| .. _clion_ide: |
| |
| CLion |
| ##### |
| |
| CLion_ is a cross-platform C/C++ IDE that supports multi-threaded RTOS debugging. |
| |
| This guide describes the process of setting up, building, and debugging Zephyr's |
| :zephyr:code-sample:`multi-thread-blinky` sample in CLion. |
| |
| The instructions have been tested on Windows. In terms of the CLion workflow, the steps would be the |
| same for macOS and Linux, but make sure to select the correct environment file and to adjust the |
| paths. |
| |
| Get CLion |
| ********* |
| |
| `Download CLion`_ and install it. |
| |
| Initialize a new workspace |
| ************************** |
| |
| This guide gives details on how to build and debug the :zephyr:code-sample:`multi-thread-blinky` |
| sample application, but the instructions would be similar for any Zephyr project and :ref:`workspace |
| layout <west-workspaces>`. |
| |
| Before you start, make sure you have a working Zephyr development environment, as per the |
| instructions in the :ref:`getting_started`. |
| |
| Open the project in CLion |
| ************************** |
| |
| #. In CLion, click :guilabel:`Open` on the Welcome screen or select :menuselection:`File --> Open` |
| from the main menu. |
| |
| #. Navigate to your Zephyr workspace (i.e.the :file:`zephyrproject` folder in your HOME directory if |
| you have followed the Getting Started instructions), then select |
| :file:`zephyr/samples/basic/threads` or another sample project folder. |
| |
| Click :guilabel:`OK`. |
| |
| #. If prompted, click :guilabel:`Trust Project`. |
| |
| See the `Project security`_ section in CLion web help for more information on project security. |
| |
| Configure the toolchain and CMake profile |
| ***************************************** |
| |
| CLion will open the :guilabel:`Open Project Wizard` with the CMake profile settings. If that does |
| not happen, go to :menuselection:`Settings --> Build, Execution, Deployment --> CMake`. |
| |
| #. Click :guilabel:`Manage Toolchains` next to the :guilabel:`Toolchain` field. This will open the |
| :guilabel:`Toolchain` settings dialog. |
| |
| #. We recommend that you use the :guilabel:`Bundled MinGW` toolchain with default settings on |
| Windows, or the :guilabel:`System` (default) toolchain on Unix machines. |
| |
| #. Click :menuselection:`Add environment --> From file` and select |
| ``..\.venv\Scripts\activate.bat``. |
| |
| .. figure:: img/clion_toolchain_mingw.webp |
| :width: 600px |
| :align: center |
| :alt: MinGW toolchain with environment script |
| |
| Click :guilabel:`Apply` to save the changes. |
| |
| #. Back in the CMake profile settings dialog, specify your board in the :guilabel:`CMake options` |
| field. For example: |
| |
| .. code-block:: |
| |
| -DBOARD=nrf52840dk/nrf52840 |
| |
| .. figure:: img/clion_cmakeprofile.webp |
| :width: 600px |
| :align: center |
| :alt: CMake profile |
| |
| #. Click :guilabel:`Apply` to save the changes. |
| |
| CMake load should finish successfully. |
| |
| Configure Zephyr parameters for debug |
| ************************************* |
| |
| #. In the configuration switcher on the top right, select :guilabel:`guiconfig` and click the hammer |
| icon. |
| |
| #. Use the GUI application to set the following flags: |
| |
| .. code-block:: |
| |
| |
| Build the project |
| ***************** |
| |
| In the configuration switcher, select **zephyr_final** and click the hammer icon. |
| |
| Note that other CMake targets like ``puncover`` or ``hardenconfig`` can also be called at this |
| point. |
| |
| |
| Enable RTOS integration |
| *********************** |
| |
| #. Go to :menuselection:`Settings --> Build, Execution, Deployment --> Embedded Development --> RTOS |
| Integration`. |
| |
| #. Set the :guilabel:`Enable RTOS Integration` checkbox. |
| |
| This option enables Zephyr tasks view during debugging. See `Multi-threaded RTOS debug`_ in CLion |
| web help for more information. |
| |
| You can leave the option set to :guilabel:`Auto`. CLion will detect Zephyr automatically. |
| |
| Create an Embedded GDB Server configuration |
| ******************************************* |
| |
| In order to debug a Zephyr application in CLion, you need to create a run/debug configuration out of |
| the Embedded GDB Server template. |
| |
| Instructions below show the case of a Nordic Semiconductor board and a Segger J-Link debug probe. If |
| your setup is different, make sure to adjust the configuration settings accordingly. |
| |
| #. Select :menuselection:`Run --> New Embedded Configuration` from the main menu. |
| |
| #. Configure the settings: |
| |
| .. list-table:: |
| :header-rows: 1 |
| |
| * - Option |
| - Value |
| |
| * - :guilabel:`Name` (optional) |
| - Zephyr-threads |
| |
| * - :guilabel:`GDB Server Type` |
| - Segger JLink |
| |
| * - :guilabel:`Location` |
| - The path to ``JLinkGDBServerCL.exe`` on Windows or the ``JLinkGDBServer`` binary on |
| macOS/Linux. |
| |
| * - :guilabel:`Debugger` |
| - Bundled GDB |
| |
| .. note:: For non-ARM and non-x86 architectures, use a GDB executable |
| from Zephyr SDK. Make sure to pick a version with Python support |
| (for example, **riscv64-zephyr-elf-gdb-py**) and check that Python |
| is present in the system ``PATH``. |
| |
| * - :guilabel:`Target` |
| - zephyr-final |
| |
| * - :guilabel:`Executable binary` |
| - zephyr-final |
| |
| * - :guilabel:`Download binary` |
| - Always |
| |
| * - :guilabel:`TCP/IP port` |
| - Auto |
| |
| .. figure:: img/clion_gdbserverconfig.webp |
| :width: 500px |
| :align: center |
| :alt: Embedded GDB server configuration |
| |
| #. Click :guilabel:`Next` to set the Segger J-Link parameters. |
| |
| .. figure:: img/clion_segger_settings.webp |
| :width: 500px |
| :align: center |
| :alt: Segger J-Link parameters |
| |
| #. Click :guilabel:`Create` when ready. |
| |
| Start debugging |
| *************** |
| |
| #. Place breakpoints by clicking in the left gutter next to the code lines. |
| |
| #. Make sure that **Zephyr-threads** is selected in the configuration switcher and click the bug |
| icon or press :kbd:`Ctrl+D`. |
| |
| #. When a breakpoint is hit, CLion opens the Debug tool window. |
| |
| Zephyr tasks are listed in the :guilabel:`Threads & Variables` pane. You can switch between them |
| and inspect the variables for each task. |
| |
| .. figure:: img/clion_debug_threads.webp |
| :width: 800px |
| :align: center |
| :alt: Viewing Zephyr tasks during a debug session |
| |
| Refer to `CLion web help`_ for detailed description of the IDE debug capabilities. |
| |
| .. _CLion: https://www.jetbrains.com/clion/ |
| .. _Download CLion: https://www.jetbrains.com/clion/download |
| .. _Project security: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/clion/project-security.html#projects_security |
| .. _Multi-threaded RTOS debug: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/clion/rtos-debug.html |
| .. _CLion web help: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/clion/debugging-code.html |