blob: 8c1706be7473a25dcac98d1ff4fe1e26413be7ad [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file
* @brief New thread creation for ARM Cortex-M
* Core thread related primitives for the ARM Cortex-M processor architecture.
#include <kernel.h>
#include <toolchain.h>
#include <kernel_structs.h>
#include <wait_q.h>
extern u8_t *_k_priv_stack_find(void *obj);
* @brief Initialize a new thread from its stack space
* The control structure (thread) is put at the lower address of the stack. An
* initial context, to be "restored" by __pendsv(), is put at the other end of
* the stack, and thus reusable by the stack when not needed anymore.
* The initial context is an exception stack frame (ESF) since exiting the
* PendSV exception will want to pop an ESF. Interestingly, even if the lsb of
* an instruction address to jump to must always be set since the CPU always
* runs in thumb mode, the ESF expects the real address of the instruction,
* with the lsb *not* set (instructions are always aligned on 16 bit halfwords).
* Since the compiler automatically sets the lsb of function addresses, we have
* to unset it manually before storing it in the 'pc' field of the ESF.
* <options> is currently unused.
* @param pStackMem the aligned stack memory
* @param stackSize stack size in bytes
* @param pEntry the entry point
* @param parameter1 entry point to the first param
* @param parameter2 entry point to the second param
* @param parameter3 entry point to the third param
* @param priority thread priority
* @param options thread options: K_ESSENTIAL, K_FP_REGS
* @return N/A
void _new_thread(struct k_thread *thread, k_thread_stack_t *stack,
size_t stackSize, k_thread_entry_t pEntry,
void *parameter1, void *parameter2, void *parameter3,
int priority, unsigned int options)
char *pStackMem = K_THREAD_STACK_BUFFER(stack);
_ASSERT_VALID_PRIO(priority, pEntry);
char *stackEnd = pStackMem + stackSize - MPU_GUARD_ALIGN_AND_SIZE;
char *stackEnd = pStackMem + stackSize;
struct __esf *pInitCtx;
_new_thread_init(thread, pStackMem, stackEnd - pStackMem, priority,
/* carve the thread entry struct from the "base" of the stack */
pInitCtx = (struct __esf *)(STACK_ROUND_DOWN(stackEnd -
sizeof(struct __esf)));
if ((options & K_USER) != 0) {
pInitCtx->pc = (u32_t)_arch_user_mode_enter;
} else {
pInitCtx->pc = (u32_t)_thread_entry;
pInitCtx->pc = (u32_t)_thread_entry;
/* force ARM mode by clearing LSB of address */
pInitCtx->pc &= 0xfffffffe;
pInitCtx->a1 = (u32_t)pEntry;
pInitCtx->a2 = (u32_t)parameter1;
pInitCtx->a3 = (u32_t)parameter2;
pInitCtx->a4 = (u32_t)parameter3;
pInitCtx->xpsr =
0x01000000UL; /* clear all, thumb bit is 1, even if RO */
thread->callee_saved.psp = (u32_t)pInitCtx;
thread->arch.basepri = 0;
thread->arch.mode = 0;
thread->arch.priv_stack_start = 0;
/* swap_return_value can contain garbage */
* initial values in all other registers/thread entries are
* irrelevant.
FUNC_NORETURN void _arch_user_mode_enter(k_thread_entry_t user_entry,
void *p1, void *p2, void *p3)
/* Set up privileged stack before entering user mode */
_current->arch.priv_stack_start =
/* Truncate the stack size with the MPU region granularity. */
_current->stack_info.size &=
_arm_userspace_enter(user_entry, p1, p2, p3,
* @brief Configure ARM built-in stack guard
* This function configures per thread stack guards by reprogramming
* the built-in Process Stack Pointer Limit Register (PSPLIM).
* The functionality is meant to be used during context switch.
* @param thread thread info data structure.
void configure_builtin_stack_guard(struct k_thread *thread)
if ((thread->arch.mode & CONTROL_nPRIV_Msk) != 0) {
/* Only configure stack limit for threads in privileged mode
* (i.e supervisor threads or user threads doing system call).
* User threads executing in user mode do not require a stack
* limit protection.
u32_t guard_start = thread->arch.priv_stack_start ?
(u32_t)thread->arch.priv_stack_start :
u32_t guard_start = thread->stack_info.start;
#error "Built-in PSP limit checks not supported by HW"
#define IS_MPU_GUARD_VIOLATION(guard_start, fault_addr, stack_ptr) \
(fault_addr == -EINVAL) ? \
((fault_addr >= guard_start) && \
(fault_addr < (guard_start + MPU_GUARD_ALIGN_AND_SIZE)) && \
(stack_ptr < (guard_start + MPU_GUARD_ALIGN_AND_SIZE))) \
: \
(stack_ptr < (guard_start + MPU_GUARD_ALIGN_AND_SIZE))
* @brief Assess occurrence of current thread's stack corruption
* This function performs an assessment whether a memory fault (on a
* given memory address) is the result of stack memory corruption of
* the current thread.
* Thread stack corruption for supervisor threads or user threads in
* privilege mode (when User Space is supported) is reported upon an
* attempt to access the stack guard area (if MPU Stack Guard feature
* is supported). Additionally the current PSP (process stack pointer)
* must be pointing inside or below the guard area.
* Thread stack corruption for user threads in user mode is reported,
* if the current PSP is pointing below the start of the current
* thread's stack.
* Notes:
* - we assume a fully descending stack,
* - we assume a stacking error has occurred,
* - the function shall be called when handling MemManage and Bus fault,
* and only if a Stacking error has been reported.
* If stack corruption is detected, the function returns the lowest
* allowed address where the Stack Pointer can safely point to, to
* prevent from errors when un-stacking the corrupted stack frame
* upon exception return.
* @param fault_addr memory address on which memory access violation
* has been reported. It can be invalid (-EINVAL),
* if only Stacking error has been reported.
* @param psp current address the PSP points to
* @return The lowest allowed stack frame pointer, if error is a
* thread stack corruption, otherwise return 0.
u32_t z_check_thread_stack_fail(const u32_t fault_addr, const u32_t psp)
const struct k_thread *thread = _current;
if (!thread) {
return 0;
if (thread->arch.priv_stack_start) {
/* User thread */
if ((__get_CONTROL() & CONTROL_nPRIV_Msk) == 0) {
/* User thread in privilege mode */
fault_addr, psp)) {
/* Thread's privilege stack corruption */
return thread->arch.priv_stack_start +
} else {
if (psp < (u32_t)thread->stack_obj) {
/* Thread's user stack corruption */
return (u32_t)thread->stack_obj;
} else {
/* Supervisor thread */
if (IS_MPU_GUARD_VIOLATION((u32_t)thread->stack_obj,
fault_addr, psp)) {
/* Supervisor thread stack corruption */
return (u32_t)thread->stack_obj +
if (IS_MPU_GUARD_VIOLATION(thread->stack_info.start,
fault_addr, psp)) {
/* Thread stack corruption */
return thread->stack_info.start +
return 0;