blob: ce1a675204576fc8be094dc3b9ce8ffa89a0fc2d [file] [log] [blame]
/* sw_isr_table.S - ISR table for static ISR declarations for RISCV32 */
* Copyright (c) 2016 Jean-Paul Etienne <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <toolchain.h>
#include <sections.h>
#include <arch/cpu.h>
* enable preprocessor features, such
* as %expr - evaluate the expression and use it as a string
* Define an ISR table entry
* Define symbol as weak and give the section .gnu.linkonce
* prefix. This allows linker overload the symbol and the
* whole section by the one defined by a device driver
.macro _isr_table_entry_declare index
.section .gnu.linkonce.isr_irq\index
_isr_irq\index: .word 0xABAD1DEA, _irq_spurious
* Declare the ISR table
.macro _isr_table_declare from, to
counter = \from
.rept (\to - \from)
_isr_table_entry_declare %counter
counter = counter + 1
.section .isr_irq0
_isr_table_declare 0 CONFIG_NUM_IRQS