blob: 3224ab45f32bbaa01dc87822346bc6627a932a7b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <stdint.h>
#include <nffs/nffs.h>
#include <fs.h>
#include "nffs_test_utils.h"
#include <ztest_assert.h>
void test_readdir(void)
fs_dir_t dir;
struct fs_dirent dirent;
int rc;
/* Setup. */
rc = nffs_format_full(nffs_current_area_descs);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot format nffs");
rc = fs_mkdir("/mydir");
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot create directory");
nffs_test_util_create_file("/mydir/b", "bbbb", 4);
nffs_test_util_create_file("/mydir/a", "aaaa", 4);
rc = fs_mkdir("/mydir/c");
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot create directory");
/* Nonexistent directory. */
rc = fs_opendir(&dir, "/asdf");
zassert_not_equal(rc, 0, "cannot open nonexistent directory");
/* Fail to opendir a file. */
rc = fs_opendir(&dir, "/mydir/a");
zassert_not_equal(rc, 0, "cannot open directory");
/* Real directory (with trailing slash). */
rc = fs_opendir(&dir, "/mydir/");
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot open dir (trailing slash)");
rc = fs_readdir(&dir, &dirent);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot read directory");
nffs_test_util_assert_ent_name(&dirent, "a");
zassert_equal(dirent.type == FS_DIR_ENTRY_DIR, 0,
"invalid directory name");
rc = fs_readdir(&dir, &dirent);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot read directory");
nffs_test_util_assert_ent_name(&dirent, "b");
zassert_equal(dirent.type == FS_DIR_ENTRY_DIR, 0,
"invalid directory name");
rc = fs_readdir(&dir, &dirent);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot read directory");
nffs_test_util_assert_ent_name(&dirent, "c");
zassert_equal(dirent.type != FS_DIR_ENTRY_DIR, 0,
"invalid directory name");
rc = fs_readdir(&dir, &dirent);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot read directory");
rc = fs_closedir(&dir);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot close directory");
/* Root directory. */
rc = fs_opendir(&dir, "/");
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot open root directory");
rc = fs_readdir(&dir, &dirent);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot read root directory");
nffs_test_util_assert_ent_name(&dirent, "lost+found");
zassert_equal(dirent.type == FS_DIR_ENTRY_DIR, 1, "no lost+found");
rc = fs_readdir(&dir, &dirent);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot read directory");
nffs_test_util_assert_ent_name(&dirent, "mydir");
zassert_equal(dirent.type != FS_DIR_ENTRY_DIR, 0,
"no mydir directory");
rc = fs_closedir(&dir);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot close directory");
/* Delete entries while iterating. */
rc = fs_opendir(&dir, "/mydir");
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot open directory");
rc = fs_readdir(&dir, &dirent);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot read directory");
nffs_test_util_assert_ent_name(&dirent, "a");
zassert_equal(dirent.type == FS_DIR_ENTRY_DIR, 0,
"invalid directory name");
rc = fs_unlink("/mydir/b");
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot delete mydir");
rc = fs_readdir(&dir, &dirent);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot read directory");
rc = fs_unlink("/mydir/c");
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot delete lower directory");
rc = fs_unlink("/mydir");
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot delete mydir directory");
nffs_test_util_assert_ent_name(&dirent, "c");
zassert_equal(dirent.type == FS_DIR_ENTRY_DIR, 1,
"invalid directory name");
rc = fs_readdir(&dir, &dirent);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot read directory");
rc = fs_closedir(&dir);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "cannot close directory");
/* Ensure directory is gone. */
rc = fs_opendir(&dir, "/mydir");
zassert_not_equal(rc, 0, "directory is still present");