| Supported Boards and Shields |
| ############################ |
| If you are looking to add Zephyr support for a new board, please start with the |
| :ref:`board_porting_guide`. |
| When adding support documentation for a board, remember to use the template |
| available under :zephyr_file:`doc/templates/board.tmpl`. |
| Shields are hardware add-ons that can be stacked on top of a board to add extra |
| functionality. They are listed separately from boards, towards :ref:`the end of |
| this page <boards-shields>`. |
| .. admonition:: Search Tips |
| * Use the form below to filter the list of supported boards. If a field is left empty, it will |
| not be used in the filtering process. |
| * A board must meet **all** criteria selected across different fields. For example, if you select |
| both a vendor and an architecture, only boards that match both will be displayed. Within a |
| single field, selecting multiple options (such as two architectures) will show boards matching |
| * Can't find your exact board? Don't worry! If a similar board with the same or a closely related |
| MCU exists, you can use it as a :ref:`starting point <create-your-board-directory>` for adding |
| support for your own board. |
| .. zephyr:board-catalog:: |