(Y)es (N)o (C)ancel",
if c is None or c == "c":
if c == "y":
if _try_save(_kconf.write_config, _config_filename,
return "Configuration saved to '{}'" \
elif c == "n":
return "Configuration was not saved"
def _init():
# Initializes the main display with the list of symbols, etc. Also does
# misc. global initialization that needs to happen after initializing
# curses.
global _ERASE_CHAR
global _path_win
global _top_sep_win
global _menu_win
global _bot_sep_win
global _help_win
global _parent_screen_rows
global _cur_menu
global _visible
global _sel_node_i
global _menu_scroll
# Looking for this in addition to KEY_BACKSPACE (which is unreliable) makes
# backspace work with TERM=vt100. That makes it likely to work in sane
# environments.
# erasechar() returns a 'bytes' object. Since we use get_wch(), we need to
# decode it. Just give up and avoid crashing if it can't be decoded.
_ERASE_CHAR = curses.erasechar().decode("utf-8", "ignore")
# Hide the cursor
# Initialize windows
# Top row, with menu path
_path_win = _styled_win(_PATH_STYLE)
# Separator below menu path, with title and arrows pointing up
_top_sep_win = _styled_win(_TOP_SEP_STYLE)
# List of menu entries with symbols, etc.
_menu_win = _styled_win(_MENU_LIST_STYLE)
# Row below menu list, with arrows pointing down
_bot_sep_win = _styled_win(_BOT_SEP_STYLE)
# Help window with keys at the bottom
_help_win = _styled_win(_HELP_STYLE)
# The rows we'd like the nodes in the parent menus to appear on. This
# prevents the scroll from jumping around when going in and out of menus.
_parent_screen_rows = []
# Initial state
_cur_menu = _kconf.top_node
_visible = _visible_nodes(_cur_menu)
_sel_node_i = 0
_menu_scroll = 0
# Give windows their initial size
def _resize_main():
# Resizes the "main" display, with the list of menu entries, etc., to a
# size appropriate for the terminal size
global _menu_scroll
screen_height, screen_width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
_path_win.resize(1, screen_width)
_top_sep_win.resize(1, screen_width)
_bot_sep_win.resize(1, screen_width)
help_win_height = len(_MAIN_HELP_LINES)
menu_win_height = screen_height - help_win_height - 3
if menu_win_height >= 1:
_menu_win.resize(menu_win_height, screen_width)
_help_win.resize(help_win_height, screen_width)
_top_sep_win.mvwin(1, 0)
_menu_win.mvwin(2, 0)
_bot_sep_win.mvwin(2 + menu_win_height, 0)
_help_win.mvwin(2 + menu_win_height + 1, 0)
# Degenerate case. Give up on nice rendering and just prevent errors.
menu_win_height = 1
_menu_win.resize(1, screen_width)
_help_win.resize(1, screen_width)
for win in _top_sep_win, _menu_win, _bot_sep_win, _help_win:
win.mvwin(0, 0)
# Adjust the scroll so that the selected node is still within the
# window, if needed
if _sel_node_i - _menu_scroll >= menu_win_height:
_menu_scroll = _sel_node_i - menu_win_height + 1
def _menu_win_height():
# Returns the height of the menu display
return _menu_win.getmaxyx()[0]
def _max_menu_scroll():
# Returns the maximum amount the menu display can be scrolled down. We stop
# scrolling when the bottom node is visible.
return max(0, len(_visible) - _menu_win_height())
def _prefer_toggle(item):
# For nodes with menus, determines whether Space should change the value of
# the node's item or enter its menu. We toggle symbols (which have menus
# when they're defined with 'menuconfig') and choices that can be in more
# than one mode (e.g. optional choices). In other cases, we enter the menu.
return isinstance(item, Symbol) or \
(isinstance(item, Choice) and len(item.assignable) > 1)
def _enter_menu(menu):
# Makes 'menu' the currently displayed menu
global _cur_menu
global _visible
global _sel_node_i
global _menu_scroll
visible_sub = _visible_nodes(menu)
# Never enter empty menus. We depend on having a current node.
if visible_sub:
# Remember where the current node appears on the screen, so we can try
# to get it to appear in the same place when we leave the menu
_parent_screen_rows.append(_sel_node_i - _menu_scroll)
# Jump into menu
_cur_menu = menu
_visible = visible_sub
_sel_node_i = 0
_menu_scroll = 0
def _leave_menu():
# Jumps to the parent menu of the current menu. Does nothing if we're in
# the top menu.
global _cur_menu
global _visible
global _sel_node_i
global _menu_scroll
if _cur_menu is _kconf.top_node:
# Jump to parent menu
parent = _parent_menu(_cur_menu)
_visible = _visible_nodes(parent)
_sel_node_i = _visible.index(_cur_menu)
_cur_menu = parent
# Try to make the menu entry appear on the same row on the screen as it did
# before we entered the menu
_menu_scroll = max(_sel_node_i - _parent_screen_rows.pop(), 0)
def _select_next_menu_entry():
# Selects the menu entry after the current one, adjusting the scroll if
# necessary. Does nothing if we're already at the last menu entry.
global _sel_node_i
global _menu_scroll
if _sel_node_i < len(_visible) - 1:
# Jump to the next node
_sel_node_i += 1
# If the new node is sufficiently close to the edge of the menu window
# (as determined by _SCROLL_OFFSET), increase the scroll by one. This
# gives nice and non-jumpy behavior even when
# _SCROLL_OFFSET >= _menu_win_height().
if _sel_node_i >= _menu_scroll + _menu_win_height() - _SCROLL_OFFSET:
_menu_scroll = min(_menu_scroll + 1, _max_menu_scroll())
def _select_prev_menu_entry():
# Selects the menu entry before the current one, adjusting the scroll if
# necessary. Does nothing if we're already at the first menu entry.
global _sel_node_i
global _menu_scroll
if _sel_node_i > 0:
# Jump to the previous node
_sel_node_i -= 1
# See _select_next_menu_entry()
if _sel_node_i <= _menu_scroll + _SCROLL_OFFSET:
_menu_scroll = max(_menu_scroll - 1, 0)
def _select_last_menu_entry():
# Selects the last menu entry in the current menu
global _sel_node_i
global _menu_scroll
_sel_node_i = len(_visible) - 1
_menu_scroll = _max_menu_scroll()
def _select_first_menu_entry():
# Selects the first menu entry in the current menu
global _sel_node_i
global _menu_scroll
_sel_node_i = _menu_scroll = 0
def _draw_main():
# Draws the "main" display, with the list of symbols, the header, and the
# footer.
# This could be optimized to only update the windows that have actually
# changed, but keep it simple for now and let curses sort it out.
# Update the top row with the menu path
# Draw the menu path ("(top menu) -> menu -> submenu -> ...")
menu_prompts = []
menu = _cur_menu
while menu is not _kconf.top_node:
menu_prompts.insert(0, menu.prompt[0])
menu = menu.parent
_safe_addstr(_path_win, 0, 0, "(top menu)")
for prompt in menu_prompts:
_safe_addch(_path_win, " ")
_safe_addch(_path_win, curses.ACS_RARROW)
_safe_addstr(_path_win, " " + prompt)
# Update the separator row below the menu path
# Draw arrows pointing up if the symbol window is scrolled down. Draw them
# before drawing the title, so the title ends up on top for small windows.
if _menu_scroll > 0:
_safe_hline(_top_sep_win, 0, 4, curses.ACS_UARROW, _N_SCROLL_ARROWS)
# Add the 'mainmenu' text as the title, centered at the top
0, (stdscr.getmaxyx()[1] - len(_kconf.mainmenu_text))//2,
# Update the symbol window
# Draw the _visible nodes starting from index _menu_scroll up to either as
# many as fit in the window, or to the end of _visible
for i in range(_menu_scroll,
min(_menu_scroll + _menu_win_height(), len(_visible))):
_safe_addstr(_menu_win, i - _menu_scroll, 0,
# Highlight the selected entry
if i == _sel_node_i else curses.A_NORMAL)
# Update the bottom separator window
# Draw arrows pointing down if the symbol window is scrolled up
if _menu_scroll < _max_menu_scroll():
_safe_hline(_bot_sep_win, 0, 4, curses.ACS_DARROW, _N_SCROLL_ARROWS)
# Update the help window
for i, line in enumerate(_MAIN_HELP_LINES):
_safe_addstr(_help_win, i, 0, line)
def _parent_menu(node):
# Returns the menu node of the menu that contains 'node'. In addition to
# proper 'menu's, this might also be a 'menuconfig' symbol or a 'choice'.
# "Menu" here means a menu in the interface (a list of menu entries).
menu = node.parent
while not menu.is_menuconfig:
menu = menu.parent
return menu
def _visible_nodes(menu):
# Returns a list of the nodes in 'menu' (see _parent_menu()) that should be
# visible in the menu window
def rec(node):
res = []
while node:
# Show the node if its prompt is visible. For menus, also check
# 'visible if'.
if node.prompt and expr_value(node.prompt[1]) and not \
(node.item == MENU and not expr_value(node.visibility)):
# If a node has children but doesn't have the is_menuconfig
# flag set, the children come from a submenu created implicitly
# from dependencies. Show those in this menu too.
if node.list and not node.is_menuconfig:
node =
return res
return rec(menu.list)
def _change_node(node):
# Changes the value of the menu node 'node' if it is a symbol. Bools and
# tristates are toggled, while other symbol types pop up a text entry
# dialog.
global _cur_menu
global _visible
global _sel_node_i
global _menu_scroll
if not isinstance(node.item, (Symbol, Choice)):
# sc = symbol/choice
sc = node.item
if sc.type in (INT, HEX, STRING):
s = sc.str_value
while True:
s = _input_dialog("Value for '{}' ({})".format(
node.prompt[0], TYPE_TO_STR[sc.type]),
s, _range_info(sc))
if s is None:
if sc.type in (INT, HEX):
s = s.strip()
# 'make menuconfig' does this too. Hex values not starting with
# '0x' are accepted when loading .config files though.
if sc.type == HEX and not s.startswith(("0x", "0X")):
s = "0x" + s
if _check_validity(sc, s):
elif len(sc.assignable) == 1:
# Handles choice symbols for choices in y mode, which are a special
# case: .assignable can be (2,) while .tri_value is 0.
# Set the symbol to the value after the current value in
# sc.assignable, with wrapping
val_index = sc.assignable.index(sc.tri_value)
sc.assignable[(val_index + 1) % len(sc.assignable)])
# Changing the value of the symbol might have changed what items in the
# current menu are visible. Recalculate the state.
# Row on the screen the cursor was on
old_row = _sel_node_i - _menu_scroll
sel_node = _visible[_sel_node_i]
# New visible nodes
_visible = _visible_nodes(_cur_menu)
# New index of selected node
_sel_node_i = _visible.index(sel_node)
# Try to make the cursor stay on the same row in the menu window. This
# might be impossible if too many nodes have disappeared above the node.
_menu_scroll = max(_sel_node_i - old_row, 0)
def _input_dialog(title, initial_text, info_text=None):
# Pops up a dialog that prompts the user for a string
# title:
# Title to display at the top of the dialog window's border
# initial_text:
# Initial text to prefill the input field with
# info_text:
# String to show next to the input field. If None, just the input field
# is shown.
win = _styled_win(_DIALOG_BODY_STYLE)
# Give the input dialog its initial size
_resize_input_dialog(win, title, info_text)
# Input field text
s = initial_text
# Cursor position
i = len(initial_text)
# Horizontal scroll offset
hscroll = 0
while True:
# Width of input field
edit_width = win.getmaxyx()[1] - 4
# Adjust horizontal scroll if the cursor would be outside the input
# field
if i < hscroll:
hscroll = i
elif i >= hscroll + edit_width:
hscroll = i - edit_width + 1
# Draw the "main" display with the menu, etc., so that resizing still
# works properly. This is like a stack of windows, only hardcoded for
# now.
_draw_input_dialog(win, title, info_text, s, i, hscroll)
c = _get_wch_compat(win)
if c == "\n":
return s
if c == "\x1B": # \x1B = ESC
return None
if c == curses.KEY_RESIZE:
# Resize the main display too. The dialog floats above it.
_resize_input_dialog(win, title, info_text)
elif c == curses.KEY_LEFT:
if i > 0:
i -= 1
elif c == curses.KEY_RIGHT:
if i < len(s):
i += 1
elif c in (curses.KEY_HOME, "\x01"): # \x01 = CTRL-A
i = 0
elif c in (curses.KEY_END, "\x05"): # \x05 = CTRL-E
i = len(s)
elif c in (curses.KEY_BACKSPACE, _ERASE_CHAR):
if i > 0:
s = s[:i-1] + s[i:]
i -= 1
elif c == curses.KEY_DC:
s = s[:i] + s[i+1:]
elif c == "\x0B": # \x0B = CTRL-K
s = s[:i]
elif c == "\x15": # \x15 = CTRL-U
s = s[i:]
i = 0
elif isinstance(c, str):
# Insert character
s = s[:i] + c + s[i:]
i += 1
def _resize_input_dialog(win, title, info_text):
# Resizes the input dialog to a size appropriate for the terminal size
screen_height, screen_width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
win_height = min(5 if info_text is None else 7, screen_height)
win_width = max(_INPUT_DIALOG_MIN_WIDTH, len(title) + 4)
if info_text is not None:
win_width = max(win_width, len(info_text) + 4)
win_width = min(win_width, screen_width)
win.resize(win_height, win_width)
win.mvwin((screen_height - win_height)//2,
(screen_width - win_width)//2)
def _draw_input_dialog(win, title, info_text, s, i, hscroll):
edit_width = win.getmaxyx()[1] - 4
_draw_frame(win, title)
# Note: Perhaps having a separate window for the input field would be nicer
visible_s = s[hscroll:hscroll + edit_width]
_safe_addstr(win, 2, 2, visible_s + " "*(edit_width - len(visible_s)),
if info_text is not None:
_safe_addstr(win, 4, 2, info_text)
_safe_move(win, 2, 2 + i - hscroll)
def _save_dialog(save_fn, default_filename, description):
# Pops up a dialog that prompts the user for where to save a file
# save_fn:
# Function to call with 'filename' to save the file
# default_filename:
# Prefilled filename in the input field
# description:
# String describing the thing being saved
filename = default_filename
while True:
filename = _input_dialog(
"Filename to save {} to".format(description),
if filename is None or \
_try_save(save_fn, filename, description):
def _try_save(save_fn, filename, description):
# Tries to save a file. Pops up an error and returns False on failure.
# save_fn:
# Function to call with 'filename' to save the file
# description:
# String describing the thing being saved
return True
except OSError as e:
_error("Error saving {} to '{}'\n\n{} (errno: {})"
.format(description, e.filename, e.strerror,
return False
def _key_dialog(title, text, keys):
# Pops up a dialog that can be closed by pressing a key
# title:
# Title to display at the top of the dialog window's border
# text:
# Text to show in the dialog
# keys:
# List of keys that will close the dialog. Other keys (besides ESC) are
# ignored. The caller is responsible for providing a hint about which
# keys can be pressed in 'text'.
# Return value:
# The key that was pressed to close the dialog. Uppercase characters are
# converted to lowercase. ESC will always close the dialog, and returns
# None.
win = _styled_win(_DIALOG_BODY_STYLE)
_resize_key_dialog(win, text)
while True:
# See _input_dialog()
_draw_key_dialog(win, title, text)
c = _get_wch_compat(win)
if c == "\x1B": # \x1B = ESC
return None
if c == curses.KEY_RESIZE:
# Resize the main display too. The dialog floats above it.
_resize_key_dialog(win, text)
elif isinstance(c, str):
c = c.lower()
if c in keys:
return c
def _resize_key_dialog(win, text):
# Resizes the key dialog to a size appropriate for the terminal size
screen_height, screen_width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
lines = text.split("\n")
win_height = min(len(lines) + 4, screen_height)
win_width = min(max(len(line) for line in lines) + 4, screen_width)
win.resize(win_height, win_width)
win.mvwin((screen_height - win_height)//2,
(screen_width - win_width)//2)
def _draw_key_dialog(win, title, text):
_draw_frame(win, title)
for i, line in enumerate(text.split("\n")):
_safe_addstr(win, 2 + i, 2, line)
def _error(text):
# Pops up an error dialog that can be dismissed with Space/Enter/ESC
_key_dialog("Error", text, " \n")
def _draw_frame(win, title):
# Draw a frame around the inner edges of 'win', with 'title' at the top
win_height, win_width = win.getmaxyx()
# Draw top/bottom edge
_safe_hline(win, 0, 0, " ", win_width)
_safe_hline(win, win_height - 1, 0, " ", win_width)
# Draw left/right edge
_safe_vline(win, 0, 0, " ", win_height)
_safe_vline(win, 0, win_width - 1, " ", win_height)
# Draw title
_safe_addstr(win, 0, (win_width - len(title))//2, title)
def _display_info(node):
# Shows a fullscreen window with information about 'node'
# Top row, with title and arrows point up
top_line_win = _styled_win(_INFO_TOP_LINE_STYLE)
# Text display
text_win = _styled_win(_INFO_TEXT_STYLE)
# Bottom separator, with arrows pointing down
bot_sep_win = _styled_win(_INFO_BOT_SEP_STYLE)
# Help window with keys at the bottom
help_win = _styled_win(_INFO_HELP_STYLE)
# Give windows their initial size
_resize_info_display(top_line_win, text_win, bot_sep_win, help_win)
# Get lines of help text
lines = _info(node).split("\n")
# Index of first row in 'lines' to show
scroll = 0
while True:
_draw_info_display(node, lines, scroll, top_line_win, text_win,
bot_sep_win, help_win)
c = _get_wch_compat(text_win)
if c == curses.KEY_RESIZE:
# No need to call _resize_main(), because the help window is
# fullscreen
_resize_info_display(top_line_win, text_win, bot_sep_win, help_win)
elif c in (curses.KEY_DOWN, "j", "J"):
if scroll < _max_info_scroll(text_win, lines):
scroll += 1
elif c in (curses.KEY_NPAGE, "\x04"): # Page Down/Ctrl-D
scroll = min(scroll + _PG_JUMP, _max_info_scroll(text_win, lines))
elif c in (curses.KEY_PPAGE, "\x15"): # Page Up/Ctrl-U
scroll = max(scroll - _PG_JUMP, 0)
elif c in (curses.KEY_END, "G"):
scroll = _max_info_scroll(text_win, lines)
elif c in (curses.KEY_HOME, "g"):
scroll = 0
elif c in (curses.KEY_UP, "k", "K"):
if scroll > 0:
scroll -= 1
elif c in (curses.KEY_LEFT, curses.KEY_BACKSPACE, _ERASE_CHAR,
"\x1B", # \x1B = ESC
"q", "Q", "h", "H"):
# Resize the main display before returning so that it gets the
# right size in case the terminal was resized while the help
# display was open
def _resize_info_display(top_line_win, text_win, bot_sep_win, help_win):
# Resizes the help display to a size appropriate for the terminal size
screen_height, screen_width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
top_line_win.resize(1, screen_width)
bot_sep_win.resize(1, screen_width)
help_win_height = len(_INFO_HELP_LINES)
text_win_height = screen_height - help_win_height - 2
if text_win_height >= 1:
text_win.resize(text_win_height, screen_width)
help_win.resize(help_win_height, screen_width)
text_win.mvwin(1, 0)
bot_sep_win.mvwin(1 + text_win_height, 0)
help_win.mvwin(1 + text_win_height + 1, 0)
# Degenerate case. Give up on nice rendering and just prevent errors.
text_win.resize(1, screen_width)
help_win.resize(1, screen_width)
for win in text_win, bot_sep_win, help_win:
win.mvwin(0, 0)
def _draw_info_display(node, lines, scroll, top_line_win, text_win,
bot_sep_win, help_win):
text_win_height, text_win_width = text_win.getmaxyx()
# Update top row
# Draw arrows pointing up if the information window is scrolled down. Draw
# them before drawing the title, so the title ends up on top for small
# windows.
if scroll > 0:
_safe_hline(top_line_win, 0, 4, curses.ACS_UARROW, _N_SCROLL_ARROWS)
if isinstance(node.item, Symbol):
title = "{}{}".format(_kconf.config_prefix,
elif isinstance(node.item, Choice):
title = or "Choice"
elif node.item == MENU:
title = 'menu "{}"'.format(node.prompt[0])
else: # node.item == COMMENT
title = 'comment "{}"'.format(node.prompt[0])
_safe_addstr(top_line_win, 0, (text_win_width - len(title))//2, title)
# Update text display
for i, line in enumerate(lines[scroll:scroll + text_win_height]):
_safe_addstr(text_win, i, 0, line)
# Update bottom separator line
# Draw arrows pointing down if the symbol window is scrolled up
if scroll < _max_info_scroll(text_win, lines):
_safe_hline(bot_sep_win, 0, 4, curses.ACS_DARROW, _N_SCROLL_ARROWS)
# Update help window at bottom
for i, line in enumerate(_INFO_HELP_LINES):
_safe_addstr(help_win, i, 0, line)
def _max_info_scroll(text_win, lines):
# Returns the maximum amount the information display can be scrolled down.
# We stop scrolling when the last line of the help text is visible.
return max(0, len(lines) - text_win.getmaxyx()[0])
def _info(node):
# Returns information about the menu node 'node' as a string.
# The helper functions are responsible for adding newlines. This allows
# them to return "" if they don't want to add any output.
if isinstance(node.item, Symbol):
sym = node.item
return (
_prompt_info(sym) +
"Type: {}\n".format(TYPE_TO_STR[sym.type]) +
'Value: "{}"\n\n'.format(sym.str_value) +
_help_info(sym) +
_direct_dep_info(sym) +
_defaults_info(sym) +
_select_imply_info(sym) +
_loc_info(sym) +
if isinstance(node.item, Choice):
choice = node.item
return (
_prompt_info(choice) +
"Type: {}\n".format(TYPE_TO_STR[choice.type]) +
'Mode: "{}"\n\n'.format(choice.str_value) +
_help_info(choice) +
_choice_syms_info(choice) +
_direct_dep_info(choice) +
_defaults_info(choice) +
_loc_info(choice) +
# node.item in (MENU, COMMENT)
return "Defined at {}:{}\nMenu: {}\n\n{}" \
.format(node.filename, node.linenr, _menu_path_info(node),
def _prompt_info(sc):
# Returns a string listing the prompts of 'sc' (Symbol or Choice)
s = ""
for node in sc.nodes:
if node.prompt:
s += "Prompt: {}\n".format(node.prompt[0])
return s
def _choice_syms_info(choice):
# Returns a string listing the choice symbols in 'choice'. Adds
# "(selected)" next to the selected one.
s = "Choice symbols:\n"
for sym in choice.syms:
s += " - " +
if sym is choice.selection:
s += " (selected)"
s += "\n"
return s + "\n"
def _help_info(sc):
# Returns a string with the help text(s) of 'sc' (Symbol or Choice).
# Symbols and choices defined in multiple locations can have multiple help
# texts.
s = ""
for node in sc.nodes:
if is not None:
s += "Help:\n\n{}\n\n" \
.format(textwrap.indent(, " "))
return s
def _direct_dep_info(sc):
# Returns a string describing the direct dependencies of 'sc' (Symbol or
# Choice). The direct dependencies are the OR of the dependencies from each
# definition location. The dependencies at each definition location come
# from 'depends on' and dependencies inherited from parent items.
if sc.direct_dep is _kconf.y:
return ""
return 'Direct dependencies (value: "{}"):\n{}\n' \
_split_expr_info(sc.direct_dep, 2))
def _defaults_info(sc):
# Returns a string describing the defaults of 'sc' (Symbol or Choice)
if not sc.defaults:
return ""
s = "Defaults:\n"
for value, cond in sc.defaults:
s += " - "
if isinstance(sc, Symbol):
s += _expr_str(value)
# Don't print the value next to the symbol name for choice
# defaults, as it looks a bit confusing
s +=
s += "\n"
if cond is not _kconf.y:
s += ' Condition (value: "{}"):\n{}' \
_split_expr_info(cond, 7))
return s + "\n"
def _split_expr_info(expr, indent):
# Returns a string with 'expr' split into its top-level && or || operands,
# with one operand per line, together with the operand's value. This is
# usually enough to get something readable for long expressions. A fancier
# recursive thingy would be possible too.
# indent:
# Number of leading spaces to add before the split expression.
if len(split_expr(expr, AND)) > 1:
split_op = AND
op_str = "&&"
split_op = OR
op_str = "||"
s = ""
for i, term in enumerate(split_expr(expr, split_op)):
s += '{}{} {} (value: "{}")\n' \
.format(" "*indent,
" " if i == 0 else op_str,
return s
def _select_imply_info(sym):
# Returns a string with information about which symbols 'select' or 'imply'
# 'sym'. The selecting/implying symbols are grouped according to which
# value they select/imply 'sym' to (n/m/y).
s = ""
def add_sis(expr, val, title):
nonlocal s
# sis = selects/implies
sis = [si for si in split_expr(expr, OR) if expr_value(si) == val]
if sis:
s += title
for si in sis:
s += " - {}\n".format(split_expr(si, AND)[0].name)
s += "\n"
if sym.rev_dep is not _kconf.n:
add_sis(sym.rev_dep, 2, "Symbols currently y-selecting this symbol:\n")
add_sis(sym.rev_dep, 1, "Symbols currently m-selecting this symbol:\n")
add_sis(sym.rev_dep, 0, "Symbols currently n-selecting this symbol (no effect):\n")
if sym.weak_rev_dep is not _kconf.n:
add_sis(sym.weak_rev_dep, 2, "Symbols currently y-implying this symbol:\n")
add_sis(sym.weak_rev_dep, 1, "Symbols currently m-implying this symbol:\n")
add_sis(sym.weak_rev_dep, 0, "Symbols currently n-implying this symbol (no effect):\n")
return s
def _loc_info(sc):
# Returns a string with information about where 'sc' (Symbol or Choice) is
# defined in the Kconfig files. Also includes the menu path leading up to
# it.
s = "Definition location{}:\n".format("s" if len(sc.nodes) > 1 else "")
for node in sc.nodes:
s += " - {}:{}\n Menu: {}\n" \
.format(node.filename, node.linenr, _menu_path_info(node))
return s + "\n"
def _kconfig_def_info(item):
# Returns a string with the definition of 'item' in Kconfig syntax
return "Kconfig definition (with propagated dependencies):\n\n" + \
textwrap.indent(str(item).expandtabs(), " ")
def _menu_path_info(node):
# Returns a string describing the menu path leading up to 'node'
path = ""
menu = node.parent
while menu is not _kconf.top_node:
path = " -> " + menu.prompt[0] + path
menu = menu.parent
return "(top menu)" + path
def _styled_win(style):
# Returns a new curses window with background 'style' and space as the fill
# character. The initial dimensions are (1, 1), so the window needs to be
# sized and positioned separately.
win = curses.newwin(1, 1)
win.bkgdset(" ", style)
return win
def _node_str(node):
# Returns the complete menu entry text for a menu node.
# Example return value: "[*] Support for X"
# Calculate the indent to print the item with by checking how many levels
# above it the closest 'menuconfig' item is (this includes menus and
# choices as well as menuconfig symbols)
indent = 0
parent = node.parent
while not parent.is_menuconfig:
indent += 2
parent = parent.parent
# This approach gives nice alignment for empty string symbols ("() Foo")
s = "{:{}} ".format(_value_str(node), 3 + indent)
if node.prompt:
if node.item == COMMENT:
s += "*** {} ***".format(node.prompt[0])
s += node.prompt[0]
if isinstance(node.item, Symbol):
sym = node.item
# Print "(NEW)" next to symbols without a user value (from e.g. a
# .config), but skip it for choice symbols in choices in y mode
if sym.user_value is None and \
not (sym.choice and sym.choice.tri_value == 2):
s += " (NEW)"
if isinstance(node.item, Choice) and node.item.tri_value == 2:
# Print the prompt of the selected symbol after the choice for
# choices in y mode
sym = node.item.selection
if sym:
for node_ in sym.nodes:
if node_.prompt:
s += " ({})".format(node_.prompt[0])
# Print "--->" next to nodes that have menus that can potentially be
# entered. Add "(empty)" if the menu is empty. We don't allow those to be
# entered.
if node.is_menuconfig:
s += " --->" if _visible_nodes(node) else " ---> (empty)"
return s
def _value_str(node):
# Returns the value part ("[*]", "<M>", "(foo)" etc.) of a menu node
item = node.item
if item in (MENU, COMMENT):
return ""
# Wouldn't normally happen, and generates a warning
if item.type == UNKNOWN:
return ""
if item.type in (STRING, INT, HEX):
return "({})".format(item.str_value)
if _is_y_mode_choice_sym(item):
return "(X)" if item.choice.selection is item else "( )"
tri_val_str = (" ", "M", "*")[item.tri_value]
if len(item.assignable) == 1:
# Pinned to a single value
return "" if isinstance(item, Choice) else "-{}-".format(tri_val_str)
if item.type == BOOL:
return "[{}]".format(tri_val_str)
if item.type == TRISTATE:
if item.assignable == (1, 2):
return "{{{}}}".format(tri_val_str) # { }/{M}/{*}
return "<{}>".format(tri_val_str)
def _is_y_mode_choice_sym(item):
# The choice mode is an upper bound on the visibility of choice symbols, so
# we can check the choice symbols' own visibility to see if the choice is
# in y mode
return isinstance(item, Symbol) and item.choice and item.visibility == 2
def _check_validity(sym, s):
# Returns True if the string 's' is a well-formed value for 'sym'.
# Otherwise, displays an error and returns False.
if sym.type not in (INT, HEX):
# Anything goes for non-int/hex symbols
return True
base = 10 if sym.type == INT else 16
int(s, base)
except ValueError:
_error("'{}' is a malformed {} value"
.format(s, TYPE_TO_STR[sym.type]))
return False
for low_sym, high_sym, cond in sym.ranges:
if expr_value(cond):
low = int(low_sym.str_value, base)
val = int(s, base)
high = int(high_sym.str_value, base)
if not low <= val <= high:
_error("{} is outside the range {}-{}"
.format(s, low_sym.str_value, high_sym.str_value))
return False
return True
def _range_info(sym):
# Returns a string with information about the valid range for the symbol
# 'sym', or None if 'sym' isn't an int/hex symbol
if sym.type not in (INT, HEX):
return None
for low, high, cond in sym.ranges:
if expr_value(cond):
return "Range: {}-{}".format(low.str_value, high.str_value)
return "No range constraints."
def _is_num(name):
# Heuristic to see if a symbol name looks like a number, for nicer output
# when printing expressions. Things like 16 are actually symbol names, only
# they get their name as their value when the symbol is undefined.
int(name, 10)
return True
except ValueError:
if not name.startswith(("0x", "0X")):
return False
int(name, 16)
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def _get_wch_compat(win):
# Decent resizing behavior on PDCurses requires calling resize_term(0, 0)
# after receiving KEY_RESIZE, while NCURSES (usually) handles terminal
# resizing automatically in get(_w)ch() (see the end of the
# resizeterm(3NCURSES) man page).
# resize_term(0, 0) reliably fails and does nothing on NCURSES, so this
# hack gives NCURSES/PDCurses compatibility for resizing. I don't know
# whether it would cause trouble for other implementations.
c = win.get_wch()
if c == curses.KEY_RESIZE:
curses.resize_term(0, 0)
except curses.error:
return c
# Ignore exceptions from some functions that might fail, e.g. for small
# windows. They usually do reasonable things anyway.
def _safe_curs_set(visibility):
except curses.error:
def _safe_addstr(win, *args):
except curses.error:
def _safe_addch(win, *args):
except curses.error:
def _safe_hline(win, *args):
except curses.error:
def _safe_vline(win, *args):
except curses.error:
def _safe_move(win, *args):
except curses.error:
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
print("usage: {} [Kconfig]".format(sys.argv[0]), file=sys.stderr)
menuconfig(Kconfig("Kconfig" if len(sys.argv) < 2 else sys.argv[1]))