blob: 8e2d91bd5ef77b630b22efaa00bc95187f43d0dc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file
* @brief
* This file includes the Zephyr platform-specific initializers.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <openthread/instance.h>
#include <zephyr/net/net_pkt.h>
* This function initializes the alarm service used by OpenThread.
void platformAlarmInit(void);
* This function performs alarm driver processing.
* @param[in] aInstance The OpenThread instance structure.
void platformAlarmProcess(otInstance *aInstance);
* This function initializes the radio service used by OpenThread.
void platformRadioInit(void);
* This function performs radio driver processing.
* @param[in] aInstance The OpenThread instance structure.
void platformRadioProcess(otInstance *aInstance);
* This function performs UART driver processing.
* @param[in] aInstance The OpenThread instance structure.
void platformUartProcess(otInstance *aInstance);
* Outer component calls this method to notify UART driver that it should
* switch to panic mode and work in synchronous way.
void platformUartPanic(void);
* Get current channel from radio driver.
* @param[in] aInstance The OpenThread instance structure.
* @return Current channel radio driver operates on.
uint16_t platformRadioChannelGet(otInstance *aInstance);
* Start/stop continuous carrier wave transmission.
otError platformRadioTransmitCarrier(otInstance *aInstance, bool aEnable);
* This function initializes the random number service used by OpenThread.
void platformRandomInit(void);
* Initialize platform Shell driver.
void platformShellInit(otInstance *aInstance);
* Notify OpenThread task about new rx message.
int notify_new_rx_frame(struct net_pkt *pkt);
* Notify OpenThread task about new tx message.
int notify_new_tx_frame(struct net_pkt *pkt);
#endif /* PLATFORM_POSIX_H_ */