blob: f3c04e2e7a70004687d306877ea93b3a1a130112 [file] [log] [blame]
DNS Client Application
* Ethernet LAN for testing purposes.
* Galileo Gen 2 Development Board.
* USB-UART cable: CH340, FTDI 6-pin or equivalent for debugging.
* dnsmasq application. The dnsmasq version used in this sample is:
dnsmasq -v
Dnsmasq version 2.75 Copyright (c) 2000-2015 Simon Kelley
Building instructions
* Read src/main.c, change the IP addresses according to the LAN
* make pristine && make are enough to build this sample.
* Follow the steps indicated here:
to load the binary into the Galileo Dev Board.
* Open a terminal window and type:
dnsmasq -d
* Connect the USB-UART cable to the Galileo. Open a terminal and run:
screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
* Connect Galileo to the LAN, Turn on the board.
* The screen terminal window will show:
WARNING: no console will be available to OS
error: no suitable video mode found.
Domain name: not_a_real_domain_name
[fiber:82] DNS Create Query: 0, ID: 1
[fiber:85] TX: 0
[fiber:88] RX: -5
Domain name: oops!
[fiber:82] DNS Create Query: 0, ID: 2
[fiber:85] TX: 0
[fiber:88] RX: 0
[fiber:95] DNS response: 2
Domain name:
[fiber:82] DNS Create Query: 0, ID: 3
[fiber:85] TX: 0
[fiber:88] RX: 0
****** DNS ANSWER: 0 ******
Response: IP address Size: 4: 140 211 169 8
[fiber:95] DNS response: 0
Domain name:
[fiber:82] DNS Create Query: 0, ID: 4
[fiber:85] TX: 0
[fiber:88] RX: 0
****** DNS ANSWER: 0 ******
Response: IP address Size: 4: 216 58 192 4
[fiber:95] DNS response: 0
Domain name:
[fiber:82] DNS Create Query: 0, ID: 5
[fiber:85] TX: 0
[fiber:88] RX: 0
****** DNS ANSWER: 0 ******
Response: CNAME NO IP address Size: 8: 5 108 111 103 105 110 192 17
****** DNS ANSWER: 1 ******
Response: CNAME NO IP address Size: 35: 9 102 111 45 100 115 45 97 116 115 6 109 101 109 98 101 114 3 103 48 50 8 121 97 104 111 111 100 110 115 3 110 101 116 0
****** DNS ANSWER: 2 ******
Response: IP address Size: 4: 98 136 189 41
[fiber:95] DNS response: 0