blob: a9c1f9423c474a284a7c5a0f5aeaf859ec361743 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation
* Copyright (c) 2024 BayLibre, SAS
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <mqueue.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <zephyr/sys/util.h>
#include <zephyr/ztest.h>
#define N_THR 2
#define MESSAGE_SIZE 16
static char queue[16] = "server";
static char send_data[MESSAGE_SIZE] = "timed data send";
* For platforms that select CONFIG_KERNEL_COHERENCE, the receive buffer can
* not be on the stack as the k_msgq that underlies the mq_timedsend() will
* copy directly to the receiver's buffer when there is already a waiting
* receiver.
static char rec_data[MESSAGE_SIZE];
static void *sender_thread(void *p1)
mqd_t mqd;
struct timespec curtime;
mqd = mq_open(queue, O_WRONLY);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &curtime);
curtime.tv_sec += 1;
zassert_false(mq_timedsend(mqd, send_data, MESSAGE_SIZE, 0, &curtime),
"Not able to send message in timer");
"unable to close message queue descriptor.");
return NULL;
static void *receiver_thread(void *p1)
mqd_t mqd;
struct timespec curtime;
mqd = mq_open(queue, O_RDONLY);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &curtime);
curtime.tv_sec += 1;
mq_timedreceive(mqd, rec_data, MESSAGE_SIZE, 0, &curtime);
zassert_false(strcmp(rec_data, send_data), "Error in data reception. exp: %s act: %s",
send_data, rec_data);
"unable to close message queue descriptor.");
return NULL;
ZTEST(mqueue, test_mqueue)
mqd_t mqd;
struct mq_attr attrs;
int32_t mode = 0777;
int flags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT;
void *retval;
pthread_t newthread[N_THR];
attrs.mq_msgsize = MESSAGE_SIZE;
attrs.mq_maxmsg = MESG_COUNT_PERMQ;
mqd = mq_open(queue, flags, mode, &attrs);
for (int i = 0; i < N_THR; i++) {
/* Creating threads */
zassert_ok(pthread_create(&newthread[i], NULL,
(i % 2 == 0) ? receiver_thread : sender_thread, NULL));
usleep(USEC_PER_MSEC * 10U);
for (int i = 0; i < N_THR; i++) {
pthread_join(newthread[i], &retval);
"unable to close message queue descriptor.");
zassert_false(mq_unlink(queue), "Not able to unlink Queue");
static bool notification_executed;
void notify_function_basic(union sigval val)
mqd_t mqd;
bool *executed = (bool *)val.sival_ptr;
mqd = mq_open(queue, O_RDONLY);
mq_receive(mqd, rec_data, MESSAGE_SIZE, 0);
zassert_ok(strcmp(rec_data, send_data),
"Error in data reception. exp: %s act: %s", send_data, rec_data);
zassert_ok(mq_close(mqd), "Unable to close message queue descriptor.");
*executed = true;
ZTEST(mqueue, test_mqueue_notify_basic)
mqd_t mqd;
struct mq_attr attrs = {
.mq_msgsize = MESSAGE_SIZE,
.mq_maxmsg = MESG_COUNT_PERMQ,
struct sigevent not = {
.sigev_notify = SIGEV_NONE,
.sigev_value.sival_ptr = (void *)&notification_executed,
.sigev_notify_function = notify_function_basic,
int32_t mode = 0777;
int flags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT;
notification_executed = false;
memset(rec_data, 0, MESSAGE_SIZE);
mqd = mq_open(queue, flags, mode, &attrs);
zassert_ok(mq_notify(mqd, &not), "Unable to set notification.");
zassert_ok(mq_send(mqd, send_data, MESSAGE_SIZE, 0), "Unable to send message");
zassert_true(notification_executed, "Notification not triggered.");
zassert_ok(mq_close(mqd), "Unable to close message queue descriptor.");
zassert_ok(mq_unlink(queue), "Unable to unlink queue");
void notify_function_thread(union sigval val)
mqd_t mqd;
pthread_t sender = (pthread_t)val.sival_int;
zassert_not_equal(sender, pthread_self(),
"Notification function should be executed from different thread.");
mqd = mq_open(queue, O_RDONLY);
mq_receive(mqd, rec_data, MESSAGE_SIZE, 0);
zassert_ok(strcmp(rec_data, send_data),
"Error in data reception. exp: %s act: %s", send_data, rec_data);
zassert_ok(mq_close(mqd), "Unable to close message queue descriptor.");
notification_executed = true;
ZTEST(mqueue, test_mqueue_notify_thread)
mqd_t mqd;
struct mq_attr attrs = {
.mq_msgsize = MESSAGE_SIZE,
.mq_maxmsg = MESG_COUNT_PERMQ,
struct sigevent not = {
.sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD,
.sigev_value.sival_int = (int)pthread_self(),
.sigev_notify_function = notify_function_thread,
int32_t mode = 0777;
int flags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT;
notification_executed = false;
memset(rec_data, 0, MESSAGE_SIZE);
mqd = mq_open(queue, flags, mode, &attrs);
zassert_ok(mq_notify(mqd, &not), "Unable to set notification.");
zassert_ok(mq_send(mqd, send_data, MESSAGE_SIZE, 0), "Unable to send message");
usleep(USEC_PER_MSEC * 10U);
zassert_true(notification_executed, "Notification not triggered.");
zassert_ok(mq_close(mqd), "Unable to close message queue descriptor.");
zassert_ok(mq_unlink(queue), "Unable to unlink queue");
ZTEST(mqueue, test_mqueue_notify_non_empty_queue)
mqd_t mqd;
struct mq_attr attrs = {
.mq_msgsize = MESSAGE_SIZE,
.mq_maxmsg = MESG_COUNT_PERMQ,
struct sigevent not = {
.sigev_notify = SIGEV_NONE,
.sigev_value.sival_ptr = (void *)&notification_executed,
.sigev_notify_function = notify_function_basic,
int32_t mode = 0777;
int flags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT;
notification_executed = false;
memset(rec_data, 0, MESSAGE_SIZE);
mqd = mq_open(queue, flags, mode, &attrs);
zassert_ok(mq_send(mqd, send_data, MESSAGE_SIZE, 0), "Unable to send message");
zassert_ok(mq_notify(mqd, &not), "Unable to set notification.");
zassert_false(notification_executed, "Notification shouldn't be processed.");
mq_receive(mqd, rec_data, MESSAGE_SIZE, 0);
zassert_false(strcmp(rec_data, send_data),
"Error in data reception. exp: %s act: %s", send_data, rec_data);
memset(rec_data, 0, MESSAGE_SIZE);
zassert_ok(mq_send(mqd, send_data, MESSAGE_SIZE, 0), "Unable to send message");
zassert_true(notification_executed, "Notification not triggered.");
zassert_ok(mq_close(mqd), "Unable to close message queue descriptor.");
zassert_ok(mq_unlink(queue), "Unable to unlink queue");
ZTEST(mqueue, test_mqueue_notify_errors)
mqd_t mqd;
struct mq_attr attrs = {
.mq_msgsize = MESSAGE_SIZE,
.mq_maxmsg = MESG_COUNT_PERMQ,
struct sigevent not = {
.sigev_notify = SIGEV_SIGNAL,
.sigev_value.sival_ptr = (void *)&notification_executed,
.sigev_notify_function = notify_function_basic,
int32_t mode = 0777;
int flags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT;
zassert_not_ok(mq_notify(NULL, NULL), "Should return -1 and set errno to EBADF.");
zassert_equal(errno, EBADF);
mqd = mq_open(queue, flags, mode, &attrs);
zassert_not_ok(mq_notify(mqd, NULL), "Should return -1 and set errno to EINVAL.");
zassert_equal(errno, EINVAL);
zassert_not_ok(mq_notify(mqd, &not), "SIGEV_SIGNAL not supported should return -1.");
zassert_equal(errno, ENOSYS);
not.sigev_notify = SIGEV_NONE;
zassert_ok(mq_notify(mqd, &not),
"Unexpected error while asigning notification to the queue.");
zassert_not_ok(mq_notify(mqd, &not),
"Can't assign notification when there is another assigned.");
zassert_equal(errno, EBUSY);
zassert_ok(mq_notify(mqd, NULL), "Unable to remove notification from the message queue.");
zassert_ok(mq_close(mqd), "Unable to close message queue descriptor.");
zassert_ok(mq_unlink(queue), "Unable to unlink queue");
static void before(void *arg)
/* skip redundant testing if there is no thread pool / heap allocation */
ZTEST_SUITE(mqueue, NULL, NULL, before, NULL, NULL);