blob: 5d9756d25b16cc4acdc7d1c67e2eeb2b52da6458 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
/* This creates a special section which is not included by the final binary,
* instead it is consumed by the script.
* What we create here is a data structure:
* struct {
* void *spurious_irq_handler;
* void *sw_irq_handler;
* uint32_t num_isrs;
* uint32_t num_vectors;
* struct _isr_list isrs[]; <- of size num_isrs
* }
* Which indicates the memory address of the spurious IRQ handler and the
* number of isrs that were defined, the total number of IRQ lines in the
* system, followed by an appropriate number of instances of
* struct _isr_list. See include/sw_isr_table.h
* You will need to declare a bogus memory region for IDT_LIST. It doesn't
* matter where this region goes as it is stripped from the final ELF image.
* The address doesn't even have to be valid on the target. However, it
* shouldn't overlap any other regions. On most arches the following should be
* fine:
* .. other regions ..
* IDT_LIST : ORIGIN = 0xfffff7ff, LENGTH = 2K
* }
/* We don't set NOLOAD here, as objcopy will not let us extract the intList
* section into a file if we do so; the resulting file is 0 bytes. We do so
* with objcopy in Makefile.gen_isr_tables after we have extracted the
* information we need.
__INT_LIST_END__ = .;