blob: acd8139952ecf17d0e6072e1e094f3b1c604b7c6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef _MQTT_PKT_H_
#define _MQTT_PKT_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "app_buf.h"
* @brief MQTT Packet Type
enum mqtt_packet {
* @brief MQTT QoS
enum mqtt_qos {
MQTT_QoS0 = 0,
* @brief MQTT protocol version
* @details For MQTT v3.1.1 use MQTT_311.
enum mqtt_protocol {
MQTT_31 = 3,
* @brief The mqtt_msg_t struct
* @details Structure used for publish-related operations.
struct mqtt_msg_t {
struct app_buf_t topic;
struct app_buf_t payload;
enum mqtt_qos qos;
int retained;
uint16_t pkt_id;
int dup;
* @brief MQTT_MSG_INIT Initializes a MQTT Message structure with
* default values
#define MQTT_MSG_INIT { .topic = APP_BUF_INIT(NULL, 0, 0), \
.payload = APP_BUF_INIT(NULL, 0, 0), \
.qos = MQTT_QoS0, \
.retained = 0, \
.pkt_id = 0, \
.dup = 0}
* @brief struct mqtt_client_ctx_t MQTT Client context
* @details Structure used as a state variable for MQTT applications
struct mqtt_client_ctx_t {
const char *client_id;
int clean_session;
enum mqtt_protocol proto;
const char *username;
const char *pass;
int will_enabled;
const char *will_topic;
const char *will_payload;
enum mqtt_qos will_qos;
int will_retained;
int keep_alive;
uint16_t pkt_id;
* @brief MQTT_CLIENT_CTX_INIT Initializes a structure with default values
* @param name MQTT client name
#define MQTT_CLIENT_CTX_INIT(name) { .client_id = name, \
.clean_session = 1, \
.proto = MQTT_311, \
.username = NULL, \
.pass = NULL, \
.will_enabled = 0, \
.will_topic = NULL, \
.will_payload = NULL, \
.will_qos = MQTT_QoS0, \
.will_retained = 0, \
.keep_alive = 0, \
.pkt_id = 0}
* @brief mqtt_msg_topic Sets the topic of a PUBLIC message
* @param msg PUBLISH message
* @param str C-string
* @return 0, always
int mqtt_msg_topic(struct mqtt_msg_t *msg, char *str);
* @brief mqtt_msg_payload_str Sets str as the msg's payload
* @param msg PUBLISH message
* @param str C-string
* @return 0, always
int mqtt_msg_payload_str(struct mqtt_msg_t *msg, char *str);
* @brief mqtt_next_pktid Computes a new Packet Id
* @param mqtt_ctx MQTT Client context structure
* @param pkt_id Packet Id
* @return 0, always
int mqtt_next_pktid(struct mqtt_client_ctx_t *mqtt_ctx, uint16_t *pkt_id);
* @brief mqtt_pack_msg Packs a PUBACK, PUBCOMP, PUBREC or PUBREL
* message
* @param buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @param type Packet type
* @param pkt_id Packet Identifier
* @param dup DUP flag
* @return 0 on success
* -EINVAL on error
int mqtt_pack_msg(struct app_buf_t *buf, enum mqtt_packet type, uint16_t pkt_id,
int dup);
* @brief mqtt_pack_subscribe Packs a SUBSCRIBE message
* @param buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @param dup DUP flag
* @param pkt_id Packet Identifier
* @param topic Topic that the client will be subscribed to
* @param qos Quality of Service for this susbscription
* @return 0 on success
* -EINVAL on error
int mqtt_pack_subscribe(struct app_buf_t *buf, int dup, uint16_t pkt_id,
char *topic, enum mqtt_qos qos);
* @brief mqtt_pack_unsubscribe
Packs a UNSUBSCRIBE message
* @param buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @param dup DUP flag
* @param pkt_id Packet Identifier
* @param topic Topic to unsubscribe from
* @return 0 on success
* -EINVAL on error
int mqtt_pack_unsubscribe(struct app_buf_t *buf, int dup, uint16_t pkt_id,
char *topic);
* @brief mqtt_unpack_suback Unpacks a SUBACK message
* @param buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @param pkt_id Packet Identifier
* @param granted_qos Granted QoS for this subscription
* @return 0 on success
* -EINVAL on error
int mqtt_unpack_suback(struct app_buf_t *buf, uint16_t *pkt_id,
int *granted_qos);
* @brief mqtt_unpack_unsuback Unpacks a UNSUBACK message
* @param buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @param pkt_id Packet Identifier
* @return 0 on success
* -EINVAL on error
int mqtt_unpack_unsuback(struct app_buf_t *buf, uint16_t *pkt_id);
* @brief mqtt_pack_connect Packs a CONNECT message
* @param buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @param mqtt_ctx MQTT Client context structure
* @return 0 on success
* -EINVAL on error
int mqtt_pack_connect(struct app_buf_t *buf,
struct mqtt_client_ctx_t *mqtt_ctx);
* @brief mqtt_unpack_connack Unpacks a CONNACK message
* @param buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @param session Clean session value
* @param connect_ack Connect ACK result
* @return 0 on success,
* -EINVAL on error
int mqtt_unpack_connack(struct app_buf_t *buf, int *session, int *connect_ack);
* @brief mqtt_pack_disconnect Packs a DISCONNECT message
* @param buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @return 0 on success
* -EINVAL on error
int mqtt_pack_disconnect(struct app_buf_t *buf);
* @brief mqtt_unpack_ack Unpacks any ACKNOWLEDGE message
* @param buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @param pkt_type Type of received ACK
* @param dup DUP flag value
* @param rcv_pkt_id Received Packet Identifier
* @return 0 on success
* -EINVAL on error
int mqtt_unpack_ack(struct app_buf_t *buf, uint8_t *pkt_type,
uint8_t *dup, uint16_t *rcv_pkt_id);
* @brief mqtt_pack_publish Packs a PUBLISH message
* @param buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @param msg MQTT Message structure
* @return 0 on success
* -EINVAL on error
int mqtt_pack_publish(struct app_buf_t *buf, struct mqtt_msg_t *msg);
* @brief mqtt_unpack_publish Unpacks a PUBLISH message
* @param buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @param msg MQTT Message structure
* @return 0 on success
* -EINVAL on error
int mqtt_unpack_publish(struct app_buf_t *buf, struct mqtt_msg_t *msg);
* @brief mqtt_pack_pubrel Packs a PUBREL message
* @param buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @param dup DUP flag
* @param pkt_id Packet Identifier
* @return 0 on success
* -EINVAL on error
int mqtt_pack_pubrel(struct app_buf_t *buf, int dup, uint16_t pkt_id);
* @brief mqtt_pack_pingreq Packs a PINGREQ message
* @param buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @return 0 on success
* -EINVAL on error
int mqtt_pack_pingreq(struct app_buf_t *buf);
* @brief mqtt_pack_pingresp Packs a PINGRESP message
* @param buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @return 0 on success
* -EINVAL on error
int mqtt_pack_pingresp(struct app_buf_t *buf);