blob: 2325227fece27a20bc59a83b1a5fb872f0a873db [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file
* @brief Cortex-M public error handling
* ARM-specific kernel error handling interface. Included by arm/arch.h.
#include <arch/arm/cortex_m/exc.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern void _NanoFatalErrorHandler(unsigned int reason, const NANO_ESF *esf);
extern void _SysFatalErrorHandler(unsigned int reason, const NANO_ESF *esf);
#define _NANO_ERR_HW_EXCEPTION (0) /* MPU/Bus/Usage fault */
#define _NANO_ERR_INVALID_TASK_EXIT (1) /* Invalid task exit */
#define _NANO_ERR_STACK_CHK_FAIL (2) /* Stack corruption detected */
#define _NANO_ERR_ALLOCATION_FAIL (3) /* Kernel Allocation Failure */
#define _NANO_ERR_KERNEL_OOPS (4) /* Kernel oops (fatal to thread) */
#define _NANO_ERR_KERNEL_PANIC (5) /* Kernel panic (fatal to system) */
#if defined(CONFIG_ARMV6_M)
/* ARMv6 will hard-fault if SVC is called with interrupts locked. Just
* force them unlocked, the thread is in an undefined state anyway
* On ARMv7m we won't get a hardfault, but if interrupts were locked the
* thread will continue executing after the exception and forbid PendSV to
* schedule a new thread until they are unlocked which is not what we want.
* Force them unlocked as well.
#define _ARCH_EXCEPT(reason_p) do { \
__asm__ volatile ( \
"cpsie i\n\t" \
"mov r0, %[reason]\n\t" \
"svc %[id]\n\t" \
: \
: [reason] "i" (reason_p), [id] "i" (_SVC_CALL_RUNTIME_EXCEPT) \
: "memory"); \
} while (0)
#elif defined(CONFIG_ARMV7_M)
#define _ARCH_EXCEPT(reason_p) do { \
__asm__ volatile ( \
"eors.n r0, r0\n\t" \
"msr BASEPRI, r0\n\t" \
"mov r0, %[reason]\n\t" \
"svc %[id]\n\t" \
: \
: [reason] "i" (reason_p), [id] "i" (_SVC_CALL_RUNTIME_EXCEPT) \
: "memory"); \
} while (0)
#error Unknown ARM architecture
#endif /* CONFIG_ARMV6_M */
#ifdef __cplusplus