blob: 44042125d343e59d247fc4ccbf74d21f2fabe50a [file] [log] [blame]
# vim: set syntax=python ts=4 :
# Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Intel Corporation
# Copyright 2022 NXP
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import os
import hashlib
import random
import logging
import shutil
import glob
from twisterlib.testsuite import TestCase
from twisterlib.error import BuildError
from twisterlib.size_calc import SizeCalculator
from twisterlib.handlers import Handler, SimulationHandler, BinaryHandler, QEMUHandler, DeviceHandler, SUPPORTED_SIMS
from twisterlib.harness import SUPPORTED_SIMS_IN_PYTEST
logger = logging.getLogger('twister')
class TestInstance:
"""Class representing the execution of a particular TestSuite on a platform
@param test The TestSuite object we want to build/execute
@param platform Platform object that we want to build and run against
@param base_outdir Base directory for all test results. The actual
out directory used is <outdir>/<platform>/<test case name>
__test__ = False
def __init__(self, testsuite, platform, outdir):
self.testsuite = testsuite
self.platform = platform
self.status = None
self.reason = "Unknown"
self.metrics = dict()
self.handler = None
self.outdir = outdir
self.execution_time = 0
self.retries = 0 = os.path.join(,
self.run_id = self._get_run_id()
self.build_dir = os.path.join(outdir,, = None = False
self.testcases = []
self.filters = []
self.filter_type = None
def add_filter(self, reason, filter_type):
self.filters.append({'type': filter_type, 'reason': reason })
self.status = "filtered"
self.reason = reason
self.filter_type = filter_type
# Fix an issue with copying objects from testsuite, need better solution.
def init_cases(self):
for c in self.testsuite.testcases:
self.add_testcase(, freeform=c.freeform)
def _get_run_id(self):
""" generate run id from instance unique identifier and a random
hash_object = hashlib.md5(
random_str = f"{random.getrandbits(64)}".encode()
return hash_object.hexdigest()
def add_missing_case_status(self, status, reason=None):
for case in self.testcases:
if case.status == 'started':
case.status = "failed"
elif not case.status:
case.status = status
if reason:
case.reason = reason
case.reason = self.reason
def __getstate__(self):
d = self.__dict__.copy()
return d
def __setstate__(self, d):
def __lt__(self, other):
return <
def set_case_status_by_name(self, name, status, reason=None):
tc = self.get_case_or_create(name)
tc.status = status
if reason:
tc.reason = reason
return tc
def add_testcase(self, name, freeform=False):
tc = TestCase(name=name)
tc.freeform = freeform
return tc
def get_case_by_name(self, name):
for c in self.testcases:
if == name:
return c
return None
def get_case_or_create(self, name):
for c in self.testcases:
if == name:
return c
logger.debug(f"Could not find a matching testcase for {name}")
tc = TestCase(name=name)
return tc
def testsuite_runnable(testsuite, fixtures):
can_run = False
# console harness allows us to run the test and capture data.
if testsuite.harness in [ 'console', 'ztest', 'pytest', 'test', 'gtest', 'robot']:
can_run = True
# if we have a fixture that is also being supplied on the
# command-line, then we need to run the test, not just build it.
fixture = testsuite.harness_config.get('fixture')
if fixture:
can_run = fixture in fixtures
return can_run
def setup_handler(self, env):
if self.handler:
options = env.options
handler = Handler(self, "")
if options.device_testing:
handler = DeviceHandler(self, "device")
handler.call_make_run = False
handler.ready = True
elif self.platform.simulation != "na":
if self.platform.simulation == "qemu":
handler = QEMUHandler(self, "qemu")
handler.ready = True
handler = SimulationHandler(self, self.platform.simulation)
if self.platform.simulation_exec and shutil.which(self.platform.simulation_exec):
handler.ready = True
elif self.testsuite.type == "unit":
handler = BinaryHandler(self, "unit")
handler.binary = os.path.join(self.build_dir, "testbinary")
if options.enable_coverage:
handler.call_make_run = False
handler.ready = True
if handler:
handler.options = options
handler.generator_cmd = env.generator_cmd
handler.generator = env.generator
handler.suite_name_check = not options.disable_suite_name_check
self.handler = handler
# Global testsuite parameters
def check_runnable(self, enable_slow=False, filter='buildable', fixtures=[]):
# running on simulators is currently not supported on Windows
if == 'nt' and self.platform.simulation != 'na':
return False
# we asked for build-only on the command line
if self.testsuite.build_only:
return False
# Do not run slow tests:
skip_slow = self.testsuite.slow and not enable_slow
if skip_slow:
return False
target_ready = bool(self.testsuite.type == "unit" or \
self.platform.type == "native" or \
self.platform.simulation in SUPPORTED_SIMS or \
filter == 'runnable')
# check if test is runnable in pytest
if self.testsuite.harness == 'pytest':
target_ready = bool(filter == 'runnable' or self.platform.simulation in SUPPORTED_SIMS_IN_PYTEST)
SUPPORTED_SIMS_WITH_EXEC = ['nsim', 'mdb-nsim', 'renode', 'tsim', 'native']
if filter != 'runnable' and \
self.platform.simulation in SUPPORTED_SIMS_WITH_EXEC and \
if not shutil.which(self.platform.simulation_exec):
target_ready = False
testsuite_runnable = self.testsuite_runnable(self.testsuite, fixtures)
return testsuite_runnable and target_ready
def create_overlay(self, platform, enable_asan=False, enable_ubsan=False, enable_coverage=False, coverage_platform=[]):
# Create this in a "twister/" subdirectory otherwise this
# will pass this overlay to *twice* and kconfig.cmake
# will silently give that second time precedence over any
# --extra-args=CONFIG_*
subdir = os.path.join(self.build_dir, "twister")
content = ""
if self.testsuite.extra_configs:
new_config_list = []
# some configs might be conditional on arch or platform, see if we
# have a namespace defined and apply only if the namespace matches.
# we currently support both arch: and platform:
for config in self.testsuite.extra_configs:
cond_config = config.split(":")
if cond_config[0] == "arch" and len(cond_config) == 3:
if self.platform.arch == cond_config[1]:
elif cond_config[0] == "plaform" and len(cond_config) == 3:
if == cond_config[1]:
content = "\n".join(new_config_list)
if enable_coverage:
if in coverage_platform:
content = content + "\nCONFIG_COVERAGE=y"
content = content + "\nCONFIG_COVERAGE_DUMP=y"
if enable_asan:
if platform.type == "native":
content = content + "\nCONFIG_ASAN=y"
if enable_ubsan:
if platform.type == "native":
content = content + "\nCONFIG_UBSAN=y"
if content:
os.makedirs(subdir, exist_ok=True)
file = os.path.join(subdir, "testsuite_extra.conf")
with open(file, "w") as f:
return content
def calculate_sizes(self, from_buildlog: bool = False, generate_warning: bool = True) -> SizeCalculator:
"""Get the RAM/ROM sizes of a test case.
This can only be run after the instance has been executed by
MakeGenerator, otherwise there won't be any binaries to measure.
@return A SizeCalculator object
elf_filepath = self.get_elf_file()
buildlog_filepath = self.get_buildlog_file() if from_buildlog else ''
return SizeCalculator(elf_filename=elf_filepath,
def get_elf_file(self) -> str:
if self.testsuite.sysbuild:
build_dir =
build_dir = self.build_dir
fns = glob.glob(os.path.join(build_dir, "zephyr", "*.elf"))
fns.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(build_dir, "zephyr", "*.exe")))
fns.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(build_dir, "testbinary")))
blocklist = [
'remapped', # used for xtensa plaforms
'zefi', # EFI for Zephyr
'_pre' ]
fns = [x for x in fns if not any(bad in os.path.basename(x) for bad in blocklist)]
if len(fns) != 1 and self.platform.type != 'native':
raise BuildError("Missing/multiple output ELF binary")
return fns[0]
def get_buildlog_file(self) -> str:
"""Get path to build.log file.
@raises BuildError: Incorrect amount (!=1) of build logs.
@return: Path to build.log (str).
buildlog_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.build_dir, "build.log"))
if len(buildlog_paths) != 1:
raise BuildError("Missing/multiple build.log file.")
return buildlog_paths[0]
def __repr__(self):
return "<TestSuite %s on %s>" % (,