blob: 154ad9335d2380ac2b1e00e0a651c4f35a7c6d74 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2017 Open Source Foundries Limited.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
'''Sphinx extensions related to managing Zephyr applications.'''
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
# TODO: extend and modify this for Windows.
# This could be as simple as generating a couple of sets of instructions, one
# for Unix environments, and another for Windows.
class ZephyrAppCommandsDirective(Directive):
This is a Zephyr directive for generating consistent documentation
of the shell commands needed to manage (build, flash, etc.) an application.
For example, to generate commands to build samples/hello_world for
qemu_x86 use::
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/hello_world
:board: qemu_x86
:goals: build
Directive options:
which tool to use. Valid options are currently 'cmake', 'west' and 'all'.
The default is 'cmake'.
if set, the commands will change directories to this path to the
like \:app:, but includes instructions from the Zephyr base
directory. Cannot be given with \:app:.
which build system to generate. Valid options are
currently 'ninja' and 'make'. The default is 'ninja'. This option
is not case sensitive.
which host OS the instructions are for. Valid options are
'unix', 'win' and 'all'. The default is 'all'.
if set, the application build will target the given board.
if set, the application build will target the given shield.
if set, the application build will use the given configuration
file. If multiple conf files are provided, enclose the
space-separated list of files with quotes, e.g., "a.conf b.conf".
if set, additional arguments to the CMake invocation
if set, additional arguments to the build invocation
if set, the application build directory will *APPEND* this
(relative, Unix-separated) path to the standard build directory. This is
mostly useful for distinguishing builds for one application within a
single page.
a whitespace-separated list of what to do with the app (in
'build', 'flash', 'debug', 'debugserver', 'run'). Commands to accomplish
these tasks will be generated in the right order.
if set, this indicates the reader may have already
created a build directory and changed there, and will tweak the text to
note that doing so again is not necessary.
if set, the generated output is a single code block with no
additional comment lines
has_content = False
required_arguments = 0
optional_arguments = 0
final_argument_whitespace = False
option_spec = {
'tool': directives.unchanged,
'app': directives.unchanged,
'zephyr-app': directives.unchanged,
'generator': directives.unchanged,
'host-os': directives.unchanged,
'board': directives.unchanged,
'shield': directives.unchanged,
'conf': directives.unchanged,
'gen-args': directives.unchanged,
'build-args': directives.unchanged,
'build-dir': directives.unchanged,
'goals': directives.unchanged_required,
'maybe-skip-config': directives.flag,
'compact': directives.flag
TOOLS = ['cmake', 'west', 'all']
GENERATORS = ['make', 'ninja']
HOST_OS = ['unix', 'win', 'all']
def run(self):
# Re-run on the current document if this directive's source changes.
# Parse directive options. Don't use os.path.sep or os.path.join here!
# That would break if building the docs on Windows.
tool = self.options.get('tool', 'cmake').lower()
app = self.options.get('app', None)
zephyr_app = self.options.get('zephyr-app', None)
generator = self.options.get('generator', 'ninja').lower()
host_os = self.options.get('host-os', 'all').lower()
board = self.options.get('board', None)
shield = self.options.get('shield', None)
conf = self.options.get('conf', None)
gen_args = self.options.get('gen-args', None)
build_args = self.options.get('build-args', None)
build_dir_append = self.options.get('build-dir', '').strip('/')
goals = self.options.get('goals').split()
skip_config = 'maybe-skip-config' in self.options
compact = 'compact' in self.options
if tool not in self.TOOLS:
raise self.error('Unknown tool {}; choose from: {}'.format(
tool, self.TOOLS))
if app and zephyr_app:
raise self.error('Both app and zephyr-app options were given.')
if generator not in self.GENERATORS:
raise self.error('Unknown generator {}; choose from: {}'.format(
generator, self.GENERATORS))
if host_os not in self.HOST_OS:
raise self.error('Unknown host-os {}; choose from: {}'.format(
host_os, self.HOST_OS))
if compact and skip_config:
raise self.error('Both compact and maybe-skip-config options were given.')
# Allow build directories which are nested.
build_dir = ('build' + '/' + build_dir_append).rstrip('/')
num_slashes = build_dir.count('/')
source_dir = '/'.join(['..' for i in range(num_slashes + 1)])
# Create host_os array
host_os = [host_os] if host_os != "all" else [v for v in self.HOST_OS
if v != 'all']
# Create tools array
tools = [tool] if tool != "all" else [v for v in self.TOOLS
if v != 'all']
# Build the command content as a list, then convert to string.
content = []
cd_to = zephyr_app or app
tool_comment = None
if len(tools) > 1:
tool_comment = 'Using {}:'
run_config = {
'host_os': host_os,
'cd_to': cd_to,
'board': board,
'shield': shield,
'conf': conf,
'gen_args': gen_args,
'source_dir': source_dir,
'build_args': build_args,
'build_dir': build_dir,
'zephyr_app': zephyr_app,
'goals': goals,
'compact': compact,
'skip_config': skip_config,
'generator': generator
if 'west' in tools:
w = self._generate_west(**run_config)
if tool_comment:
paragraph = nodes.paragraph()
paragraph += nodes.Text(tool_comment.format('west'))
if 'cmake' in tools:
c = self._generate_cmake(**run_config)
if tool_comment:
paragraph = nodes.paragraph()
paragraph += nodes.Text(tool_comment.format(
'CMake and {}'.format( generator)))
if not tool_comment:
content = [self._lit_block(content)]
return content
def _lit_block(self, content):
content = '\n'.join(content)
# Create the nodes.
literal = nodes.literal_block(content, content)
literal['language'] = 'console'
return literal
def _generate_west(self, **kwargs):
content = []
board = kwargs['board']
goals = kwargs['goals']
cd_to = kwargs['cd_to']
build_dir = kwargs['build_dir']
kwargs['board'] = None
cmake_args = self._cmake_args(**kwargs)
cmake_args = ' --{}'.format(cmake_args) if cmake_args != '' else ''
# ignore zephyr_app since west needs to run within
# the installation. Instead rely on relative path.
src = ' {}'.format(cd_to) if cd_to else ''
dst = ' -d {}'.format(build_dir) if build_dir != 'build' else ''
goal_args = ' -b {}{}{}{}'.format(board, dst, src, cmake_args)
if 'build' in goals:
content.append('west build{}'.format(goal_args))
# No longer need to specify additional args, they are in the
# CMake cache
goal_args = '{}'.format(dst)
if 'sign' in goals:
content.append('west sign{}'.format(goal_args))
for goal in goals:
if goal == 'build' or goal == 'sign':
elif goal == 'flash':
content.append('west flash{}'.format(goal_args))
elif goal == 'debug':
content.append('west debug{}'.format(goal_args))
elif goal == 'debugserver':
content.append('west debugserver{}'.format(goal_args))
elif goal == 'attach':
content.append('west attach{}'.format(goal_args))
content.append('west build -t {}{}'.format(goal, goal_args))
return content
def _mkdir(self, mkdir, build_dir, host_os, skip_config):
content = []
if skip_config:
content.append("# If you already made a build directory ({}) and ran cmake, just 'cd {}' instead.".format(build_dir, build_dir)) # noqa: E501
if host_os == "unix":
content.append('{} {} && cd {}'.format(mkdir, build_dir, build_dir))
elif host_os == "win":
build_dir = build_dir.replace('/','\\')
content.append('mkdir {} & cd {}'.format(build_dir, build_dir))
return content
def _cmake_args(self, **kwargs):
board = kwargs['board']
shield = kwargs['shield']
conf = kwargs['conf']
gen_args = kwargs['gen_args']
board_arg = ' -DBOARD={}'.format(board) if board else ''
shield_arg = ' -DSHIELD={}'.format(shield) if shield else ''
conf_arg = ' -DCONF_FILE={}'.format(conf) if conf else ''
gen_args = ' {}'.format(gen_args) if gen_args else ''
return '{}{}{}{}'.format(board_arg, shield_arg, conf_arg, gen_args)
def _generate_make(self, **kwargs):
build_args = kwargs['build_args']
source_dir = kwargs['source_dir']
goals = kwargs['goals']
compact = kwargs['compact']
build_args = ' {}'.format(build_args) if build_args else ''
cmake_args = self._cmake_args(**kwargs)
content = []
content.extend(['cmake{} {}'.format(cmake_args, source_dir)])
if not compact:
'# Now run make on the generated build system:'])
if 'build' in goals:
for goal in goals:
if goal == 'build':
content.append('make {}'.format(goal))
return content
def _generate_ninja(self, **kwargs):
build_args = kwargs['build_args']
source_dir = kwargs['source_dir']
goals = kwargs['goals']
compact = kwargs['compact']
build_args = ' {}'.format(build_args) if build_args else ''
cmake_args = self._cmake_args(**kwargs)
content = []
content.extend(['cmake -GNinja{} {}'.format(cmake_args, source_dir)])
if not compact:
'# Now run ninja on the generated build system:'])
if 'build' in goals:
for goal in goals:
if goal == 'build':
content.append('ninja {}'.format(goal))
return content
def _generate_cmake(self, **kwargs):
host_os = kwargs['host_os']
cd_to = kwargs['cd_to']
zephyr_app = kwargs['zephyr_app']
host_os = kwargs['host_os']
build_dir = kwargs['build_dir']
skip_config = kwargs['skip_config']
compact = kwargs['compact']
generator = kwargs['generator']
num_slashes = build_dir.count('/')
mkdir = 'mkdir' if num_slashes == 0 else 'mkdir -p'
content = []
os_comment = None
if len(host_os) > 1:
os_comment = '# On {}'
for host in host_os:
if host == "unix":
if os_comment:
if cd_to:
prefix = '$ZEPHYR_BASE/' if zephyr_app else ''
content.append('cd {}{}'.format(prefix, cd_to))
elif host == "win":
if os_comment:
if cd_to:
prefix = '%ZEPHYR_BASE%\\' if zephyr_app else ''
backslashified = cd_to.replace('/', '\\')
content.append('cd {}{}'.format(prefix, backslashified))
content.extend(self._mkdir(mkdir, build_dir, host, skip_config))
if not compact:
if not compact:
content.append('# Use cmake to configure a {}-based build system:'.format(generator.capitalize())) # noqa: E501
if generator == 'make':
elif generator == 'ninja':
return content
def setup(app):
app.add_directive('zephyr-app-commands', ZephyrAppCommandsDirective)
return {
'version': '1.0',
'parallel_read_safe': True,
'parallel_write_safe': True