blob: 1d18f811fb5b9c32beafdebf6524e931707e13d9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 Jean-Paul Etienne <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <irq.h>
#include <kernel_structs.h>
#include <offsets_short.h>
/* exports */
/* Use ABI name of registers for the sake of simplicity */
* unsigned int _Swap(unsigned int key)
* Always called with interrupts locked
* key is stored in a0 register
SECTION_FUNC(exception.other, _Swap)
/* Make a system call to perform context switch */
* when thread is rescheduled, unlock irq and return.
* Restored register a0 contains IRQ lock state of thread.
* Prior to unlocking irq, load return value of
* _Swap to temp register t2 (from _thread_offset_to_swap_return_value).
* Normally, it should be -EAGAIN, unless someone has previously
* called _set_thread_return_value(..).
la t0, _kernel
/* Get pointer to _kernel.current */
lw t1, _kernel_offset_to_current(t0)
/* Load return value of _Swap function in temp register t2 */
lw t2, _thread_offset_to_swap_return_value(t1)
* Unlock irq, following IRQ lock state in a0 register.
* Use atomic instruction csrrs to do so.
andi a0, a0, SOC_MSTATUS_IEN
csrrs t0, mstatus, a0
/* Set value of return register a0 to value of register t2 */
addi a0, t2, 0
/* Return */
jalr x0, ra
* void _thread_entry_wrapper(_thread_entry_t, void *, void *, void *)
SECTION_FUNC(TEXT, _thread_entry_wrapper)
* _thread_entry_wrapper is called for every new thread upon the return
* of _Swap or ISR. Its address, as well as its input function arguments
* thread_entry_t, void *, void *, void * are restored from the thread
* stack (initialized via function _thread).
* In this case, thread_entry_t, * void *, void * and void * are stored
* in registers a0, a1, a2 and a3. These registers are used as arguments
* to function _thread_entry. Hence, just call _thread_entry with
* return address set to 0 to indicate a non-returning function call.
jal x0, _thread_entry