blob: 583bb13d17b53d96aa08d8374288ecbe0ec2545a [file] [log] [blame]
# See root CMakeLists.txt for description and expectations of this macro
# NOTE: Some GNU toolchains break with plain '-Os' or '-Og', but is fixable
# with tweaks. So allow user to override, via ifndef, the compile flags that
# CONFIG_{NO,DEBUG,SPEED,SIZE}_OPTIMIZATIONS will cause, yet still leaving the
# selection logic in kconfig.
# These macros leaves it up to the root CMakeLists.txt to choose the CMake
# variable names to store the optimization flags in.
macro(toolchain_cc_optimize_for_no_optimizations_flag dest_var_name)
set_ifndef(${dest_var_name} "-O0")
macro(toolchain_cc_optimize_for_debug_flag dest_var_name)
set_ifndef(${dest_var_name} "-Og")
macro(toolchain_cc_optimize_for_speed_flag dest_var_name)
set_ifndef(${dest_var_name} "-O2")
macro(toolchain_cc_optimize_for_size_flag dest_var_name)
set_ifndef(${dest_var_name} "-Os")